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Six amazing kids, four little boys, a princess, and a step daughter. A guy that I love past the stars. Family. In my heart, I have it all and that's all that matters to me :)

  • Is it just me?

    Quick bio: Four kids from previous marriage.9 month old baby with "him". Previous marriage full of physical and emotional abuse, cheating, leaving, drinking, you name it and I dealt with it from the ex. A year and a half after the separation and my swearing to never catch feeling again, He steps into my life.Never misses a ballgame, a school event, never left my side. Through the dating process there was a pregnant girl with several possible "baby daddies"(yes I knew this going in). And (You guessed it) the kid was born and after fighting for DNA it comes back... 99.99999. Not even a month later, + pregnancy test. So my guy goes from single bachelor to pretty well father of 6 in a year (being the biological took off and has nothing to do with the kids)Yikes! Here we are now, step kid is 2 and after a loooong court battle we now get the whole every other weekend thing. And so the big story and question begins..

    I support him through the pregnancy,DNA,court hearings.the constant baby mamma drama. We get a house together, share bills, and call ourselves a family.He was once super close with my kids but they have grown apart a good bit.He doesn't attend things the way he used to and when we argue he wants to be left alone and refuses to talk it out and leaves.So Im left alone with the kids and dealing with my emotions alone.It hurts.I wonder at times why the three men I once loved most bail on me-dad, ex, him.Is it me?What can I do different?How can I get him to talk to me?

    Family7 years ago
  • The dating game..................?

    Seperated from my husband at the time of 10 years and only real relationship I have ever been in. A little over a year after the seperation I fall for my mister right. Now, almost a year since then, we are here. He's still great to me. He loves my kids and I adore his. There isn't a doubt in my mind that my love for him is one of those everlasting kindda things to where even if it didn't work on the long run, he will always have most of my heart. I look forward to his phone calls and his coming home everyday. I would go to the end of the world and beyond just to know that I have made a single day for him one of the best. The problem? maybe? Due to my marriage to the high school sweetheart I have jnsevurities that stem from things many have never been through and many I have never even spoken of. Not even to the man I'm with now. Then there is his extensive (current, not ex's) past. It doesn't anger me...I mean it was his past. I wasn't a part of him then the way that I am now. He had some pretty hurtful experiences himself that ultimately led him to that bachelor lifestyle. It just worries me. So you have my insecurities of myself and trust issues. Then there are the what its that come along with his past. What if he misses it, what if he reverts back to that, what if I myself can't be what satisfied him with that lifestyle. I know whatever is gonna happen will happen but truth be told it would wreck my whole world...and the kids as there daddy has totally walked out of their lives in the past year. This guy has filled a gap in all of us. So that leads me to the what its. As long as he is setting aside time for us j am OK. But now we are moving in this new house so between work and remodeling and life, we haven't had that time together lately. I asked him last night if he could just spend an hour with us and not worry with everything else at some point over the weekend....he got defensive for himself and didn't seem to understand

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • 5 weeks measuring 7 weeks?

    Last week I attended my first OB appt. My doctor doesnt do an u/s on first visit, just a pelvis exam. My periods are regular and like clock work. My cycle the previous month was very accurate, as well as my period itself. When the doc did my pelvic exam he said that my uterus was measuring over 7 weeks. he asked me to come back in 2 wks (rather than 4) for an u/s. Is this something that I should be concerned about? I know some babys are bigger than others, but I have read up on this and it seems that this would only affect the size of baby and uterus in later months, when the baby actually fills the uterus. This is my fifth child and I have never had this happen. What could cause this?

    2 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • Morning Sickness????

    I am almost 5 weeks along. In my previous pregnancies, I want to say my morning sickness began around this time. However, I miscarried almost 3 years ago and never had the first sign of morning sickness. So far with this one, I have tender breasts and feel sleepy very frequently (Of course with four other kids and a full time job, that could easily be explained lol). But not a bit of morning sicknes. I have not gotten off that lucky with any of my successful pregnancies. I had a Leep procedure done back in May for cervical cancer, so with that on top of a previous miscarriage, I worry to death about this sort of thing. So I guess my question is when did you begin to get morning sicknes. Also, if any of you have had an experience with a pregnancy after the LEEP, please let me know how that went and what your doc. reccommended.

