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Why do parents in the US refuse to learn the purpose and function of the human prepuce?

It seems like they are not getting enough information about normal human anatomy before they choose amputation.


I love it! I'm a "nazi" because i want people to be educated before they make a life altering decision for another person? What on earth is so horrible about learning?

Update 2:

Yes Steve, the entire YA community is aware of your fetish. Please refrain from responding unless you have something intelligible to say.

You are, however,proving my point that you know noting about the purpose and function of what you had amputated.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's the blind leading the blind. American doctors+the anecdotal evidence in favor of circumcision provided by a friend of a friend of a friend....utterly ridiculous. I couldn't imagine having surgery done on my child without actually researching it first.

    ***It's a personal decision- that's correct. However, personal decisions do not extend beyond your PERSON. Hence the term PERSONal. ugh the ignorance!***

    Source(s): American mommy to an intact boy
  • 1 decade ago

    Ignorance, Religion and Traditions....might as well leave it at ignorance, I guess.

    I am absolutely amazed that people will submit their children to cosmetic surgery without blinking an eye. Meanwhile, the same people who circumcise their children in America will denounce the body modification traditions in Africa such as tribal scars and mouth rings. Both are unnecessary procedures completed only due to traditions. Hypocritical much? The only difference between male circumcision and lip plates is that they have become accustomed to the idea because it is normal in their culture. If they grew up in Africa they would consider lip plates normal too. People need to question things, especially when it comes to the health and wellbeing of their children. Don't just accept circumcision because it has been historically and locally common. Educate yourself and do what is best for your child.

    I think people who throw out the word 'nazi' are nazis themselves. Dear God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because ignorance is bliss. I watched a circumcision before making my decision. That is something I will never get out of my mind. The screams alone still make me feel sick to think about. That video changed me. I have shown it to everyone and anyone I can. And you know what? None of my friends sons have a cut penis. And you know what else? Not one of them have had a problem. My sons body is perfect in it's entirety.

    And for those who say that you've "Never heard of a single man angry about one little piece of skin"...I welcome you to talk to my Partner. He is currently restoring his foreskin. He is very angry about what was done to him as a baby, and I can't say I blame him. He and his mother have no relationship, to which he largely credits to having no trust in her. The foreskin is attached to the penis in the same way your finger nail is attached to your finger. It is ripped off. It is not like a hang nail. It is a vital part of the male penis.

    You don't get to pick and choose what parts of your child's body are "acceptable" and those you deem "unclean". This isn't the Victorian era people. Look beyond your own sexual fetishes and see this matter for what it really is. Skinning your child's penis while they are awake with no anesthetic. <------- For those that think circumcision is okay.

    Source(s): I'm a mom, a doula, and a human rights activist.
  • 1 decade ago

    I love it when people say its a personal decision. They lack the intelligence to realize that they are making that personal decision for someone else, quite sad that they are even parents.

    Thankfully, I am an informed, American, circumcised man, and I will NEVER mutilate my sons penises.

  • 1 decade ago

    In many cases the father has been genitally mutilated also and will not accept the fact that he is missing anything, He would have to admit that his penis is not perfect, he would have to admit that his parents (especially his mother) had him mutilated. Very few have the ability to face those facts.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's because 'It's the done thing'. Fathers who have been circumcised want their sons to look the same as them to justify their own mutilation. Whatever these parents think, the foreskin is not just a piece of skin, it is a part of their son and should remain there.

    EDIT - It makes no difference to hygiene or infection rates, and the procedure should only be done WITH THE PATIENT'S FULL INFORMED CONSENT

    Source(s): From the UK, where circumcision is done rarely, and only for actual medical need
  • 1 decade ago

    Because it is easier to just do what they are familiar with or what people advise them to do, rather than to research it.

    In my experience, the baby's grandparents often have a heavy influence also.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The purpose is to have it removed! I was circumcised at 18 and can assure you it is far superior to being uncut. There is no loss of sensitivity and it is not mutilation. It is cleaner (uncircumcised can wash 3x a day and still have odor), it is healthier (one reason the World Health Organization and the Center of Disease Control want all males circumcised), it is better looking (do you really want an anteater between your legs) and it improves sexual function. Uncircumcised guys have no clue what they are missing! I had no hesistation to have my boys (5,3, 8mo) circumcised, because I know there is no downside, but there is a lifetime of benefits to be had. There is nothing good about being uncircumcised!

    You do sound like a foreskin Nazi!

    Source(s): Life experience
  • 1 decade ago

    It's nazi's like you that make me want to go get my son circumcised just to spite you, he's not a month old yet and that's the cutoff at the pediatricians.

    My best friend's nephew was circumcised for medical reasons, this scared her so she had her son circumcised. She knew all the risks, and we went along for support, that child didn't feel a thing at the procedure, or even afterwards, and it wasn't a plastibel. You can't miss what you never knew you had. I highly doubt her son is going to turn to her after he's fully grown and complain about some missing skin, more likely than not, full grown men don't talk about their penis' with their mom's. If it was completely useless, they wouldn't be circumcising tons of men and boys in africa and other 3rd world countries to cut down on the STD rates. The only reason my son isn't circumcised is because I left that up to his father, and since his father isn't circumcised, he wouldn't make a decision. I do know that I never had a single vaginal infection before being w/ my fiance, even when I was sleeping with a circumcised male whore who proudly numbers his ex lovers in the 100s. My fiance is the only "all there" guy I've been with, and I've had to have 15 different antibiotics in the last year or so while pregnant, the only place germs could of came from is him and his little cream cheese crud that harbors them and gives them a place to grow, despite frequent washing.

    So why do parents judge others for decisions that really have no bearing on them?

  • 1 decade ago

    I had two sons, one circumcised, one not, to match their dads' looks.

    Their fathers wanted it that way.

    I have never figured out why we continue to do that to our sons--not these "modern days."

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