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Lv 6
ARBOB asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

What about Obama's "change" promises during his campaign? Letter to editor in my local paper says it all!?

This, friends, is something that you need to get serious about. The two are like mixing water and oil: they do not go together.

Some of us knew this before the election, but most just wanted change. Well, we all got change, 90 percent bad. Millions of dollars were lost when the market fell. TARP money bill passed unread to keep America from disaster. Today TARP money still exists, unspent. Why the rush?

Much was misspent by the same people responsible for the fall. Obama unemployment would not exceed 8 percent, it is now 10 percent or in reality 15 percent to 18 percent. Next came a stimulus bill, millions continue unemployed. Many gave up seeking. Car buyers got $4,500 bonus from Obama, costing us a few billion more.

Next thing we know he wants to overhaul health care. Why, it is too expensive and too many without. Bogus reasons proven, Obama wants health care control so HE can dole it out. We’re another GM. Power is what he wants, power in every change. Cost will go up but so what. How about cap and trade and global warming? And if that fails the EPA will do it anyway. A lot of changes and guess who pays for them? Media stated that Obama has threatened to shut down a major air base if a senator does not vote for health care. How about that?


HappyLib: You are sad, so sad, as well as blind to the truth. Can't face it, huh? We have gone down, down, down since B.O. took office. Again, FACE IT!!!!!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama is the WORST thing EVER to happen to this Country.

    By the time he is voted out of office, this Country will not be anything close to what it used to be, thanks to that socialist a**hole and his cronies. Most of our rights have been taken already, and the current administration is hell bent on taking the rest from us no matter what the actual cost is.

    They want control of MOST businesses, and want you to not be able to fend for yourself, which is a BIG reason they're shoving this health care reform sh*t down our throats.

    And him threatening to shut down an air force base, is classic for an Illinois politician, hon. It's where I live, and NONE of them have any clue how to actually do work. They play that pay to play game. Give me what I want or I'll f*ck everyone over. Classic move for an Illinois crook.

  • 1 decade ago

    Many of us do take this very serious! Go back and research Obama's campaign promises. Remember his promises for dealing with companies receiving bail out money and then giving top executives bonuses. Remember what he told us, the tax payers, he would do to such companies and the CEOs and executives that received those bonuses??! Guess what on Dec. 24, 2009 the Obama administration pledged to provide unlimited financial assistance to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that will exceed the current $400 billion cap on emergency aid without seeking permission from Congress. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mak disclosed they had received approval from federal regulator to pay 42 million in compensation packages to 12 top executives for 2009! This is one of many examples of Obama's inability to uphold the promises he has made. People, this only one example. You will find he has veered from his promises in every issue addressed this first year of office! Unemployment, taxes, health care, ending the war and bringing our troops home etc etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    I never understood. Bush did over spend. Bush also wanted to make 30 million illegals americans at a HUIGE expense. Liberals screamed about bushs record $450 BIllion deficit one year. So they vote for an unqualified welfare expediter who triples bushs biggest overspending year? Not only that, but bushs biggest overspending year was when demcorats controlled congress and he was a lame duck, so alot of it is their fault anyway. I know, I know, many liberlas never got all the way thru the constitution, but all spending has to be approved by congress.

  • 1 decade ago

    If that grammatically murdered, factually inaccurate machination made it into print in your local paper you must live in Billibob, Arkansas.

    Why are you blaming Obama for TARP anyway? Who was president then?

    Pretending that Obama did not walk into an unmitigated disaster and had little choice but to spend and stimulate is intellectually dishonest. All of you are so pathetic and open about your intentions to avoid any and all facts when assessing this presidents job performance it leaves no doubt that your opinions are worthless and meaningless. I would be shocked if more that 20% of the posters on Yahoo could answer even minor civics questions without Google. I think that many of you are just looking for someone to blame your problems on. The mexicans are out this year so now you are moving on to someone else. Bunch of crybabies I tell ya!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Good Post and so true.. star for you.

    Obama is a threat to our freedoms as we know them. He wants to control everything, and if we let him.. he soon will!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    When all is said, I wonder if enough Americans will wake up or if we have allowed to many illegal foreigners to tell us how to run our country?

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