    5 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • How do I set the time on a 92' Isuzu pickup?

    2.3 liter. 4 cylender. its actually a question for the hubby :P

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 8 weeks pregnant. bleeding after sex.?

    I am actually 7wks 6 days pregnant. We had sex this afternoon. Now, like 3 hours later, I go to pee, wipe, and see brownish/red blood. I had a miscarriage earlier this year, so this really concerns me. I am scared to death. The plus side is that we saw the baby's heartbeat l;ast week. What do yall think???

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • What do you think of these names...and other suggestions welcome too :)?

    Okay, so I fancy different names. My other three children's names are Bladen, Hailyn, and Stratton. This time I am aiming for a unique name without the "N" at the end. Also, last name is Levins, so it has to go with the last name.


    Scarlet Mae (A bit old fashioned, but you never hear Scarlet anymore, and I think its beautiful!)


    Zylah Mae

    (I wanna stick with Mae as the middle name, after my great grandmother that passed....she was my heart!)


    Zander Cage

    (I love love love Vin Diesel and this was his name in his Triple X movie. I tried to pass just Vin Diesel Levins off as the full name to the hubby, but he wasnt having it. lol)

    Thanks everyone!

    8 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Posted once, but only got 1 response...PLEASE PLEASE answer?

    The day after my period was due (so about 2 days post conception) I had my blood drawn to verify pregnancy. My results just came back (now a week later) and the levels were at 64. Is that low for 4 wks pregnant??? I had a miscarriage back in July so I am worried sick. Also, I have three healthy children (who were also of healthy pregnancies) and with all of them I had AM sickness all the time (Cant remember what week it started though. With my previous miscarriage, I had no sickness and miscarried at 7 and 1/2 weeks. I am about 5 weeks along with this pregnancy and get a little nauseous at times, but no full blown morning sickness, as before. What do yall' think? What were your levels at 4 wks, and when did your AM sickness begin? Is it possible that I ovulate late in my cycle and concieved l8er than I think? Helllllppp?!?!?!

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • are my levels low? Is there a possibility of me miscarrying again?!?!?!?

    The day after my period was due (so about 2 days post conception) I had my blood drawn to verify pregnancy. My results just came back (now a week later) and the levels were at 64. Is that low for 4 wks pregnant??? I had a miscarriage back in July so I am worried sick. Also, I have three healthy children (who were also of healthy pregnancies) and with all of them I had AM sickness all the time (Cant remember what week it started though. With my previous miscarriage, I had no sickness and miscarried at 7 and 1/2 weeks. I am about 5 weeks along with this pregnancy and get a little nauseous at times, but no full blown morning sickness, as before. What do yall' think? What were your levels at 4 wks, and when did your AM sickness begin? Is it possible that I ovulate late in my cycle and concieved l8er than I think? Helllllppp?!?!?!

    1 AnswerPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Liklihood of two miscarriages in a row?

    I had a micarriage on July 29, of this year. I found out I was pregnant again this past Mon. I am 5 wks today. I was 7 and 1/2 wks when my miscarriage occured. Obviously, I am a nervous wreck about it. I never got AM sickness with my miscarried pregnancy, but had it SEVERELY with my 3 previous children. I have not thrown up yet with this pregnancy, so that concerns me...but have been nauseous. And dizzy as well. Okay, so at 5 wks...too early for vomiting? possible reason for dizziness? And what is the liklihood of having 2 miscarriages in a row? I have NEVER had any other issues with my previous three pregnancies, prior to the miscarriage. Please give me some uplifting news. I cant help but worry :(

    3 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Girls! Finally! It looks like this is my final TTC post!?

    I FINALLY got my BFP this AM! I am so so so excited. After a year of trying with one miscarriage, I am just beside myself. I have a great way to announce the pregnancy on Christmas to the fam. So far, just the hubby and myself know, but it is killing me to tell someone! Sooo, it looks like I will be moving to the pregnancy forum. yay! Can't believe it! Good luck everyone! And baby dust to all. I will keep you all in my prayers for your BFP's! Thanks for all your help!

    11 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Maybe??????????????????

