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  • Searching for a song I heard on the radio- sounded like older rock, male singer- on a variety station?

    Lyrics went something like

    Our nights were hot(on fire or fine possibly), our days are where we fell apart, yada yada, something friends.

    It was about still being friends after breaking up.

    3 AnswersLyrics6 years ago
  • I started a sweet potato plant for the foliage, but it's moldy?

    Should I cut the mold off before I plant it? I cut a sweet potato into quarters and put them to root. Out of the four, I've got one with gorgeous root system and 12" of shoots growing out of the top. I had to trash the other 3. I want to transplant it to dirt, but am not sure, there is about 3 inches of potato sticking out of the top of the jar, and it's got mold growing. Should I just plant it, or shave off the outside, or spray it with something(what would I use to remove it?) The roots are getting too big for the jar, so I gotta do it today. Thanks for your help!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • My 3.5 year old's obsessive eating is causing problems in preschool?!?

    My son was recently diagnosed as potentially being ADHD, PDD, and having a mood disorder. He's very energetic. He doesn't sleep well at night. And he won't stop eating. He started preschool and is having behavioral issues directly related to mealtimes. He's taller than other kids his age, is a great weight for his age(42 lbs, 43inches), but he has started raging when he doesn't get food whenever he wants. He's struggling in preschool and I'm already at wits end with the teachers writing him up and telling me to fix it, but I have no idea how to fix it. He gets up, eats breakfast. Walks with older sissy and me to the busstop, eats a snack while there, then goes to preschool and gets a second breakfast at 930. By 10, he's acting out because he's hungry already. By 11 o'clock, he's ignoring directions/raging because he's starving. They have lunch at 1130. They feed the kids as much as they will eat until the servings are gone. He's eaten his own serving and as much leftovers as they are willing to give. They have an afternoon snack at 130 or so, then come home at two. As soon as he's home, he will eat a sandwich and/or snack, then eats another snack at the afternoon busstop, then whines hardcore until it's time for dinner. We eat dinner, then we have an hour before bedtime, during which he whines for a snack but doesn't usually get one, and he goes to bed. It's not Prader-willi unless they change the guidelines, he was not a floppy baby and isn't overweight. He's got the best abs I've ever seen on a 3 year old, to be honest. He was tested for diabetes already and they said he doesn't have it. Is there something I can look into or is this directly related to the mood disorder? He eats healthy meals, following the guidelines, and his snacks are usually protein instead of carbs. I am just at a total loss of what to do, the pediatrician may start listening to his teachers and quit telling me it's just a growth spurt now, but it's not helping in the meantime. I can't just go spend all day there, he won't behave at all when I'm there despite numerous attempts to teach him coping mechanisms.

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler8 years ago
  • Why does my pepper seedling wilt each time I take the greenhouse lid off?

    So I'm starting a bunch of small seedlings on my computer desk, a few inches below a grow light bulb. Basil, pansies, peppers, etc. I have 2 seemingly strong pepper plants in a mini greenhouse(miracle gro kit from walmart). I've tried a few times to remove the lid so I can harden them off a little bit, but each time I do, the plants lay down and wilt, but if I put the lid back on, an hour later they are standing strong again. Is this because they are in seed starter mix that's a bit shallow? I put cinnamon on top of the mix to prevent damping off, and the very tips of the leaves are brown, but otherwise we've seem to become stuck in a limbo. I'd like them to grow some more and potentially repot them(only 1 set of leaves so far), but I don't want to kill them.

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • I purchased strawberry plant seedlings in a bag- planting tips please?

    After I accidentally fried my strawberry plants that I had grown from seed, I was happy to find a bag of 10 plants at my local big box store. I grabbed an ever bearing and plan to grow them in containers.

    But I'm a bit confused as to planting procedures- are they plugs? Should I soak them for an hour in tepid water before putting them into the dirt? I have hanging bags I plan to move them to later in the season when my zone 5 finally climbs above nightly freezing temperatures, but for now I have 3 inch jiffy pots for them. Even if I don't have to soak, will they be harmed if I have to rinse the dirt off to differentiate between the plants? The planting tips on the back of the packaging are very lacking, and when I go to the website, they don't even have strawberries listed on their tips page. Help please, today's a gorgeous day with 60 degree temps and I want to get them into their pots asap. Thanks!

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • What type of lawsuit/court will we have to deal with in Pennsylvania?

    We're getting involved in a rental dispute with a former landlord.

