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Lv 6
? asked in Entertainment & MusicMusicSinging · 10 years ago

Like some opinions on my comment...?

It seems the verdict is in on the Michael Jackson trail.. he is guilty.

And he very likely is. But do you not think that there is a lot of blame to go around. This is just the final chapter of a short and tortured life of a man of talent.

The Jackson family first.. I'm sure they will reap the benefits of this trial for the next several years.. all of them sucking at the teat of what is their dead brother and son. For who are they, really. Michael had the talent,and they all crawled behind on his coattails. and for that his father beat him and overworked him, his mother apparently didn't stick up for that little boy, and his brothers very likely were jealous of him. Other than Janet, which one of them really would have been noticed without Michael.

And now he is dead, by Murray's recklessness.. and Conrad Murray has been found guilty.. but what about the countless thousands who fed off of Michael, the bodyguards, the record execs the promoters etc etc. The ones who have known many times thro'' years that he was really a man child, never really matured.. had strange hobbies and sexual likes and dislikes.. but everyone covered it up.. no one got him help, after all.. he was their money source.

Even the fans who demanded more and more. America is a sick society that we demand so much from our so called stars.. we loved him to death, you might say. And now we stand outside a courtroom and look for blood, because it is all someone elses fault. What hypocrites we really are.

And the media, blood sucking bottom feeders that they are..sensationalizing every little thing.. making mountains out of nothing just to have a story, almost salivating that Michael died.. Wow, another big story... and then guiding the public to what THEY think the verdict should be.

And then they dare to stand there and pretend how they loved him. Sick people.. sick sick people.

3 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree with some of your thought process.

    I do think that Murray has some blame. But if this were anybody but Michael Jackson, would he have even gone to trial? Doubt it.

    Michael was a superstar, but he was used to getting his own way all the time. He had people employed as what I can only call "yes men" who did everything he wanted. Everyone had a price and I'm sure this doctor also had one too. Is he guilty? Yes, guilty of giving in to a spoiled tyrant who got everything he wanted pretty much all his life as he was so talented.

    I loved his music and dancing and I am sorry he died. But, I question his integrity and honesty. I think he probably was a pedophile as well and somehow managed to stay out of jail. He leaves us wondering. What was truly behind that skin color change and dis-figuration? Was he trying to change to a woman? Did he masquerade as one at times?

    Whatever he was, people loved him. I am sad he is dead. I don't feel this guy should go to jail, in a way. Being a doctor, I would rather see him working in a clinic someplace to pay "society" back.

    Nobody wins here.

  • 10 years ago

    i think the guy was not fully guilty. In my opinion i think if i was in his place i would be confussed like imagine a famous pop star begging you for something. If you were his friend of course you would want to give it to him if he was asking. I think Murray did not entirely think of the money he was getting from MJ he was probally just trying to be a friend to him. BUT on the other case Murray was stupid for giving him too much. He is a doctor, and would obviously know if it was doing any damage to MJ. So im pretty sure that he must feel really guilty about his choice. Your right about the people pretending to love him but many of his fans stood up for him in the sexual assault case. It is very sad how people make jabs at him about that every day when you could very well tell he was not guilty. The people that did that to him will keep that lie in their heart for the rest of their lives. It was very worng for them to do that to him, especially since he was adding so much good into the world. Charities, donations, letting kids come play at his house, visiting hospitals on a daily basis. It is pretty sick how people make up disgusting lies about someone who is using their fame for good while other celebritys are sucking up all the fame and money they could possibly get without thinking about anybody else. Mj was a golden soul and a true human being.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

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