    Okay, so my period is due today. We tried on all requd days this month. My period is always 4 wks and 1 day from the 1st day of my last....ALWAYS. And with every cycle, I wake up with blood. Today? No period yet. Have been bloated for about 4 days. Sore breasts. So, what do you guys think? Is it likely that this could be THE month? I wont be able to get a test until tomorrow, so I just wanted some words of comfort and hope. I am trying not to get to excited....just in case. But, what better Christmas present?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Looking for some input?

    Just curious. Usually after ovulation your cm lessens, right? Well, mine did. But yetserday (3 days prior to due period) and tues I had some mild crmping on left side. I tested yest. but it was -. Everyone keeps informing me that the cramps could have been from implantation, as yesterday would have been 10 days since ovulation and that the hormones would not yet be high enough to test. Now, today, all cramping is gone (2 days til period is due) and I have had extra clear discharge. Could this be a sign of possible implantation or do any of your get extra discharge prior to your period? If it could be a sign of implantation...when should I re test? Tomorrow or wait til Sat?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Is it possible for implantation to occur 3 days before period starts?

    I am a late ovulator, and am curious. I should have ovulated last Monday (9 days ago). My period is not due for another three days. However yesterday (4 days prior to P-Day) I started cramping (mostly in my lower back. I have been cramping a bit today, as well. Not bad, just like I may have slept on my back wrong or something...idk. I took a pregnancy test today. Not an EPT though, just a cheap 4 dollar Wal Mart brand....Equate, I think??? Anywho, it came back negative. So, my question is this...

    With the cramping lasting yesterday and today, is it possible for implantation to occur 3-4 days prior to the day that your period is due? Particularly with my ovulation schedual?

    If so, when would hormone levels be high enough to detect on a pregnancy test?

    6 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Are these symptoms or is it to early?

    Oh, and I have been peeing a lot more, but I have also cut out a lot of my Pepsi habits and been drinking mainly Gatoraid...

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Only a week left til my period is due....?

    I am getting so anxious. Kindda like an "I know this is THE month" type of feeling. I already bought a test today :-) Implantation should take place within the next day or two... How many days post implantation are the hormones strong enough to get an accurate reading??? I know everyone says to wait until the missed period, but I always tested a day or 2 before my missed period with my other children. But this TTC experience is different. I have never tried and kept track to this extent. Its like something is just missing, ever since our miscarriage back in July. So, what do you all think? Period due next Sat. When is the earliest I could test?

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Could it be??? Please Answer...?

    Okay, we have been TTC since our miscarriage on July 29th. A few months back we had a bit of a set back. The hubby's testicle tube twisted (which I hear is fairly common) and he had to have sergury to have it affect to fertilization though :). Sooo, I had my period on October 23rd. We tried on Nov. 4, 6, and 8 (days 13, 15, and 17 of cycle). Sat. through today I have had the mucousy discharge (indicating ovulation). So we would have tried the day before ovulation and on the second day into ovulation (when dischare was at its peak). I know none of you are doctors, but based on research and experience, what do you think? And when should my pregnancy symptoms begin, if I were preggers. Btw, period is due on Nov 21st (about a wk and a half). When could I test at the earliest and get a +? Thanks everyone!

    Oh, and when would implatation occur and are any cramps or anything associated with it??? I have had 3 children, but never had to track my dates to concieve. So I am a bit dusty on the TTC. Thanks again :)

    4 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • examples of internal and external exchange agents?

    Could you provide one or two of these each? I am having some issues understanding just what exact field would meet each of these areas. I am supposed to be preparing a paper, but dont really know who to use as examples.

    2 AnswersOther - Advertising & Marketing1 decade ago
  • Pain in husbands testicle after intercourse?

    My husband and I had intercourse twice today. He was fine after the 1st, but after the 2nd he began feeling pain in the right testicle. That was about 4 hrs ago. It started off with just the pain. Now the testicle itself is swollen and it is hurting him there and in the abdomen. There was no trama to the testicle itself or anything, so what could this be? And for all of the pervs wanting to make rude comments, no...neither of us have STD's, we have our yearly exams. Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • rights of a probation officer?

    Can a probation officer legally openly discuss one clients case with another client? If not, how would one go about reporting this issue?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago