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    .... that person Van Jones is on CNN news shows as a commentator for the democrats when he is an admitted communist. is CNN now outwardly and openly Communist too?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Dems, republicans and others.. just how do you feel about the fact that...?

    ... Obama has managed to hire a firm owned by G. Soros, in Spain to count the votes this election you think he has enough cheaters on his side yet.?? How can you vote for a criminal like this

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Isn't it interesting, how God can always forgive us..?

    .. but when a politician makes a mistake or says something wrong.. we as Americans think we are better than God.. and don't forgive.

    This Aiken's fool for instance.. and the VP.. for the very stupid things they have said in the last couple days...Aiken's, at least, said he was sorry, the VP, well he's too dumb, but Aiken's did.. now who are we to judge him.. isn't that better left to a higher power.

    of course Dem's do not believe in a higher power, Obama is their God.. but come on people.. the world has not come to an end because one person misspoke.. get over it.

    CNN is just having a field day with this, I'm pretty sure one of the women so called reporters almost peed herself with glee over this.. and Wold Blitzer is treating it as if someone shot his puppy.. give me a break. It's just something stupid that someone said.. only about the 800th since this campaigning started.. and its on both sides....

    13 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Why is it the Dems are being so whiny?

    Why do they not run Obamas campaign on what they think he has accomplished instead of spending the whole time just running down Romney and now his running mate. Good God, Romney had barely gotten his choice for VP our of his mouth and the Dem's had started their bashing... have they nothing better to do.. like run this country?

    They make me sick, they are not the Dem's of Kennedy.. they are whiny, simpering little maggots now.. too stupid to actually accomplish anything!

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Anyone watching the womens soccer game right?

    now, between Canada and U.S., will be appalled at the officiating.. referees must be American.. bad calls against poor Canadian girls!

    What say you Canada?

    6 AnswersWomen's Football (Soccer)9 years ago
  • What is it with all the silly entertainer types....?

    ...... thinking they are smart enough to advise people, or at the very least influence people re: politics.

    We have Letterman lying on his show nightly about the Republicans.. and calling it entertainmnet.. it isn't. Oprah backing Obama with her millions, Madonna going Nazi and now the fool George Lopez going after Romney... These people know nothing really.. they are so self tuned that it is amazing they get away from the mirror long enough to realize there is a political world out there.

    I have to laugh when they act like they know what they are talking about.. I think they should stick to what they do.. no matter how bad it is.

    Do you like it when entertainers try to influence your political beliefs???

    2 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How many agree that David Letterman............?

    ... is an over the hill, unfunny so called comedian, dried up, sold out, grumpy old Jew.. who should be put out to pasture. Proof of this, his rude and nasty treatment of Justin Bieber a few nights ago. Now I am not a big Bieber fan.. he is for the kids, but even I thought that Letterman went way over the line treating him as he did. What a stupid man! I seldom watch his show. but just happened to turn the channel at that time.. now I remember why I don't watch him. Must have a lot of money to keep him on the network.. he's an a ss!

    2 AnswersTalk Shows9 years ago
  • Howmany voters realize that the propoganda now beng shown on CNN and?

    HLN is just that.. publicity to explain away Obama's mistakes and to make hm look like a hero, all the while picking up on every single little thing Romney does. Do you agree that CNN has ceased to be a news organization and now is campaign headquarters for obama?

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • What is your opinion about the fact that Obama?

    .... has practically threatened the Supreme court about voting no for his health plan. White house cautions dire circumstances, I believe that is what the statement was. Really, how dare he. Isn't the Supreme court supposed to be the last fortress to protecting the American people.. not the mafia for the president.

    What is your opinion?

    7 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • How comfortable do you feel, if it is true..?

    ... some company in Spain, I believe it is, owned by George Soros, is going to be counting our votes?

    This may all be heresy, if it is, please let me know. Thanks

    3 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you think the media is being fair in the Treyvon Martin case.?

    .....are they convicting Zimmerman when all the facts are not known yet? Is the family taking advantage of this sad event just to get media attention for themselves. What about that idiot Sharpton, is he just using this to further his rage of black racism?

