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Lv 43,297 points

stacy g

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Pet groomer with 2 children 12 and 19 I have 5 dogs and 14 cats and 1 parakeet.Like emerealds and favorite food is German food.

  • would a gemini and a libra be compatiable?

    I want to know if a gemini and a libra are compatable. Female gemini and male Libra. we have a lot in common and get along well but are our signs truely compatable, or if this will be more of a frienship thing.

    7 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • do you think someone has put evil on our family?

    Ok so like it all started about 6 months ago my husband I guess just woke up mad he started getting ugly with me and my daughters we live together but are seperated right now due to whatever this. He is not physically abusive but has started verbally abusing us. Any way the last few months have been even worse. I had a dream or vision about a spell that was cast upon us called LaVarouge. I told my husband about this dream and he just spaced me off. Then on Saturday he called me asking that me and my daughter go to our local catholic church and light some candles and pray for our family cause he believed there is evil put upon our family. So we did and brought some Holy water home and blessed and prayed at all doorways and intrances into the home as well as the home it self. I felt a sense of relief untill yesterday things felt weird while I was at church i really didn't want to leave the church but I did and came home. My husband came home from work and had not known what happened during the day but he apparently told his boss off and also told my daughter off when she had called him but she didn't know what he was talking about and he doesn't remember her calling. He came home and it is like their is something that angers him dearly cause he started getting angry with a quickness just by someone opening their mouth up. I fear it has gotten worse and my horoscope told me it would get worse before it gets better. I do believe in God, magic and all that so any advice you can give to help our family I love my husband and I know he loves me and our children but I am begining to fear him and I don't like that. Please I need some help. If you'd like to e-mail me instead of leaving your answer for all you can e-mail me at

    7 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Second life? I need help pleeze?

    I signed up for second life and it keep saying it crashed or froze. everbody keeps telling me to sign up it's fun but I have been signed up for a few days and haven't harldy been able to get on second life. Anyone else experience this? And how can I get it to work or is there some other site to meet people like Second life for friendship only. Just like to chat i am a Gemini what can I say

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Gemini and cancer? Comatable and r we soul mates?

    I am gemini born 6-7-1973 and my husband is cancer born 7-6-1972 can we be soulmates? We were told we were years ago. Is he the one I am supposed to spend my life with or just have in my life like a friend. We are having some rocky roads in our life and I need to know if I should hold on or just give up. We can communicate through telepathy when he is not around and right now it is really strong I can feel his pain he is ill.

    10 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • ok so what the does he want from me?

    My husband doesn't want to be married cause I am not the perfect wife, so like we still live together he works out of town alot and I stay home with my daughter and our four legged children and have a more than full time job outside. So he is ill has a rare disease and he needs constant medical treatment anyway a few months ago the renewal came up and I showed it to him asked if he wanted to send the check blahblahblah. He said no was going to have the bank auto it out now tonight he is p^&* at me because he says he needs to get him a personal assistant. I think besides his long term illness he is going through his mid life crisis. I try so hard just to help him and he just gets angry at me

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What is second life on line?

    My husband who keeps telling me to go on line and check out this site it is fun. How can I checkout his profile. To see if he is trying to cheat on me? He had me check his email and I saw that he signed up for it. why would he do this

    3 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • is this a repressed memory or something?

    When i was 21 I was hypnotyized by a man per my husbands request to find out why I had such fear of men and yet submissive to them even through sex and I have lately recalled some 15 years later that something happend with my dad when I was about 11 years old. I have dreams about it and I wake up crying uncontrollably. And I cry for hours. I remember some of the things that happened to me as a young child. Many times we were left alone all under the age of 7 with these men to babysit us while my mom and aunt were out partying. These men raped all 5 of us 7 to 6 months of age. We were molested by many men also including a foster brother at a foster house I was at. At 11 I was violently raped for a year and a half by a friends dad who would spike our drinks take pictures of us naked and make us do things with him when we were out of touch. I sometimes feel as though my dad has made comments from time to time about it. Comments like I made you a woman and then i ask what he said he says who me. When I have dreams I see me about 11 years old the same time my friends dad was doin his stuff that my dad one night had sex with me and I asked him to stop but he told me I was his and he could have me it is in the bible he said. He always said I looked just like my mother. Lately I have seen her in my face as I am getting older and wonder if this truely happend to me . Please help

    2 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Do you think it is possible after 11 years together he is bored and thinks he can get someone better?

    My husband has pretty much told me I wasn't the perfect wife and doesn't want to be married to me but yet hasn't filed a divorce or anything and we still live in the same house sleep in the same bed together and do things as a family. Just no sex or emotions. He introduces me as his wife and talks to friends and family like everything is ok at home. He told me because of me and my girls and our tender caring hearts that taught him to love, heput his guard down and then his family walked all over him. He says that is why he has to be a dick to me. But yet his mother and sisters changed there numbers on him and called him months later for money. he gave it to his mom and tells her he loves her but I care for him and she kept abandoning him when he was a child. what did I do so wrong. Do you think he is having a mid life crisis or something

    6 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What about this BS huh?

