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Honestly, my answers to questions show more about me than anything I could write here, so I will just leave them open to be checked out and you may take them for what they mean :)

  • Which comedian makes the joke about whale penises being like him in a turtleneck?

    There's a comedian out there that makes a joke about a whale penis being like himself in a turtleneck, goes on to talk about how the scariest sound in the ocean wouldn't be the theme song from Jaws, it would be "Chances Are." Says you would end up dieing like a finger puppet.

    I am currently writing a novel, and someone refers to the comedy routine in the book, and I can't remember for the life of me who makes the joke.

    1 AnswerJokes & Riddles8 years ago
  • Many see my attitude towards sex, reproduction, and child raising as at best irresponsible, and at worst?

    inhuman, why?

    My view on sex reproduction, and child raising is that they are completely separate, or at least should be.

    Sex: Sex is for pleasure and building emotional bonds, if it's not fun... don't do it. But don't make any more out of it than it is.

    Reproduction: Reproduction, the act of creating a life inside you, should be seen as a duty. But just because you acknowledge this duty, does not mean you have any desire to raise a child.

    Child raising: There are literally hundreds of thousands of parents across the world who can't have children for one reason or another who desperately want a child, girls should be encouraged to have children to give to these childless couples, not ostracized for it.

    I have been told by many many people that my beliefs are "unnatural" and "irresponsible" but why? Every child deserves to be in a home where they are loved, and every woman should be able to, and in fact encouraged to, have children so they can pass on their gene's if nothing else. Also, though as has been proven by the nut-ball who took the discovery-channel hostage the other day there are differences of opinion on the subject, an argument can be made that our current economic woes are due in large part to our current population shortage.

    The argument as far as we who believe the population is too small goes as such, give every individual on the planet a one room apartment, an efficiency if you will, 2,000 sq ft. and every human on the planet could be housed in the state of texas.

    The common argument against is "Every human requires an acre in total for food, and living space" but this is no longer the case, with modern farming techniques we have increased food yields by roughly x6, so each 6 humans require an acre. So just off that figure, we could easily increase the human population to 36 billion, and we have yet to utilize even a quarter of the earth's surface, let alone subterranean farms and such. But as a trans humanist I could literally write a book on the subject, so I digress.

    But leaving whether there is a population shortage or not off the table, what is wrong with the base of my view on sex, reproduction, and child raising?

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Faith is the root of all evil?

    Faith is a belief in something or someone without evidence. This is my perception of what is the basis, the founding requirement of evil. Since when you get right down to it, when you look at something honestly that is actually evil, it is generally obviously so.

    So why do people hold faith up as a virtue?

    I have heard people claim they have faith in their parents, but faith in their parents is an impossibility, you know your parents are there, you have evidence of what they will do, of when they will help you.

    I have heard people say they have faith in government, but yet again, there are many different forms of government, and generally you believe a government will act a certain way because of past experience. This is not faith.

    I believe that Faith is the root of all evil... prove me wrong.

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Do Devices Like The Kindle Make Self Publishing Practical?

    I was at a Barnes and Noble today and noticed their new "Nook" device. It seems like everyone is coming out with an electronic book reader, and I am wondering what you writers out there think about the idea that this may make a substantial difference in the viability of self published authors?

    The reason I ask of course is, with B&N going bankrupt and other major book sellers cutting back, it seems like they have all taken a major hit from these devices. Agents are going out of business all over the place, and publishers are not talking. I just don't know.

    What are some of the advantages of traditional publishing over self publishing?

    What are some of the advantages of self publishing over traditional?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is my fantasy writing too disturbing for print? "Long"?

    My current story has to do with magic seeping into our universe and changing things and people in unusual ways. A research scientist was hit by a concentrated burst of the stuff, and is in the process of transforming into a satyr. POV is that of a hotel clerk. New character guidelines kinda cut the segment short, sorry :) So it starts pretty much mid event.

    She heard an odd sound from the elevator, like someone shrieking in mortal terror, and she realized that after the old guy had gotten into the elevator she hadn’t heard it move, it wasn’t a loud noise but you always heard it in the back of your mind.

    “Damn, did he fall down again?” she muttered to herself, she did not want to carry some vomiting guy back to his hotel room; maybe she should just call an ambulance? Her hand was halfway to the phone before she decided that she should at least check the elevator first.