    1. We moved out of that apartment over 2 years ago.

    2. Apartment was left in the same crappy condition it was in when we moved in(can't prove it), clean, front door didn't work, no holes, carpet cleaned, etc.

    3. Never recieved notice of intended damages, just a handwritten list presented to us through our in-laws(his tenents in another property) which included 350.00 for removing a single pea sized ball of sticky tack from the ceiling and damage for taking down lace curtain panels that were there when we moved in. Water damage from a roof leak, etc.

    4. He'd frequently arrive every other month after our lease expired and tell us we were being evicted because he got into a fight with his wife.

    5. When he found out we were moving into state housing, he literally tried to call in a favor to the commisioner and have them deny us housing for being bad tenents(We had lived in housing previously in a different county and actually had recieved our ENTIRE security deposit back because I take care of my place of residence).

    7. He's never approached us directly about any of these issues. He complains to my in-laws and tells THEM he's going to sue, never provides proof but has now said he'll accept 300 dollars in lieu of the 1750 he's going to sue us for) or put a lien on our van.

    8, He kept the entire 500 dollar security deposit instead of letting us have the 350 back that was due us after the 150 in rent we still owed was deducted. There was nothing but normal wear and tear on that apartment.

    9. He also kept an air conditioner that was worth over 100 dollars(digital thermostat) and threw out MY PROPERTY when we moved in- 100 foot garden hose, etc, because I wasn't allowed to use a hose so I didn't need it, my daughter's outside toys because we had no access to a yard, etc.

    10. He took our copy of our first yearly lease under the premise that he needed to make another one, then verbally stated that we'd do it month by month.

    So what kind of lawsuit is this? Personal damage/small claims court? We can't get our in-laws to help us because he's a vindictive landlord and they're scared they'll get kicked out.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate9 years ago
  • Can a toddler's allergies make him throw up at night, sporadically?

    My son is 27 months old. 3 weeks ago we went to the pedi for his yearly physical and he got a flu shot and one booster for his immunizations. That night, he got violently sick, threw up several times and was shaking due to freaking out. After talking to the pedi on the phone, it was dismissed as a slight reaction to the flu shot, and the next day he was fine and hasn't had any issues since. Tonight, however, I heard him hacking/coughing and when we checked on him, found that he had thrown up all over his bed again. We had something we have all the time for dinner(keilbasa and mac and cheese) and no one else is sick from it, so it's not food poisoning. We didn't go anywhere today, and there was no stress for him today, but the pollen count is extrememly high with the super warm spring we've been having, and he's been sounding a bit mucusy, like he has allergies. Now, he seems to take after my brother physically, and my brother suffers from post nasal drip to the point where he wouldn't eat a lot because he was always full. Obviously, I'm going to call the pedi in the morning but has anyone else ever had this happen to their child? What was the cause?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • Can someone walk me through a private party vehicle purchase in Pennsylvania?

    Seriously, I need a step by step, like when do we purchase the insurance, how do we do the transfer, when do we need to register, etc. Please only clear, concise answers, not "if your state requires this, you do this, and then that"

    We are purchasing a minivan from the red cross so I want to have all our ducks in a row, so to speak.

    2 AnswersBuying & Selling9 years ago
  • what is the model of a minivan that says "expresso" on the side?

    We're looking at purchasing a used minivan from our local red cross. It needs a little work, but drives well, only has 80k miles on it, and only needs a hose replaced and very minimal bodywork done on it. I haven't seen it up close, my husband and father in law are the ones wrangling the deal, I just know that it is supposedly a 2005 or 2006 and it says "expresso(?)" on the side. The question mark is a letter like D or a number 10. What kind of vehicle is this?

  • Is my 2 year old sick? Poops WAY too much!?

    So I never had to deal with poop too much with my daughter, she was lactose intolerant and always constipated. However, my son has recently started pooping too much. He produces at least 7 dirty diapers during the day. We change him, he poops. We change him, he poops. He's pooping more than he pees. We have not changed his diet in any way, and it's not diarrhea. He doesn't eat THAT much fiber. He's got the cleanest colon on this side of the mississippi, I swear. He's also a grunter, so we know when he's doing it. It's a fairly new development, started about 2 weeks back. He also has a slight hernia in his belly, it makes his belly button pop out when his tummy is full or he's straining to do something, but he's supposed to outgrow it sometime this year. I would cut back on his water intake, but he doesn't seem to pee enough as it is.

    I called the pediatrician, but they won't see us until their physicals in march, and since he has no fever or other symptoms, I guess it's not a big deal to them.

    Should I be worried? I wanted to start potty training, but the amount of poop he's putting out makes it impossible at this time. He just turned 2 in december, if the age matters.

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How long does it take and how much are parts for replacing a power steering fluid line?

    We're looking at buying a 2005 minivan with only 80k miles on it for 2500. The reason it's cheap is because it needs the power steering fluid line replaced.

    I know mechanic estimates are based on time and problem- so how long would a good estimate have for time needed, and what's a good amount for parts?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • Eww, cat urine or vomit?

    So we just adopted an 8 year old tomcat from the shelter after fostering him for the weekend. He's older, and lazy, and part maine coon. He doesn't like our son, but sleeps all day anyways, in our bedroom.

    We put up a gate to keep our son from bothering him, and left it high enough up to allow him the ability to leave our room whenever he wants for access to the litterbox.

    Anyways, last night as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the kitty horking like he was going to pass a hairball. This morning, in the same general area that the noise was coming from, there's a stain on the linoleum. It's very yellow and looks like pee, but has no urine odor. But there's no hair in it either. He uses the litterbox on a regular basis.

    He won't eat anything other than pounce treats and his dry food, but he is shedding his winter coat because the weather is freaky this year, so it's thinning out. Vet said he's healthy.

    Yesterday we discovered that he does actually like to play with feather wand type toys, and got him a good workout, so maybe all that movement upset his tummy?

    Can cat vomit look like pee?

    6 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • When to start preparing flower beds? Zone 5?

    So my daughter has convinced me to make a little flower bed by our front door(say 3x4 feet plot). Currently, there's some really tough grass growing there, and a bush to one side(that we cannot remove). I plan on laying down plastic on the grass, and making edging out of rocks, then pouring gardening dirt on top of the plastic. We're in zone 5, though up in the mountains on the PA/NY border and the newest map says 5a/5b. So when should I put the plastic down, and once that's done, should I put the dirt on top immediately, or wait a certain amount of time to make sure the plastic doesn't leech into the soil and let the grass flatten/die off underneath? Is it safe to leave the soil exposed to the elements snow/ windblown seeds? How deep should I make the dirt so the plants we'll purchase later on have the best rootbase? How many inches should I leave at the top for mulch?

    The reason I'm not digging up the grass is 1. the roots are VERY dense and tough to break through, and 2. there's a stoop to one side, the apartment to the back, the bush to the other, and the sidewalk in the front- I'd like to raise it above sidewalk level(Should I cut wide strips and place behind the stone wall to prevent the dirt from migrating?) Also, do I need to poke some holes in the plastic for drainage purposes?

    I've gardened before, but our last apartment had an extensive bordered/mulched flower bed that ran the length of the of the sidewalk out front and held bushes, I just had to keep it clean and plant my seedlings when I wanted to, I didn't have to build the actual bed ;)

    4 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years ago
  • When you think of an oriental garden, what type of vines do you see?

    Personally, when I see ivy, I think of old english construction/gardens. I'm decorating my living room in an oriental garden theme, and I want to hang some type of vine along the duct that travels along one entire wall. Fake, of course, but I might continue it all the way around the room if I can get it to look nice.

    So what type of vine would I look for? I know cherry blossoms are often associated with oriental gardens, but that's a tree, not a vine. Thanks!

    1 AnswerDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • What type of paint to use on the kitchen table legs?

    So I have a butcher block topped table that currently has white legs. I plan on ordering new chairs and a bench to match, those have white legs as well. I'm not allowed to paint my kitchen, which has white walls and white floors, so I plan on sanding the legs/white portions of them and painting it all a deep maroon, green or blue. I'd also like to do a gold marbling/sponge effect, What type of paint would be best for this outcome? I have a 2 year old boy, and a 5 year old girl, so it's gotta be hardy and stand up well to use.

    4 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Anyone else having problems with Yahoo! Mail on 1/22/12?

    I have deleted my excess 8 times, moved others to their appropriate folders, and still, everytime I come back, it's all there again, in the inbox, unread and unsorted. Anyone else having same issues? What gives?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail9 years ago
  • Drop biscuit recipe from pancake mix?

    So all I have is complete buttermilk pancake mix. My flour has earwigs in it, and I have no bisquick, canned biscuits, or a vehicle to go get any. I want to put dumplings in my beef stew. Any way to make it work?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes9 years ago
  • Are there any SUVs that have an adjustable rear seat?

