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What to expect when jumping 300+ HP?

Ok here's a little background. I've owned 2 cars a cavalier and a cobalt and those are the only cars I've ever driven in my life. I just finished up my degree a little while ago and landed myself a great job making good money and since I have no real bills (23, Single, no kids, 500/month rent) I want to go out and get myself a monster of a car and really love the way the srt8 looks, sounds, and performs. (Been to drag races, car shows the whole deal)

I'm going to the dealership in the morning to test drive one and I'm wondering what are some of the major differences in driving a 125 FWD Toy to something like a 425 HP RWD Beast?

Also how should I tell my dad. He's been a mechanic at a chevy dealership since he was 18 and has owned 3 vettes and a couple camaros and wouldn't dream of driving another make, what should I say to him to convince him if I really do love the car after I drive it?

What could I reasonably talk the dealer down on this specific one. It only has 4000 miles on it so I assume they can't get rid of it taking into consideration its got a clean title

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Who says you can't have fun in an automatic?

    That's probably a lot of what you'll be seeing and/or experiencing with a 6.1 HEMI up front. Poke the throttle and it'll looooove to spin the wheels. Good for looking stylish, but bad for tyre wear and actually going anywhere in general. That said though, these V8s last time I checked have cylinder deactivation with light or closed throttle, so 25mpg for a car of this size is not half-bad. And that was with the 300C as well which is bigger and heavier than the Charger you're looking at.

    I doubt the SRT8 cars would actually drive much differently, but because I live in Australia and as such we don't get the Charger or Challenger (or at least officially; importers have started trickling in both cars converted to RHD recently), I cannot compare the three. That said, I have driven a 300C SRT8 and it's not half-bad. Light steering feel but decent chassis feedback, good amount of kit for the money, but you can definitely feel the weight of the V8 at the front in the corners and it's not exactly the most delicate of cars, mainly down to its size and weight. Great Brembo four-pot brakes though, loads of bite and even though it weighs over 4000lbs they do a great job of bringing it to a halt. The 300C then is kind of like driving around a down-market Mercedes-Benz, because that's essentially what it is since Chrysler simply raided the E-Class parts bin for bits 'n' pieces of the interior and suspension.

    As for convincing your dad, either let him drive it for himself or just break it to him that you'd prefer a change over the Bowtie. That said though, the Camaro SS with the 6.2L LS3 V8 does look promising...

  • 1 decade ago

    SRT8 is not a worthwhile vehicle. No manual transmission.

    If you want power and speed buy a modern Mustang GT (preferably USED) and grab a vortech supercharger kit and do some light modifications. That will rip.

    There are much better cars (fun, performance, mileage) for the money you'll pay for an srt-8 including the modern a low mileage car sitting on a used car lot is a red flag.

    And if you're not adverse to having lower horsepower you can pick up a car like the chevy cobalt ss turbo which are beasts with very little modifications and don't drive like a concrete block on wheels.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    2d one is speedier the 1st one cant play netflix in hd easily so think of the way it does with video games the processor is in simple terms undemanding undesirable Intel b960 is a sandy birdge chip so its integrated pix are great for many clientele.

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