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If the healthcare bill is so unpopular by the american people, why is it being pushed on us?

i dont support it.

26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Social security and Medicare were not popular either and now politicians who propose losing both are committing political suicide.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not so sure that is as unpopular as some would have you believe. It's all a matter of who you listen to. Of course, if you listen to Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck, you'd think that the whole world is against it. And there are definitely a lot of people who are justifiably skeptical of a big government program and all the money and bureaucracy that usually entails. (And it doesn't help that people like Sarah Palin are lying about "death panels" that do not and will not exist and were never proposed.)

    But an awful lot of working folks whose employers don't provide health coverage love the plan, because it would require employers to provide that benefit, as well as protect them from being dropped by the insurers when they get sick (which happens with disturbing regularity) or barred from coverage due to previous health history.

    I'm still not sure how I feel about this plan -- like most things the government does, it has some good and some bad in it -- but my sense, both from the polls I've seen and the things I hear from individuals, is that there is public opinion in favor of it, public opinion against it, and a WHOLE lot of people who are pretty confused and unsure about the whole thing.

    Source(s): (Love the new avi pic, sugar!)
  • 1 decade ago

    Most of its provisions ARE pupular.

    Unfortunately, the MOST popular provision, the public option, was cut from the Senate bill, because Republicans and Blue Dog Dems HATE America and Americans, and consistenly support ONLY things that harm the country and are contrary to the will of the people.

    Health care reform was one of the biggest reasons Dems won the last two elections; it's something majorities of Americans have been begging for, for decades.

    The reason it's not looking good in the polls is because the wing-nuts have lied about it, and dragged the process out for months trying to prevent it. Many people are confused and impatient.

    But if you ask people whether they support or oppose this or that specific component, mostly, most of us support it.

  • Kini
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    It is unpopular because people don't know what will be in in and the people who have current insurance that they want to keep are worried they will lose it but that is not going to happen. We have to wait until the two bills are merged and see what the final bill is. Many changes don't take place until 2014, some reforms each year until then. I believe the regulation that outlaws insurance companies from rejecting someone for a pre-existing medical condition begins next year.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because Congress and the White house are both controlled by ideologues who don't seem to care about the wishes of their constituents. I don't believe the Federal government should be involved in anything not specifically authorized by Article 1, section 8 of the constitution. If the feds stuck to their constitutional restraints this issue of them doing things people don't want, would be a non issue for the most part.

  • Lex
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    On top of it, why do you think he's running it through the democrat dominated congress instead of putting up for the vote of the common people?

    The healthcare bill has nothing to do with reformation of health care. It's about creating a socialistic state and destroying free enterprise.

    And the guy with the "Sieg Heil" quote spelled "Sieg Heil" wrong. You really ought to use a German-English dictionary.

  • 1 decade ago

    That is what happens when you have an overwhelming majority in both the house and a radical leftist in the white house. Basically, if Pelosi and Reid can hold the Democrats together, there is nothing that they will not be able to pass regardless of what the people want. The 2010 election will have a huge effect on whether or not this pattern will continue. I expect that Obama realized even before he took office that his policies were going to end up wildly unpopular...and that is why it is important for him to pass every piece of major legislation BEFORE the 2010 elections. So when people ask...what's the rush?......there is your answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    i dont either, the whole truth to this healthcare bullshit is that the hospitals are being paid too much money, if they had reasonable prices, we wouldnt need to care about this stuff. It does spur conversational debate as you can clearly see what is going on now and tv and radio and... Doctors are paid too much i believe, they go to school for a long time and thats it. Their classes are beyond easy. The only reason they get paid so much is because of our capitalistic mentality in this country, we put health as an inelastic demand and doctors charge you a arm and leg to fix and arm and leg.

  • Steve
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Bingo, thank you. It's popular with a lot of folks. But those who don't like it are very vocal. I personally think that nothing Obama can do will make those haters happy. I mean he has spent 1 trillion so there's a lot of hate here for him on that but Clinton balanced the budget after 12 years of Republiacn spending nearly bankrupted us and he paid down the budget to 80 billion. ANd they still impeached up. Sure millions of repbulicans are upset but hundreds of millions of americans support and are happy with Obama.

  • David
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Because the current administration currently has an overwhelming majority in the house and the senate, they are trying to push thru unpopular changes as quickly as possible before we can right this horrible wrong, and are also hoping we will never get sufficient numbers back into office to completely dismantle what they are building.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because the Democrats lied, cheated, and stole their way to this majority and Obama won by a supposed landslide so what can you say? They feel that they are mandated to do whatever they want now.

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