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I usually never breakout, but I'm breaking out everywhere!?

I usually just get the occasional pimple. But right now, I have atleast 4-5 pimples on my face. Is this normal teenage stuff? Hormones, and stress..? I only started breaking out three-ish days ago, and now there is atleast 5 on my face. Are there any GOOD PRODUCTS you would recommend? Thanks! (:

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are many reasons why we break out: Hormones, Stress, PMS, Not washing your face regularly, etc.

    I think that for you, this is sooo normal! Teenagers can have clear skin for a month and acne all over the next. It is just an awkward time for your body. I never had terrible acne but I would break out occassionally like you are describing here.

    I found out that for me it was because my skin was really dry and the dry skin would flake off and clog my pores and I would break out. The best thing that has worked for me is this: Everyday in the shower I clean my face with Clean&Clear Long Lasting Acen Control Cleanser. This means that when you wash your face the chemicals in the facewash stay in your pores and help fight acne all day. Once I get out of the shower I use Olay Sensitive Skin Face Lotion WITH Sunscreen UVA&UVB protection. On a side note, it is SO important to use a lotion that has sun protection in it! :P If you are just getting 2 or 3 pimples at a time then you can also try any product that says: "Spot Acne Remover" but these products are always very concentrated so they will dry up the pimple faster. So you shouldn't use them all over the face. :)

    ANYWAYS... Using these two products together.. I have not had a problem with acne whatsoever. Of course I do still break-out around the time I get my period.. but that is something that I have just learned to deal with once a month. :)

    If you are very concerned, I recommend making an appointment with a dermatologist to get some advice about what skin type you have and what the best products would be for YOU. Everyone's skin is different and the challenge is always finding something that works for you and that you can do on a daily basis. :D

    P.S. if you wear concealer.. NEVER go to bed without washing your face! :D

    Best of Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Even an adult can get this much acne in the space of 24 hours - drinking water is held to be the best way to combat the onset, and it's the simplest, cheapest method too :)

    Factors in the occurrence of spots include stress, diet & sedentary lifestyle..., all of these paint a dreary picture of someone in the prime of their life if they're not being observed - so perhaps a few days going for a burn & a health kick, some mildly challenging cardiovascular exercise along with additive free foods and plenty of water along the way should help your skin no end, every time you do it too....

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    1) see a dermatologist - they can often give you many topical creams or even pills to help. i personally got a strong antibiotic from them and it helped. 2) clean your face - twice a day is good if you get oily or sweaty skin but don't over wash else it'll dry out and try to produce more oil! 3) don't touch your face - most pimple are caused by bacteria in/ and cause pores to clog 4) for black heads i find Beorea strips (you can find them in walmart) work really well. depends on your pores though. but just get a box of 14 and start applying them (follow the directions) all over black head areas 5) if its under the skin - leave it be! unless it has a white head dont try to pop it! 6) if you do need to pop it - make sure the white head is decent or ripe at least and then get a needle, heat it up over an open flame and let cool to sterilize it, get a qtip, get neosporin, get clean tweezers, barely pierce tip of white head, squeeze (with either tweezers or the SIDES of your fingers) out any white puss or oil or bloody oil, clean with qtip as to not get oil over your other pores and cause more bacteria spread, put SMALL amount of neosporin on tip of head to help kill bacteria and reduce scars/help healing 7) squeezing - pref use the tweezers that are sterile and grasp either base or the white head and dont break the skin anymore than nessecary. if you squeeze them with fingers use the sides of your fingers and grasp the base of the pimple because using your fingernails causes more bacteria spread, breaks the skin, makes it red, leaves marks, can cause excess bleeding this is what i do usually. sometimes you really cant help it. just try and survive and if the other person has an issue with it, then to be honest they aren't worth your time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's your Hormones going CRAZY!!!

    Get Clearasil and Proactive.

    Wash, tone and cleanse your face 2 times a day(Also don't forget to moisturize)

    Try to get a mask every week(Neutrogena wash/mask is wonderful, I like the idea for a wash and mask in 1 product!)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    While it took little less than two months for me to really see a difference, my acne, blackheads and whole lot of other skin problems I had such as eczema had completely cleared! It was totally amazing...

    Get Rid Of Acne Permanently?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Yes it is very normal obviously because of school and stress and hormones this has occured. youve got to leave them alone!

    hope i helped

  • 6 years ago

    I will give you god, try homeopathic medicine Calcarea Sulphurica three times daily, it will purify your blood

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