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Is there an age requirement for foster care?

I mean, I'm not stupid they're not going to let an 18 year old do foster care.

However, if your in your early twenties and are financially stable, would you be eligible?

My fiance and I have been together since we were in middle school and now were in college and planning our lifes. We don't have kids and don't plan to for a few more years. We have always had discusions about adoption or doing foster care. He was adopted internationally as a toddler and is in contact with both families. His adoptive family is great and made sure that he knew both families love him and they almost even shared time with him. I think the understanding of what an adoptee feels, or being switched between homes feels, would make him and I great canidates for foster parents.

I know we're not anywhere close to being ready for a child, let alone foster care, but I'm the type of person that does her research (and a lot of it) before making decisions. So I have a few questions if you folks are nice enough to answer =)

1.) What age do you typically have to be in order to be a foster parent. (Not just babies or toddlers, I would actually prefer a school aged child; but I would always help whenever needed by whoever.)

2.) Do they descriminate against mixed race couples. I'm Caucasion and he's Haitian (dark skinned). Well, I guess what I'm really asking is: would we be fostering just mixed race children, or would we be able to foster any race child. Obviously, I don't care what race a child is, but I'm asking out of curiosity.

3.) If there are any foster parents here: What types of emotions go through your head while being a foster parent? I'm sure you would feel bad for a child that was neglected by their parents, and enraged when they got sent back to said parents. Could you give me an idea of what you feel?

4.) What type of training is necessary to be a foster parent and how long does that training typically take.

Please, I know the adoption section is, well, downright hostile at times. So please forgive me if I used the wrong terms of if I'm asking something that offends you, please tell me! I'm learning, that's my goal.

+Spell check was not working. So forgive me if I spelled something wrong.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1.To provide foster care you need to be 21. All ages of children are placed in foster care from birth to 18. The need is there for caretakers of the babies as much as the older child.

    2.You would be called upon regardless of the race of the child unless you chose Not to foster a particular race.

    3.I've most likely experienced every emotion possible during my 34 yrs of fostering. Most of the time I was glad they went home or to a relatives home. One I still have bad feelings about---it shouldn't have happened the way it ended up. And time has proved that I was correct. Of course you realize that worse things happen to children besides neglect. For instances a 4 yr old with a black eye, a 2 yr old with burns on his tongue, the child who's been sexually abused, the battered child, and many other bad things. Something to consider---can you work with that bio parent to get their child back home ---I know may foster parents who can and do---I did for the last 10 yrs.

    Requirements here are the training, fingerprinting, references, home study,background check, etc. Requirements are not the same for all states. No one from the fire Marshall's dept comes to our homes. Smoke alarms and co2 alarms are required.

    4. We attend foster parenting for 9 weeks---one night a week for three. And then after all the paperwork and requirements are met you get a placement and the real training begins. Some states has a special person to help you who is on call 24 hrs a day---forever. We call it the hardest job you'll ever Love.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1.) You have to be 21 to apply for foster care. Before they even think about giving you a child, though, they come and inspect your house, make sure you have enough room, and the house itself isn't falling apart :) You can have an apartment, but they have to approve the amount of space/rooms.

    2.) At least in my area, it doesn't matter what race you are.

    3.) I am a first time foster mother to a 7 year old boy named Carson. His parents abused him, sold drugs, and did other things. He is not allowed to have contact with them for the time being, and I have yet to have him taken from us yet. All I know is that, at first, things are EXTREMELY frustrating. You have to get used to taking care of someone who is generally very sensitive, scared, and sometimes violent due to lack of communication skills/bad past. The first day Carson came to us, we asked him to do something and he gave us the finger. You just have to talk things out with them and get to the root of the problem rather than yelling, which is just about the worst thing you can do. Be PATIENT.

    4.) They usually offer parenting classes for you

    I wouldn't recommend taking on a foster child until you have had a few kids and are very confident with your parenting skills. They are great deep down, but are sometimes very hard to get through to and if you don't have too much experience getting through regular temper tantrums, you will have a very hard time at first. If you think you can handle it, though, I would say go for it. Foster caring gives you a great feeling and you are really helping someone out. Good luck with your research!

    Source(s): Foster mother
  • 1 decade ago

    You have to be 21 years old to fill out the application to be a foster parent, you also need to take parenting classes and have house checks, the fire marshall comes to the house and etc

    I dont see why they would care based on the color of your skin, it should be based on the love and support you can provide for the child.

    I am a foster parent to my brothers kids he lost them and I am 21 and care for them along with my own son the emotion are ALOT ALOT ALOT of stress if I was to adopt I would say its easier to do it for a newborn than a older child just because im not sure if your up for the challenge with taking the child to counseling and things like that. I feel that mixed sometimes Im mad bc my brother doesnt make an effort to get his kids back and it makes me upset because its a struggle just to get them to take a bath everyday if im not on top of them with taking baths they wont do it for weeks its something that you need alot of patience for

    The training was broken down into 3 classes and it was about 6 hours long each time.

    Best of wishes to you and fiance if you are my age honestly I would say enjoy your life and dont consider having children till your over 25 because sometimes I wish I didnt have a worry in the world but I have 3 so again best of luck

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