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If you are a liberal or an independent who still supports or 'kind of' supports Obama, what ends that?

What is your deal breaker?

For me it is health care. I respect some of those who don't want government provided health care. I understand their concerns and disagree with them.

As passionately as they feel about the Public Option I feel about Private Health Insurance companies. I hate them. I'd even be willing to do 'coops' if they outlawed for profit Health Insurance companies, but I don't hear anyone talking about that.

Though I lean left, I am moderate on many economic or foreign policy issues, and my loyalty has limits. After reading today about 'anonymous' aids in the White House eager to take on the 'progressive' wing of the Democritic party, I decided that I'm taking a stand.

Either Obama declares what he is and isn't for in the Health Care debate, so these 'anonymous' sources are discounted or true once and for all or I'm done.

What is YOUR breaking point?


"People like me" huh?

I was AT Obama's inauguration. Were you?

I gave THOUSANDS of dollars to elect the man. Did you?

I made phone calls for him.

I've shown up at rallies since he was elected at his request.

I AM willing to accept a form of health care that gives me a choice, any MEANINGFUL choice besides For Private Health Care companies.

And "anonymous" sources inside of the white house are eager to screw me over. If I can't get health care from somewhere else besides private health care companies then Obama has failed me and everything I worked for to get him elected.

I. Will. Not. Be. Triangulated.

Update 2:

Chet: The GOP is not an option for me. I completely agree. Until they, as a party, disavow George W. Bush and Sarah Palin (which I do not ever see happening) the Democrats are the best realistic alternative.

But there is a difference between voting and supporting them. No money. No volunteering. Nothing.

A check box on a ballot is the tiniest part of what I can do, and even then I will also do everything I can (beyond what I'm doing) to find ways for a viable third party to take power.

7 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    I think this is an example of what the right just doesn't seem to get (and I know you say you lean left): Its not anything that's "wrong", "right" or "not right enough" about Obama. Its all about what is completely wrong with the GOP.

    Breaking point? What does that matter when I don't have viable alternative candidates top choose from? The breaking point if I can vote for a real contender is much lower than it is if I have to choose a nutso Plain and geriatric (OK, sure, honorable, but past his prime) McCain. When all I see is a campaign of anger and misinformation and no good ideas, I have very few, if any options.

    The GOP needs to stop worrying about what they don't don't like about Obama, take a good look in the mirror and get a dramatic face-lift. What they need are more coherent, calmly pitched alternative ideas, and less acting like a bunch of rednecks on meth (see: town howlers).

    The stuff about govt provided health care... that would be one option, but not the only one. Our present system will not continue whether we like it or not; it is simply an unsustainable business model. But OK, fair enough, if people are intelligently opposed t Obama's alternative, lets hear another idea (and tort reform, though important) is not enough on its own. Ideas GOP? Anyone? Bueller? All I hear back is crickets, or more often, angry hate speech from misinformed town howlers.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Compromise! Obama wants to shove the bill down everybodys throats, his way or the highway, but the way he's doing it, doesn't sit well with the American people and they are resisting. Panic passing of the bill will hurt Democrats in the long run. Some are saying Conservatism is dead, but those saying that haven't been around that long. The democrats attempt at gutting what we have and replacing it with something entirely new at such a great expense to all Americans is not the right way. Yet you try to sneak it by and shove it down our throats. The President tells us to get out of the way and let him fix the mess. He's frustrated, because it wasn't as easy as he claimed. But then the left are like children wanting what they want. A better approach would be to discuss it and work out the specifics. The left, throwing tantrums, says that's not fast enough, whine and attack the right. So the right has to dig in, because the left won't listen to reason, so now the President is at political war with the people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    that's you're breaking point?

    that he's working to pass some health care legislation and he may have to bend a little to get it passed?

    people like you are why HEALTH CARE REFORM ALWAYS FAILS...

    all or nothing... and you ALWAYS GET NOTHING...

    and probably will again this time... because of people like you...

    and I don't know what my breaking point would be? a war based on a lie... there would be many, but none that he seems to be close to doing...

    EDIT: and as I said, and as you can see in congress... you're going to end up with zero reform at the end of the day... if you want to stick to your guns

    nice to see all your hard work "paid off" lol

    if this is going to get done (anytime in the next 10 years), it WILL be in baby steps or not at all..

    I DON'T LIKE IT... but that seems very apparent to be the political situation...

  • Visee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    there is no single issue that is a deal breaker, but the totality of decisions and actions by President Obama that determine whether I continue to support him.

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  • gone
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    My 1st thought was bringing back the military draft.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He would have to do something wrong to lose my support so far he has done no wrong.

  • 1 decade ago

    its a safe statement to make that there may not have been an israel witthout Hitler.

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