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Jess asked in Consumer ElectronicsCamcorders · 1 decade ago

I'm looking for a good camcorder for short films...any suggestions?

I need one that is mac compatible, has clear picture and sound, USB connection, and high CCD...I'm willing to spend a good amount of money, so any suggestions would be great:)

3 Answers

  • kit
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    JVC Everio GZ-MG505

    # Up to 37 hours of recording with 30GB internal hard disk drive

    # 2.7-inch 16:9 widescreen clear LCD monitor

    # 5-megapixel + 3CCD for high-quality digital stills of up to 2560x1920 image size

    Canon VIXIA HV40 HD HDV Camcorder with 10x Optical Zoom

    # HDV format delivers high-definition video to miniDV tape

    # Genuine Canon 10x HD video lens; SuperRange Optical Image Stabilizer

    # DIGIC DV II image processor; 24p Cinema Mode, 30p Progressive Mode

    # 2.7-inch Multi-Angle Vivid Widescreen LCD

  • 1 decade ago

    I have shot a low budget full length feature on my canon XL-2. The quality is still top of the line even though its not HD/ the canon shots video or 24 p which is THE FILM LOOK, However it is broadcast quality and its quality looks as good as HD. MANY MOVIE HAVE BEEN SHOT ON THIS CAMERA or

    SEE THIS LINK were i have shot a commercial in my living room on the CANON xl-2. The best thing is that 1. youtube list it as hd and because quality is so high and you don't have to worry about your footage being on a video camera hard drive because it tapes on mini dv, and dump direct through firewire to computer and unlike all the hd camcorders you don't have to convert the file Extension. plus you get interchangeable lens so you CAN USE WIDE ANGLE LENS and its affordable especially on ebay or Craig's list. I paid $4800.00 when it first came out but now you can get them on ebay for like $2000.00 - $3000.00 Not to mention the audio is superb / second to none. I have had my canon xl-2 since 2004 and IT HAS NOT BEEN IN THE SHOP FOR REPAIRS, NO ONE TIME.

    Source(s): GO TO THIS YOUTUBE SITE. EVERYTHING ON THIS PAGE WAS SHOT WITH THE CANON XL-2 everyone thinks i shoot on HD. film making is suppose to be about creating and illusion and in my opinion HD tells the truth too much. For the record i have shot on hand held HD camcorders but in my expericince it is hard to get a stable shot with a hand held, your not always gonna shoot with a try pod and the heavier canon xl-2 is larger that any hand held. they even shoot a lot of reality shows with the canon xl-2, like THE HILLS on MTV
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    a Zi8 isn't bad

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