    We're searching for a vehicle for our family, and our options are limited. My husband is 6'11" tall and has to put whatever seat he sits in as far back as it will go, as well as tilted back until it hits the rear seat. With high back booster and a convertible carseat back there, he literally drives with our sons feet on his shoulders, and my son, being an imp, consistantly kicks him while he's driving. Lol. We know we fit in a minivan, like a windstar, because his parents have one that we've borrowed on occasion. However, all the vans we've come across are either fit only for a junkyard, or out of our price range and we've begun looking for an SUV. But in order to fit, it should have a rear seat that can adjust to sit further back to give my husband the room he needs, and the kids the legroom they need. So do any types of SUVs have adjustable rear seats?

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation9 years ago
  • Help with this anagram?

    Clue is CHINESE CUISINE - - - it's 5 2 letter syllables, and I can't get it together- they are : TC TS TC NU LI

    Other answers are chop suey and wontonsoup in the same puzzle, so it may be more than one word, or not. Please help, thanks!

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years ago
  • How to convince my inlaws that we're just having a run of bad luck with pets?

    My mother in law is a bit of a harpy. We've recently started exploring the pets world for my 2 year old and my 5 year old. We adopted a kitten from the shelter. Within a week, he developed a sore eye, and a few weeks after that, his hips started giving out, as well as his bladder control. He couldn't walk, couldn't make it to the litterbox and we had to have him put down because the 800 dollars in vet visits resulted in "Well, it must be a genetic problem, I wish there was more we could do for him"

    So we moved on to a puggle. He's a year and a half old, and was rescued from his first home about 4 months ago by a woman who had no intention of keeping him, just wanted him out of the situation he was in. So he went to a relative of hers and was there for a week, but ended up bullying her four other dogs and in general being miserable because her first dogs didn't like him. Enter us- a family of 4, but my husbands on the road a lot. She told me he was a little bit hyper, social and crate trained. We've had him for about 2 weeks now, and it's been a nightmare- he's nipped at my 2 year old son. Jumps up on both the kids. Knows how to sit, but that's it. Pulls on the leash. We left him alone, in the laundry room today for an hour while we took my husband to the yard to go OTR for the next week and a half, and he's howled/whined/pissed off the neighbors the whole time we were gone. In the last 24 hours alone, he's 1. Slept on his bed, stood up and pissed on it, ruining it, without asking to go outside, only 45 minutes after his last trip out. 2. Gone out on the deck and pissed next to the door, instead of down to the grass where he normally goes 3. Dashed out the door and sent us on a 3 hour chase around the neighborhood. 4. Taken food out of my sons hand- my son was sitting at the table, eating his dinner, and the dog went up on his hind legs, then took the food that was almost in his mouth right out of his hand and 5. knocked me on my *** as I was getting out of the car because he managed to undo the seatbelt and get his safety harness loose. I've been working my *** off to train this dog to get along with our family, but everytime he starts to learn something, four other behaviors go flying out the window and it's becoming impossible to keep up. Plus the slavish devotion- this dog is 6 inches behind my feet at all times. He sticks his head into the shower curtain to watch me shower, lays next to me when I'm in the kitchen and trips me while I'm trying to clean. Sent him with the kids to be babysat while I had dental surgery last week, and he whined at the door the whole time I was gone, then jumped on my head and scratched my cheek where I have four oral stitches and worked 3 of them loose as soon as we got home. If I get up to walk from one end of my living room to the other- i.e to turn off a wall lamp, no where near the door, he gets up and follows me. I admit, I am a cat person and don't really care for the constant attention, but I'm also working very hard to not let it color my judgement of him. He's turning into a holy terror and no matter how hard I work to stop his bad behavior, it's adding up to be more than I can conceivably deal with.

    Now, I don't want to teach my kids that pets are disposable, they're really really not. But we're just having a bad time with this dog, and if he bites or steals food from one of my kids again, he's got to go. I can't even put him in the laundry room because he howls and whines and doesn't learn anything, and I don't want to beat him, that's not how they learn. I'm a bit over my head with this high energy idiot but am trying very hard to make it work. But my MIL keeps bitching at me everytime I make a remark like "I'm so frustrated!" or "The idiot dog chewed up my sports team blanket 2 hours after we had a particularly intense romp designed to wear him out AND when he was given a brand new chew toy earlier that day" I hear "It's like having another kid!" or my personal favorite "You can't take care of two human kids in a good manner, what made you think you could handle a dog? We told you not to have a second baby, let alone get a pet!" Or something like that. It's very tiring. And I'm convinced this animal isn't a dog but half demon- I've been around dogs my entire life and know bad behavior when I see it.

    4 AnswersDogs9 years ago