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Lv 7
mcq316 asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 decade ago

A different angle in the abortion debate?

I haven't seen this discussed on Yahoo (that doesn't mean it hasn't been, I just haven't seen it), so I thought I'd put it out there to see what the public consensus is:

If a woman has an abortion, should she be legally required to notify the father?

I don't care about your personal position on abortion, that's not what I'm asking for. If you opened this Q, you have a position, and whatever it may be, that's fine. But, for the sake of this Q, and in real life, abortion is currently legal. So, should the woman be required by law to notify the father?

As a possible aside, might required notification change the minds of some women?


Obviously, if she doesn't know who it is, she can't inform him.

I wasn't even thinking of getting his consent, just notification that 'Hey, I'm pregnant, its yours and I'm getting rid of it.' But more tactful than that obviously. My personal take: I don't think a man has a right to stop an abortion. Women carry the children, thats nature, thats biology, and she gets to decide what happens to HER body. He certainly has the right to know about HIS would-be child.

Update 2:

Let me clarify: I'm a man. I'm not the one having an abortion, nobody has aborted my child. This is just a train of thought that occured to me while discussing something else.

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If she knows who the father is, I've always believed that she should. I believe that once a woman is pregnant, it's no longer her body, 'her' body is the host for the baby. I think that every father has a right to his child if he's a good person and wants to take care of the baby. And to the person who compared a woman having an abortion without telling the father to the father having a's completely different. A woman getting her tubes tied is the correct comparison to man getting a vasectomy, not a woman knowing who the father of her unborn baby is and killing the baby without telling him.

  • 1 decade ago

    No she should not be required to tell him. Legally a man is not the father and doesn't have to take care of a child until it is proven that he is the father by blood test so why should a law be made contrary to the fact. A woman's body is her body and it is her job to decide what is best for her child. My child's father begged me to have a baby and when I got pregnant he screamed abortion. I also know men who were there through the whole pregnancy and then didn't want anything to do with the child afterward. And for all of you who are just so opposed to abortion, you can't say that adoption is the best option. Seemingly perfect and stable families fall apart. The people you'd least expect turn out to be rapists and molesters. How would you feel knowing that the child you gave up ended up with criminals or in foster care forever. There are more than enough kids in this world waiting to be adopted. I feel much better knowing that my child is with God and that he or she does not have to suffer this cruel world. There are many things worst than death.

  • I think a woman should not be allowed to get an abortion without notifying the father and should have to have the fathers permission also. This would require a paternity test though also to ensure that the mother did not go and get some random guy to say it's his.

  • 1 decade ago

    And what if she doesn't know for sure who the father is? While it would be funny to see a classified notice in the newspaper like "Dear mid-20s caucasian man in brown shirt at Crestview Pub on Tuesday, the 14th of May... this hereby is a legal notice that I am pregnant with your child and seeking abortion." I think it would violate a few privacy rights.

    What if she was raped? Having to visit the rapist in jail and giving him the satisfaction sounds like a horrible plan. If you make an exception in the case of rape then suddenly all women choosing abortion will claim rape by a random unknown to avoid the law.

    No, it won't change anything. If killing a baby doesn't phase the woman, why would telling the man phase her?

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sometimes women don't know the father.

    My boyfriend and I were under a lot of pressure when I got pregnant. We're both in the military and these weird rumors were getting spread to his unit. He sat down in my car one day and with tears in his eyes said, "Maybe you should have an abortion." It's upsetting.

    Some men do not care. They were with the woman for a good time and a good time only. Either way, it's a woman's body. Should a man notify his wife if he is getting a vasectomy? Because as the law sits right now, he doesn't have to.

  • 1 decade ago

    Personally, I think that abortion should not be legal across the board, but yes if abortion goes on at all the father should be consulted. A baby takes two to be made. Maybe in some cases if the mom doesn't want to do the right thing a father may step up and allow the child a chance at life. Bring on the thumbs down from you baby killer advocates!

  • 1 decade ago

    It is very wrong to lie to him. Yes he should be notified because it is his baby to. I know a lot of guys that are very messed up because of things like this. I think you should tell him but that's what I would do if in your position. Just think about it. How many times you will have wondered if you should have told him. Like now for instance or you wouldn't have posted this Q.

  • I think no.

    What would be the point? Would it be so the father knows he could of had a child, or for him to decide whether he wants the child or not?

    It is a woman's body and personal choice whether to have an abortion.

    No, required notification would not effect my choice at all.

    I find this silly, why SHOULD a father be notified?

  • 1 decade ago

    No, she shouldn't.

    If a woman has a decent relationship with the man, she will tell him.

    There are many reasons women don't tell men, including abuse and threats.

    The government is not the Giant Parent In The Sky.

    All the best.

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is no. She is an adult, not a minor. As an adult, I am free to make my own decisions. One of those decisions is to make my own medical decisions that could terminate a pregnancy.

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