    Walking around the desk she hummed unconsciously, finally recognizing the tune as she reached the elevator. It was an old favorite of hers, Placebo’s Pure Morning. She pressed the up button and the bell sounded from above the door, yep it was still here. She braced herself for the mess she would find when the door opened.

    Her mind locked up as she saw him, and she felt her eyes go wide, straining her eyelids. The guy was on the floor of the elevator all right, naked, with the largest… thing she’d ever seen jutting from him.

    She took him in, one shocking oddity after another. His hair was short and curly and came to a point on his forehead between two… rams horns it looked like. His mouth hung open revealing elongated canines, and all his teeth seemed sharpened. His chest and body still seemed normal, though she couldn’t be certain as he still wore the shirt he’d worn when he’d first gotten to the hotel tonight. His hands were claws, and she could see his nails had grown long and curved, coming to points that scratched at the floor of the elevator. Below the waist he was completely inhuman, from beneath his shirt hair like wool started and curled from his legs all the way down to black hooves that scraped at the floor trying to gain purchase on the slick surface.

    She didn’t know how she knew this wasn’t a costume, but she knew it absolutely to the core of her being. He was a demon.

    Her mind locked up, she didn’t know how to handle this, he wasn’t even human any more. Her mouth fell open as she tried to speak, but no sound came out.

    She just stood there feeling her body shake, tingles running down her spine, she had to do something, she had to run, but something held her, she couldn’t break the tableau.

    The doors chimed and began to close, and the thing in the elevator roared, and she found herself freed from her trance. “Oh my god!” she shrieked as she ran, she had to get to the phone, she had to call someone. Terror raced up and down her spine, she felt wetness between her legs, but she didn’t care if she’d peed herself she just needed through the door, and to the phone.

    She heard a crash behind her and another grunting call; it was some language she thought? It sounded like growls but he was saying something! She whimpered as she grasped the door handle and jerked it open.

    Leaping through turning using the handle as a fulcrum she saw the thing racing towards her in the doorway, it was so fast! She slammed the door crying as she locked it, and she felt a heavy weight impact it from the other side.

    “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she wasn’t sure if it was a chant a prayer or a curse, but she kept repeating it as she held the door closed against the scrabbling claws on the other side.

    She cowered back, hanging from the door handle please god don’t let this thing kill me, please send someone down the stairs so I can get to the phone, let someone come in looking for a room, something, oh please oh please. “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!” she whimpered, holding the locked door closed.

    The light dimmed, and her eyes opened wide as she stared up into the face of the thing, how did it get through the door, her eyes went to the door then back to its face, it must have hopped the counter. “No!” she shrieked and pulled herself up by the door handle, then swung the door open.

    The claws grasped her waist as she lunged for freedom, and she felt ten little pin pricks in her side, just above her waist, and pressure against her pants seat, oh god, he was going to rape her. “No please no!” she whimpered and grasped at the caws as they tore at her clothes.

    Her mind locked up once more, she couldn’t think, then cool air as her pants where torn from her, and she was thrust to the ground.

    “NO!” her last despairing shriek, more a denial of what was happening than a plea for it to stop went unanswered in the silent darkened hotel lobby, and the unintelligible whimpers and groans that followed were not even recognizable as words.

    5 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I am a writer, I have written one novel, this is an excerpt from my second, is it too erotic?


    Chelsea started, and then wondered why she had started?

    She sat in a small room, almost a closet she thought, the impression reinforced by the clothes that hung on every wall.

    Chelsea considered the small chamber wonderingly as she faced the back of the closet. The wood was some polished red wood veined with the arteries of the tree from when it had been alive. The illusion of life given to the wood by the polish, the illusion of being within a still living tree, was enhanced by the flickering light of candles that hung in brackets on every wall.

    She had always loved candles, she remembered when she was a little girl, only three or four she thought, and bathed with her mother. She would lay upon her while she relaxed lazily in the water and look at the candles in their little candle holders, at every corner of the old claw footed iron tub that was her mother’s most prized furnishing. She had reached out to the candles from her perch lying nestled between milk white breasts on more than one occasion, only to have her hand pulled away as her mother’s laughing voice that would always keep her safe said no…

    She had never lost her love of candles, every time she saw one she remembered her mother, and those relaxing baths, and felt at peace, and a little wistful…

    Now was no different, she reached towards the candle, feeling it’s warmth on her bare skin, and smiled, happy.