    Does anyone think Zimmerman can ever get a fair trial. Do you think that the media should be kept silent in these cases until the trial is over, like in many other countries. How can we say we have justice in this country when we really do not. Do you like to live that way?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • How many think the way the media.....?

    covers up and hides things, and never tells the whole story about Obama is fair. Why does he get a pass on nearly everything... they always have an excuse for his lies and tricks. Why is that?

    4 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Can anyone remember Obama being at all upset about the?

    young Kansas City boy who was doused with gasoline and set on fire by two blacks?????

    Did he call him, his son..? di he even mention it.

    What a racist we hav e in the white house.

    10 AnswersElections9 years ago
  • Do you think Soledad OBrien of CNN is racist?

    She has done two specials about " Black in America" Where is the White in america? Native Americans in America... Asian in America... or does she as a supposed paid employee of CNN just represent the Blacks? And why.. how is that fair reporting. I'm getting a little sick of having Black shoved down my throat every time I turn on CNN, which I rarely turn on anymore since it became the obama P>R. Machine.

    But come on! I have no objection to hearing of the successes or failures of " blacks in America" But they are only a small percentage of this country.. there are lots of us out here.. How about that Soledad????

    5 AnswersMedia & Journalism10 years ago
  • Like some opinions on my comment...?

    It seems the verdict is in on the Michael Jackson trail.. he is guilty.

    And he very likely is. But do you not think that there is a lot of blame to go around. This is just the final chapter of a short and tortured life of a man of talent.

    The Jackson family first.. I'm sure they will reap the benefits of this trial for the next several years.. all of them sucking at the teat of what is their dead brother and son. For who are they, really. Michael had the talent,and they all crawled behind on his coattails. and for that his father beat him and overworked him, his mother apparently didn't stick up for that little boy, and his brothers very likely were jealous of him. Other than Janet, which one of them really would have been noticed without Michael.

    And now he is dead, by Murray's recklessness.. and Conrad Murray has been found guilty.. but what about the countless thousands who fed off of Michael, the bodyguards, the record execs the promoters etc etc. The ones who have known many times thro'' years that he was really a man child, never really matured.. had strange hobbies and sexual likes and dislikes.. but everyone covered it up.. no one got him help, after all.. he was their money source.

    Even the fans who demanded more and more. America is a sick society that we demand so much from our so called stars.. we loved him to death, you might say. And now we stand outside a courtroom and look for blood, because it is all someone elses fault. What hypocrites we really are.

    And the media, blood sucking bottom feeders that they are..sensationalizing every little thing.. making mountains out of nothing just to have a story, almost salivating that Michael died.. Wow, another big story... and then guiding the public to what THEY think the verdict should be.

    And then they dare to stand there and pretend how they loved him. Sick people.. sick sick people.

    3 AnswersSinging10 years ago
  • Isn't it nice that our president?

    who is supposed to represent us, as a country, has taken a stand against Israel, our only friend in the mideast? I guess we shouldn't be surprised seeing as he is Muslim. but did he have to make it so obvious?

    What do you think of previous mayor Koch of New York supporting the Republican candidate because even he knows Obama is against Israel.??

    6 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • When do you suppose Obama?

    and this administration are going to explain away the Solyndra scandal.. and the other 4 businesses they gave billions of dollars to.

    Do you not think they owe us an explanation of why they lost our money? Obama and his green jobs, what a liar, this was simply pay back to big campaign contributors.. wonder when he is going to be done paying them all off?

    4 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Gee, another illegal Obama in the?

    country.. how many does that make now. can't wait to see how fast this one is made a citizen and likely on the government payroll. they keep comin' out of the cracks, don't they? Like termites!

    8 AnswersElections10 years ago
  • Have you heard the turn coat Colin Powel on tv whining .....................?

    because **** Cheney said unflattering things about him in his book.. Tough! I don't exactly like Cheney but I hate a turncoat more... What did Power expect. He went against his so called party and voted black!

    I'm really surprised Obama did not find him a nice cushy job in his administration.. maybe he will now.

    By the way, we will hear all about Powell's side on Cnn of course.. do not expect to hear anything from Cheney.. after all CNN is the original communist News Network.. and owned by the Dems!

    2 AnswersComedy10 years ago