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Posted once, but only got 1 response...PLEASE PLEASE answer?

The day after my period was due (so about 2 days post conception) I had my blood drawn to verify pregnancy. My results just came back (now a week later) and the levels were at 64. Is that low for 4 wks pregnant??? I had a miscarriage back in July so I am worried sick. Also, I have three healthy children (who were also of healthy pregnancies) and with all of them I had AM sickness all the time (Cant remember what week it started though. With my previous miscarriage, I had no sickness and miscarried at 7 and 1/2 weeks. I am about 5 weeks along with this pregnancy and get a little nauseous at times, but no full blown morning sickness, as before. What do yall' think? What were your levels at 4 wks, and when did your AM sickness begin? Is it possible that I ovulate late in my cycle and concieved l8er than I think? Helllllppp?!?!?!

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, that's not low at all. Its perfectly within the "normal range".

    Just because you aren't getting morning sickness is no reason to assume that this pregnancy isn't as viable as the others. Every pregnancy is different. Most women don't even experience morning sickness until 5 to 6 weeks.

    Just calm down and relax. Stressing is going to cause problems with your pregnancy more than anything else you're doing right now. If you're worried, then you need to be speaking with your doctor. Request a repeat hormone level check. As long as the numbers are doubling every 48 - 72 hours or so, then the baby is perfectly healthy.

  • 1 decade ago

    I have had 2 miscarriages and each time my hormone levels were different. Unfortunately because each person and each pregnancy is different it is hard to judge what is the "normal" range. If you go to they have a chart listed of the hormone levels for each week. Again everyone is different but you would be surprised to see what is considered "normal". They also have forums with women going through the exact same situation as you are. You can track everything on there. Your hormones are supossed to double every other day. So by now if you take 64 x 2 =128 x 2 =256 x2 =512 and so would be way into the thousands. Your pregnancy hormone is ruled by progestrone until the placenta is formed, you can talk to the Dr about extra progestrone given. They have in oral, supossitory, and cream form. I used the supossitory form and you have to lay still for about 30 mins afterwards however I have heard many women having good results from the cream form. Talk with your Dr which will work best for you. I hope this has helped you...please check out the will be your new best friend! Good Luck and Lots of sticky baby! Happy 9 months!

  • 1 decade ago

    My nausea didnt start until about 9 weeks and only lasted for about 2 weeks but I never actually got sick. This is my second pregnancy, the first one ended up an ectopic pregnancy but I have heard that every pregnancy is different even for teh same woman.

    I am not as seasoned as you when it comes to having babies =) but i would recommend that you try and not stress out. This is the most stressful thing that I have ever been through, always worrying but what is meant to be will be. You body has a special way of knowing if everything is going right. Liek I said, I would just keep in your head that worrying does nothing at this point but stress you out. Try and enjoy not being sick this time! I wish you all of the best!!! Good luck and congrats! xoxoxo

    Source(s): 14 weeks pregnant
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I never had a blood test done, since all my urine tests where positive and had my first Ultrasound done at 7w4d. But if you are 4 weeks, it means you conceived 2 weeks ago, so 64 sounds good to me.

    My morning sickness started around week 8 or 9 ... I am 28 weeks now and still have it. It does not mean your pregnancy is healthy just because you throw up. My mom never had any nausea with neither of her three pregnancies.

  • 1 decade ago

    64 is not low at all for 4 weeks. At 4 weeks your levels can be anywhere from 15-200 depending only on when implantation occured. This is a good number. :)

    I never got morning sickness with my son. Every pregnancy is different. Morning sickness is not something that has to happen in pregnancy and it can be slightly different for everyone even if you do get it. Never fear honey and congrats! :)

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm happy that you guys, well loved each other. Either he got tired of you and started going out with that girl or he's making you go insane. I mean what kind of guy is he saying that he loves you but dating another girl? What he said about going back to you when he breaks up with that girl, he's just going to use you as a rebound girl. If you tried to make this relationship work many times and didn't work then you guys are obviously a bad match. You should move on and find a way-better guy.

  • i wish i could help you out i really do but my first pregnancy ended in miscarriage (february 22 2009) and im still trying to get pregnant its natural to worry so just take a deep breath and relax remember everything happens for a reason but conreats though

  • I had a blood test at 5 or 6 weeks and it was 977.0 I think as long as your not bleeding or cramping you should be just fine.

  • 1 decade ago

    Some people have a lot of morning sickness, and some experience none at all.

  • i didnt have morning sickness i had easy pregnancy compared to a lot of women.

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