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Lv 6
? asked in News & EventsMedia & Journalism · 10 years ago

Do you think Soledad OBrien of CNN is racist?

She has done two specials about " Black in America" Where is the White in america? Native Americans in America... Asian in America... or does she as a supposed paid employee of CNN just represent the Blacks? And why.. how is that fair reporting. I'm getting a little sick of having Black shoved down my throat every time I turn on CNN, which I rarely turn on anymore since it became the obama P>R. Machine.

But come on! I have no objection to hearing of the successes or failures of " blacks in America" But they are only a small percentage of this country.. there are lots of us out here.. How about that Soledad????


FWCRS.. not Canadian, am an american.. and I do change the channel, almost always

Update 2:

Spencer, I do not watch either of the ones you mentioned because I think they are biased and stupid.. my question is.. why do you think O'Brien never does a story about any other Group of people.

Does it not look like she is biased toward only blacks.. and if so, is this fair to everyone else... simple question!

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. She is one big racist b!tch. Who watches the black sh!t anyway. Turn the channel.

  • 10 years ago

    No, I do not think she is racist.

    Simply discussing or informing the hardships or successes by the Black American community does not constitute racism, you seem to have warped view on what racism is.

    "Where is the White in america? Native Americans in America... Asian in America... "

    I don't know, you might want to discuss this with her or with the higher ups in CNN. If there is a demand, you might get the Native and Asian in America series.

    Get this through your head, the MAJORITY POPULATION, in this case WHITE AMERICANS will not be seen as a "struggling group" in need of a TV series because they are the MAJORITY and more ECONOMICALLY and POLITICALLY stable. Sucks for Whites, but this is what happens the political and economical advantage is in their hand. Also, don't bring the Asians into these as a rebuttle, they maybe higher educated and have higher incomes, but they still lack political and economical (wealth) clout.

    "does she as a supposed paid employee of CNN just represent the Blacks?"

    No, if you are basing this assumption on her series (like 4 episodes), then she would represent the Blacks and Latinos.

    "I'm getting a little sick of having Black shoved down my throat every time I turn on CNN, which I rarely turn on anymore since it became the obama P>R. Machine."

    Stop LYING, you know damn well CNN does not focus its 24/7 news cycle on Black people. Having 2-3 episode series in 365 days does not count as having it shoved down your throat, and bringing token Al Sharpton or Jackson doesn't count either.

    Here's a thought don't turn on CNN when they focus on "Black people".

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Well to be blatantly honest I think you are the one that is a racist. If you choose to not watch CNN anymore because you are sick of hearing about blacks that should be enough I would think. Because no one is forcing to watch anything, and your complaining about it will not change a thing.Soledad O'Brien is merely doing her job assignment with CNN, that doesn't make her a racist. Why don't you ask whether or not someone like Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter is a racist because then you would be on to something.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    I don't think she is racist. CNN would have to approve any show she does. I think that there are special proBlems facing special groups. If people think that racism isn't a proBlem, just read any comments on any internet news story, regardless of it's focus. There is just too much hatred. If an African American says they are discriminated against and hated, I trust them. I've never walked in their shoes so I can't know what they face.

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    If you don't like it you should try changing the channel to Jersey Shore or the Canadian equivalent.

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