    My husband and I are having some seious issues in our marrige right now we are seperated but livng together still anyway I wanted this beautiful expensive necklace and I got it but he had my daughters put their name on it they are 21 and 14 and could no way afford this necklace well anyways my husband and I were in the kitchen he came to me and looked at the necklace and said you know this is just a gift not a promise or anything and i just wanted to slap him and cry but I didn't I just politely smiled and walked away. This morning at about 5 am I woke up crying uncontrollably for like 2 hours My heart hurts so bad but I love my husband and we have been together 11 years. We have been through alot a few family members murdered, his mother with cancer his dad died in a farming accident and my husband is ill also. I didn't want to talk to him today but I picked up the phone anyway it was everything I could do not to cry and tell him how he insulted me. I want to tell him to take the necklace back but I totally love it and wanted it so bad. why would you spend that kind of money on someone if you don't love them? Sorry just really wanted to vent. Comments welcome Thanks for the ear

    10 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • What would you do if your friend did this?

    Ok so like my friend is a alchoholic and she gets pretty ugly when she is drinking. For nearly 9 years I have been her friend and have put up with her drunkness insults and her lies and straight up stupidity. My husband and I have been having problems and my friend thought my daughter was trying to get together with my husband which so was not true. Any way she got drunk got mad cause she misunderstood what I was saying cause I didn't agree with her and she started with her insults again, mind you she did this in text version, she 40 ish and anyway she was talking BS and I was begging her to stop her stuff and she kept telling me I needed to fix my own life and asked how my husband enjoyed #@## my daughter then called me an F#@$@ B^&*$^ Get the picture and I told her apparently she had something she wanted to say to me so I invited her over she did not come, now some month later she starts texting me again and i tried to explain how she has hurt me throughout the years and I can no longer support this relationship of ours anymore i could forgive her cause the bible tells me to but I can't forget all these years and all these pains she has bestowed upon me. I keep begging her to go on with her life get some help and sober up but then she gets more angry and keeps on and on. i told her that if she continued to text me and leave nasty ,messages I would file harrasement charges on her. Am I wrong should i continue with this abuse?

    5 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • help i need some serious waterproof makeup. i groom dogs, but want to still look pretty?

    I groom dogs for a living and I love my job but I can't wear makeup without looking like someone beat me at the end of the day. I am still fairly young and my husband thinks I should wear some makeup cause after work I have to run and be a mom and run here and there. I always look awful. Jeans t-shirt no make up but recently I found a wardrob that fits my style and personality and everyone likes it but I can't wear makeup and sometimes I would like to not have to worry about appling some real quick on my way to pick up my child or something. Not that I do that and drive,no way oh yeah and i can not wear Mary Kay products. Also I need a good eyemakeup remover that will take mascarra off. I have bought some products that take a week to come off no soap seems to remove yet it will smear on my eyes daily. tahnks

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • what would you do in my shoes?

    My husband and i have been married 8 1/2 years yet shortly after our 8 year anniversary he said he wanted a divorce and that after over 10 years he realized I was a mistake. I have a daughter who absolutely adores her and would rather stay with her step father than with me so the deal is that my husband is staying with me for her but yet wants no emotion between us no sex nothing, yet he calls my daughter over to him to give her love and hugs and kisses and I get nothing anymore and it tears me apart. I have 3 1/2 years untill she turns 18 but don't know if I can continue to stay. My heart aches for my love that has decided he doesn't love me but needs me in order to keep my daughter around. It is like a marrige of convience it is awful. I have taken care of him for 11 years as hill has a terminal illness that is treatable but not curable. latley the lab that makes his medicine was contaminated with a virus and it has been difficult for the lab to rid of the virus and he hasn't had treatment in 8 months. he is slipping away and people tell me this is why he is treating me this way. I have never cheated or anything like that in our relationship. everyone says I have been a good wife work fultime and care for my family. what should i do my aunts tell me to just leave my 14 year old with him if she wants to stay and come home. But I can't live without both.

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • need ideas on outside lighting?

    I want to decorate outside my house in tradional christmas style you know just pretty but plain white no colors, cartoon charactors just classic beauty. I live in a large 1 story brick home it has 3 windows and 1 large baystyle window at the front of the house and 3 windows and a bathroom window on the side of the house(i live on a corner)

    2 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade ago
  • I need to find and inexpensive health insurance can anyone help?

    My husband has a rare blood disorder and is on Medicare through Social security and we don't have alot of money but because of his illness it cost alot for suppliment insurance. Does anyone know how we can get some extra insurance that won't kill us we already lost our home because we spent so much on insurance and most places won't even cover this. Please only serious reply.

    13 AnswersInsurance1 decade ago