    As her hand floated mere inches from the candle she noticed a mirror in the center of the door that made up all but the edges of the fourth wall of the chamber, and was surprised. She only realized it was a mirror rather than an open doorway, from the reflection of the candles and the clothes, the woman in the mirror was not her.

    Chelsea’s raised hand stole to her lips at the sight of her, and jealousy so vast as to devour her, filled her. The figure copied her gesture, and she felt her eyes go wide, as the others eyes followed suit growing impossibly wide in reaction to her own expression.

    With startled and pleased amazement she realized the body must be hers, and she giggled, seeing sheer pleasure spread on her face in the mirror.

    Chelsea stood and faced the mirror fully, examining herself with a spreading smile that aroused her even though it was on another woman, or was it? She giggled again.

    She was gorgeous, her hair seemed to flow like a waterfall down her back, a golden mane spiked with strands of red that were natural not dyed. She didn’t know how she knew this, but this body had never known the touch of a razor, or scissors, it had never known the brush of a makeup brush or the smear of a stick of lipstick. Everything in the mirror was just her.

    Chelsea ran her hands down her sides, feeling a pleasurable tingle as her hands caressed a waist so small it was inhuman. Though appearing soft it did not give a bit beneath her palms. Her hands then moved outwards on hips broad, but not too broad, and her skin moved as her thighs tensed and fingers shifted and smoothed a downy soft invisible layer of hair.

    The body was perfection of form, and glorious in her nudity. The breasts the hips everything was as she had wanted in her old life, but had never thought to have.

    Chelsea covered herself as she heard a quiet knock at the door, but then thought. “Why cover this body? It’s not me, so let’s enjoy the attention for a bit.”

    “Come in” She stated in a voice that was at the same time high and sweet, but full and smokily seductive, she loved it.

    A balding little fat man in a spotless white apron shoved a blushing face through a cracked open door, she wondered then, how tall am I now? How do I know this man is short?

    The bald man stuttered and flushed with the mixed desire to look at her, and the courtesy to not look at her. Realizing she must know this man, she decided to relent and give him an out.

    “Can I help you?” Chelsea asked in that voice, seeming to contain invitation in every word, even unintended as it may be.

    He took a few more moments to regain his composure and then began, voice skipping and starting almost like a scratched CD. “Miss, when will you be ready for your performance? The men are getting a bit raucous miss… if you’ll pardon me saying miss…”

    Performance? She thought interestedly, she had been a cheerleader in high school, but this body did not belong to a cheerleader that was for sure.

    Her eyes took in the outfits on the walls now, and a slow smile curved her lips. Some of them would cover her entire body, some very little, but the one thing they all had in common was a filmy quality that she could only imagine would be part of the most erotic dances she could imagine.

    She looked at this man and saw him for what he was, an inn keeper, or tavern keeper more likely. Chelsea smiled once again at the small man, enjoying his blushes. “Be sure to tell them that I will expect quiet when I dance.”

    He nodded

    7 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Is this the most awesome music video ever?

    My usual questions revolve around philosophy, freedoms, and politics...

    Bur wow this was an awesome video, set my heart to pumpin it did. The song is awesome also :)

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Is a deist capable of ever being free?

    I am an Atheist and a Libertarian. These are two concepts that are as one to me. I have heard Christians claim that since their rights are granted to them by god according to the bill of rights, that government cannot take them away.

    My belief however is, that anything granted can be taken away. The only way to be free is to say: "I am free, and I will fight to defend my freedom."

    So, are deists capable of ever being free? Since by the very nature of their belief structure, they start from the foundation of: "God grants me whatever I have."

    How can anyone be free when they start from the belief that they are enslaved to a higher power?

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Is Glen Beck a fool or a liar?

    I have long been a 9/12er and a fan of Glen Beck. But I am also a Libertarian and an atheist.

    In today's show, glen made the comment that "Without god, a Creator, handing down our rights's. A free society is not possible."

    Glen has long claimed to be a Libertarian. But with the views he's pushing now, wanting to restrict freedoms based on his religious views, how can he be a Libertarian?

    So i ask again, is he just a fool who does not understand the nature of what it means to be a Libertarian? or is he a liar who has claimed to be a Libertarian to create a fan base, and now that he has a large audience he's dumping them?

