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How can I stop my 2.5 year old baby from hitting me?

My daughter is 2.5 years old. She hits me a lot, doesn't listen to me at all, breaks everything and when I try to stop her from doing something, she screams and cries so loud, it makes me very nervous and depressed. I tried not to discipline her because I wanted her to have self confidence. My father was physically abusive and that's why I don't have confidence, so I wanted her to have a different childhood, but unfortunately it's gone to an extreme. She is only 2.5, but she is very strong. She breaks doors, cabinets and when she hits me and kicks me repeatedly I get really hurt physically and emotionally. But no matter what I can't get myself to discipline her, I feel so guilty if I control her.

Sometimes I figure some ways out by watching super nanny, and I want to implement that on her, like time out. But my husband interferes and doesn't let me try any new way. My husband is also very controlling and emotionally abusive. He doesn't hit me but verbal, emotional, mental abuse and constant lies and secretive behavior is a daily routine. Silent treatment and sexual withholding is what I am getting from him. He can't see a single amount of power or happiness in me, and tries to shut me up instantly.

The problem is, I have a conditional Green card which is getting replaced by permanent green card in almost 7-9 months. I am planning on leaving my husband because I still have some self respect left, and hope that if I get away from him, in time, I will be able to be independent and have some self esteem back. But I don't know how to deal with my daily realities.

Do you have any suggestions?

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you have received some excellent advice so far. i have had discipline problems with my daughter who is almost 4 now. -you should hear how she talks to me. and it is all because i was afraid to be too tough on her like my parents were on me.

    the pediatrician gave me a condensed version of the book "1-2-3 Magic" it is a book on discipline.

    here is the basics that i use, have rules. only a couple of basic rules that will apply in your home.

    mine are: *no hitting/biting

    *no yelling

    *be polite


    -the list should include some do's and some don'ts. when your child breaks a rule give them 1 warning, if they keep it up 2nd warning, and on the 3rd warning they go to the naughty step/corner/time out spot... whatever your timeout spot is or is called...

    *and the idea is that after a while of this your child will usually only need one warning to correct their behavior. but you have to be very consistent! don't let it slide just this one time because that sends the wrong message and you start all over.

    the rule is basically 1 minute for every year of age in the time out. so your child should be there for 2 1/2 minutes. i don't bring my daughter out until she has stopped having a tantrum. so she could be there almost 5 minutes sometimes. anyways when you removed your child from timeout tell them what they did wrong, "we don't hit, it isn't nice" and give an alternantive. i have learned my mistakes with my daughter so with my son who is 1 i started right away, when he hit i told him "no we don't hit we give loveys" and i used his hands to pet my face instead of smack. -he has learned and since stopped hitting. so find an alternative that is acceptable for your child.

    *also when you are out in public and your child is breaking a rule, find a time out spot there as well. i have numerous times had to put my daughter in timeout at the grocery store. some people will stare, some will laugh, and some will give you dirty looks. ignore them all. you are teaching your kid that you mean business every where.

    you don't have to squash who your child is as a person, you don't have to spank, you don't have to be mad or feel mean. in fact you should do this all very calmly. kids are master manipulators and if they see something makes you mad or makes you yell they will keep doing it even if they get in trouble. so be very matter of fact and straight. it is helping with my daughter, who i wish i had done better with when she was still smaller. it does get harder the older they get, so jump on it now.

    as for your husband, he needs to stop undermining your parenting. you are supposed to be a united front so the kid cannot manipulate. also it sounds like a very unstable environment to raise a child in. whether the abuse is physical or emotional or mental it is still abuse. you know your situation best, if he cannot or will not change then leave if you have to.

    i hope any of this helps. :)

  • 1 decade ago


    Start by encouraging her when she does positive things, and refrain from punishing her when she does negative things.

    She is doing this because it works, she gets away with it, and usually she gets her way.

    If a child sees something that pushes your buttons, enfuriates you and something that she can really get away with, she will do it when you piss her off.

    Children are more like adults than you think.

    Nip it in the bud, you know when she's starting to have an episode, so before it starts whip her right into a time-out chair or room. This will show her that your boundaries are actually more tight than originally thought. She'll try and break you for a while, cry and apologize but don't give in, for the love of god don't give in or a new routine will begin once she knows how to break you in a new situation.

    Eventually once she knows that you are solid as stone, she will stop doing the things that is making you so mad.

    Common things for 2.5 year olds are biting, hitting, slapping, foul language, hurtful language, screaming and tantrums. It's called the terrible two's because its the timeframe in which a child sets their boundaries.

    Don't be walked all over by a two year old.


    Source(s): Just yesterday I had to time-out a 2.5 year old for biting a hole in a christmas-themed table cloth. Was not impressed.
  • 1 decade ago

    Isn't there a psychological pattern in your life? How come everyone in your life is abusive to you (mentally or physically)? I'm not judging you or anything. However, I don't think anyone can give you a curable solution unless you can be strong mentally and be confident for yourself.

    Your problem is way higher than how to stop your 2.5 year old baby from hitting you. Your problem is how to stop a abusive relationship for people around you. You should seek for a professional help to yourself before you can discipline your baby.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Your child is being a baby - because he IS a baby! Just because he can walk and run and say a few words, doesn't mean that he is a rational child or capable of understanding everything you want him to. He wants what he wants when he wants it - and obviously he can't have it like that all the time. Find one rule of dicipline and stick with it. Be consistent. If he is not allowed to do something one day, then he can't do it any day. Don't send mixed messages. Everyone, including your spouse or any family or caregivers, everyone has to be on board. Also, when he does something good - Praise, Praise, Praise! You will get through it, and so will he! Good Luck!

  • Annie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Does your husband ever have to be with her without you? He needs to see how she acts. Hitting is not acceptable and needs to be stopped in its tracks. If it is not stopped, you will be the mother of a young girl who thinks its ok to slap you and hit you. NO way is this right. Your husband is not the one who has to be with her 24/7, you are. Just do as you please and use time outs while he is gone. You need to think of her future and what kind of person you want her to be. She will hit in school and be a bully. If she hits you, give her a warning and if she repeats hitting, put her into the corner for 1 minute for her age, so 2 minutes. Then explain why you put her there and if she does it again. BAck in the corner. YOu have to be very consistent and firm about this. It will work in time.

    Wait 7 months for your green card and then get away from your jerk of a husband. I do know what I am talking about as far as discipline. I have been a nanny for 17 yrs and also raised 2 children of my own.

    Source(s): Nanny and Life lessons
  • Aggie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    First off, they call it the "Terrible Two's" stage for a reason. That's right, it's a normal, natural phase that all children go through. They are testing their strengths and their limits. Obviously, that doesn't mean you have to accept their behavior and allow your house to go to ruins.

    First of all, you have to get yourself and your child away from the toxic environment your husband is creating. Abuse is abuse, even if it's not physical. Then again, if he's perfectly okay with one type of abuse, he might be okay with others as well.

    As far as your child is concerned, there's a big difference between "self-confidence" and spoiling her to the point where she's allowed to get away with anything and everything. You need to set up boundaries. Because of her age, you might be able to get across to her, in words that she understands, that the hitting and kicking she does, hurts you. Try talking to her and ask her why she hits or kicks or breaks. Most likely, she's at the stage where she's trying to express herself but doesn't have all the vocabulary to verbalize what she's thinking, so she acts out physically. And there's no need to get emotionally hurt by her actions - she's not doing it on purpose to get back at you for something. And don't be afraid of giving her a time-out or taking something away for a short period. It's not going to scar her for life. Or, if you see her about to destroy something, try distracting her with an activity.

    Are there any community or online groups for new parents you can get involved in? Any women in your neighborhood with children who might have gone through many of the same parenting issues you have, that you can talk to?

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok girl first off you need to start getting yourself some help and as soon as you can get out of there. and take your baby with you. You get some help with her as she has seen alot in her little life and these fits help her get your attention negative attention but attention. I had simalar case although there was physcial abuse and my 2 1/2 year old daughter threw her bikes at me her toys hit me call me B@#@$ because he told her that was my name not mommie. Now she is 14 and doesn't remember him. He hit my precious angel and that was it. i'll be your punching bag but you don't touch her. Good bye. And that was years ago and I ain't looked back. My daughter is a beautiful 14 year old straight A student and has a stepfather who worships the ground she walks on and has since she made him mad a few months after we started dateing (she was 3) and he was going to leave and she told him "Fine but don'[t forget your pillow" and he fell in love with her after that. Get on with your life as soon as you can and make a better one for your daughter. Teach her dignity and respect especially self respect.

  • 1 decade ago

    First off, the problem that you have with your daughter hitting you is only going to be solved by you standing up and letting her know that you will not tolerate that kind of treatment. You don't have to be abusive to get that through to her but you are going to have to be consistent. You said that you feel guilty if you control her, but you are not controlling her, she is controlling you. If you don't change her attitude now she is going to treat you the same way your husband does when she gets older. You have to discipline her because she is just a baby. Think of it as teaching instead of discipline. You are trying to teach her acceptable behavior. I know that you probably love her with all your heart. How would you feel if people did not want to be around her because she is terrible? I know that would probably break your heart. If you do not discipline her and teach her manners and how to conduct herself you are going to set her up for failure in life. Don't do that to her. As for your husband, do what you need to do. But you need to stand up to him too. He will treat you the way he does as long as you let him. Let him know that you are not going to take him treating you badly and many times it will stop. If it does not move on as soon as you can, for you and your daughter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ha Ha Ha!! I am sorry to be mean but I can't stop laughing at this. My son keeps asking me whats funny.

    If this is a joke its great. My youngest son breaks every damn thing I own.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you have to smack some sense into her, spare the rod and spoil the child, u better do it or she will keep doing it and as she grows are hits wont become weaker you know? how can you an adult be complaining that a baby is hitting you?

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