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Should the republicans be fired and their pay go into the general fund since they?

haven't done a darn thing (except complain) since this session started? Another option would be hire some surrogate congressmen/women that have the interest and ability to make decisions and to work with other members of congress and the president to dig this country out of the serious problems we are in.

18 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    they really have not done anything but whine.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry but you are very mistaken. You see, polling, all polling, shows that the majority of Americans do not want this health care plan to pass. Seems to me, the Republicans are the ones doing their jobs by voting "no" in accordance with the people they represent.

    In Congress, it is the duty and responsibility of the Majority to include the Minority in the process, not the other way around. Telling the Minority Party they have two choices, take it or leave it, is not being inclusive. In fact, this bill that the Democrats may well pass, is loaded with obvious unconstitutional provisions, such as forcing people to purchase insurance, exempting Labor Unions from the "Cadillac Health Care plan" taxation, exempting some States from Medicaid increases and not others.

    No, it is obvious to anyone who studied Civics 101 that the Democrats are derelict in their duties. They are not honoring the will of their Constituents and they are not upholding the Constitution as they swore they would.


  • 1 decade ago

    What are you a union flunky or something, your gimmecrats have just handed out trillions of our dollars to fat cat bankers, now they're desperately trying to socialize our medical system with more billions of dollars that we no longer even have, and you're whining about how Republicans have done nothing! You folks are becoming more transparent by the day!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How long well it take to as you say dig ourselves out of this mess

    Do you remember over 3 years ago ''we won we are in power bush is going to jail?''' The old bag who told us ''elections have consequence'' also told you she well not put Mr Bush on trial at this time WOW what power and that was 3 years ago How long little buckaroo?

    Your side are like children ''Let me do it I know how to do it'' But when anything goes wrong ''it's not my fault it's jimmy fault get mad at him''

  • 1 decade ago

    they have tried to work on the health care issue, but democrats will not allow it. don't you read the news? the health care legislation has been crafted behind closed doors, using bribes, and republicans were not invited. republicans actually have a better plan than the democrats but it's being ignored by the media.

  • 1 decade ago

    you cant get fired unless you have done something against the constitution. so no. u can't fire someone in office based on opinions. if we did that, every single person in congress and obama would be out of office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I vote for a surrogate president, this one is making it worse on all sides.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republican proposals on healthcare reform were much better than the ones from the Democrats.

  • 1 decade ago

    I guess the Dems should have been fired from 1996-2006, All they did was cmplain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Kind of hard to be participatory when the majority party won't even let you in the room where bills are being drafted isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    Get rid of all the Liberals first. That would be a start. COUGH COUGH Nancy, Harry, Barack, Barney COUGH COUGH.

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