    11 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Why don't people choose their own best answers?

    I was just going through my questions answered list, and every page there are two or thee questions that people have not chosen a best answer, what the heck people?

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • On crime and punishment?

    Do you consider someone who has committed a crime to be punished because what they did was wrong?

    Or do you consider someone to be punished because of the fact they broke the law?

    So, if the crime one is convicted of becomes changed and is no longer a crime, would it be appropriate to leave them in jail because they are being punished because when they committed the act it was a crime?

    Also, would it then make sense that one who's actions later become a crime that they be punished as criminals for the actions they engaged in prior to the law change because it is now a crime?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Mathematical personality principle?

    "If it can't be explained using mathematics, it is not science, it's opinion" -RAH

    There have been many studies in regards to personalities, but none apply mathematical values to personality traits in order to determine whether someones personality adds to the world or subtracts from the world.

    I intend to create one, and I start from the basis of.

    There are three different base ways to respond to people.

    Positively- Smiles good cheer and clear transmission of positive emotions and information.

    Neutral- Non committal response, no real emotional interaction.

    Negative- Harsh comments, willful or unconscious degradation of emotions, lack of intellectual interaction.

    I have two questions, which of these are your reaction, and what do you think of this basis for a study?

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Nature is evil, this seems an obvious statement to me, what of you?

    Our nature is to serve ourselves before anything else, our instinctive desire is to feed our id. This makes what is natural evil.

    However I have gotten a lot of disagreement on this subject, so I want to hear your folks opinion :)

    8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • How does an orgasm feel for you?

    I mean literally.

    For me it's a steady build up of sensation, like my body is hollowing out, starting from my thighs and spreading throughout my body.

    Then a sense of rushing, a shortness of breath, then the release which is a series of pleasurable pulses that spread in ripples from my genitals to every part of my body.

    But I know girls feel something different, and I can only imagine other males feel something different, so what do all the rest of you feel?

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Jealousy equivalent to Sociopathy?

    This has always been my opinion, based on the idea that sociopath's live in their own little world, where they are the only thing that matters.

    And Jealousy where an individual feels almost a proprietary feeling over another, subsuming the one they say they loves feelings for their own pleasure.

    However, I am a polyamorist myself and contrary to what one would expect, I get the most vitriolic responses to this idea from the poly community itself...

    So what I must wonder is, why do I get such strong reactions? All based on emotion, when I lay out a concept that feels so simple and obvious to me?

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Games that would NOT be fun in a nudist camp?

    I'll start, strip poker... what would be the point?

    6 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • How needful are multiple protagonists in modern writing?

    I recently read an article by a literary agent where the idea of multiple POV's was almost assumed, it was on the subject of inspiring awe in your books.

    How necessary is this nowadays? In my book almost the entirety of the book is from the viewpoint of the primary protagonist, with only brief views to the minds eye of certain other characters. In fact it's written for the most part in the first person.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What is your definition of patriotism?

    I have read many comments on this site in regards to patriotism...

    Some say for your government will or nil is patriotism.

    Others say for the founding principles is patriotism.

    Some say being willing to fight for your country, other say being willing to fight your country when it starts to turn south.

    But what is your definition?

    Mine has always been and will always be based on the oath I swore eighteen years ago, to support and uphold the constitution of the united states against all threats, foreign and domestic...

    I fight mainly with words, I write political cartoons, I write political t-shirts, I help those who support our nation in all ways I can, and if the time ever comes that our nation collapses, I will fight to bring it back to the strength it once held... but what about you? what beliefs do you hold to?

    8 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • I am the opposite of a Nihilist.?

    I see myself as the opposite of a nihilist because I believe that all of humanity is linked, that we all are related because we sprang from the same ancestral seed, and that if you have children, who have children, and so on, each of us will eventually become ancestors to everyone once more, so we all have common ties and are emotionally linked.

    What does that make me? Is it simply a love for all humanity? Or is there a specific term for this particular philosophical viewpoint?

    Also, do you think this philosophy, which i first started feeling around age 8, may be related to why I am a polyamorist, and see there as not being enough humans?

    2 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of Penny Stock Trading?

    I have been trading in penny stocks for about 3 months now, and doing fairly well, but i have recently entered the really high risk end of the penny stock market and was wondering what you have all done on these stocks in the past? buy and hold? day trade? what?

    link to one of mine

    8 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago