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Should non-hockey behaviour be a contributing factor in Hall of Fame selection?

This was a recent topic of discussion among some Hall of Fame members

1) Alan Eagleson was granted honoured membership for his work in promoting hockey internationally (and in the process proving Canadian superiority).

2) Harold Ballard was granted honoured membership for God knows why

3) Bernard Federko was made to wait for years due to 'alcohol' issues he MAY have had while he was a player (and these same issues MAY have led to his demotion from the Blues colour commentary poistion)

4) Gil Stein was granted honoured membership simply because he was League President

5) Dino Ciccarelli is being forced to wait (and may never get in) due to a plethora of problems he had with the law.

- Alan Eagleson eventally spent time in jail for stealing from the union/sponsors and had his membership revoked

- Gil Stein was not as highly thought of by the NHL Board of governors and the BOG pressured the Hall of Fame committee to remove him (and subsequently fired him as president).

- Harold Ballard, in the eyes of many people, destroyed one of the oldest franchises, and spent time in jail for tax evasion, and defrauding Maple Leaf Gardens Limited, yet he is still an honoured member.

So, should non-hockey behaviour be a contributing factor in whether or not someone becomes an honoured member?

- should Ballard be removed?

- should Ciccarelli be removed from further consideration

- should Guy Lafleur's membership be looked at in light of his 1982 drunk driving offense and the recent suspended sentence against him for his role in his son's escapades?


Bob - it was reading Patrick's answer that made me think of the question in the first place. He said that it was mentioned during the intermission of a game before Christmas, and after talking to a couple of friends, apparently it's been a hot topic lately due to some comments that Theo Fleury made on TSN.

I think they need to remove the double standard - what's the difference between Eagleson stealing from the players, and Ballard stealing from the shareholders (one of the 'things' that is preventing Balsillie from gaining respect among the NHL BOG and got Samueli suspended for a year as Ducks owner)?

I think Stein was a no brainer, and I too think that Pete Rose should be in the baseball Hall of Fame...............but after listening to people like Gainey, Orr, and Clarke support Eagleson....and seeing what Eagleson did with respect to the Summit Series/Canada Cup/World Cup etc, I think he belongs. He was also the last NHLPA head to keep the union under control.

Update 2:

I also say no to Henderson. His stick and picture are in the Hall of Fame, that's enough. Do we put in Jim Craig for stonewalling the Russians in February 1980? His effort had the same effect on a nation as Henderson's goal. Henderson had a better NHL career, but not a Hall of Fame career. Jim Craig played one of the greatest games ever played against the Soviets by an amateur goaltender, if not the greatest, but not a Hall of Famer./

Update 3:

vip - you bring up some good points about Sawchuk and the old boys. I've just finished Brian McFarlane's book and he has a couple of stories in their about Hall of Famers that was 'acceptable behaviour' back then, but not so nowadays.

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What a great Q (and one that I was thinking about after Cyren posted all of Dino Ciccarelli's exploits).

    I do not think that non-hockey poor behaviour should be a consideration. I think the Hall is for the HOCKEY and should be looked at as such........personally I think that if they were great players/coaches/builders or whatever then I don't care if they assassinated a world leader.

    I think the only consideration should "maybe" be instances where the integrity of the sport is violated but I am the wrong person to ask about this too because I think Eagleson should have stayed although that was a tough one with so many players so dead set against it and talking about having their membership revoked if his wasn't so understandable........I also believe that Pete Rose should be in the baseball Hall of Fame, how do you deny the best hitter of all time entry? I don't care even if he did bet on his own team, he still was the best hitter!

    Guys like Stein I disagree with though......just because I think that membership should be difficult.

    Ciccarelli should be added. What do his indiscretions have to do with his on ice play? Even if it did have to do with on-ice play (assault, bad sportsmanship or whatever) I still don't care....I think he was good enough to be there and should be.

    Lafleur.....Hell no......who didn't drink and drive in 1982.......maybe that sounds harsh but I lived in a small town for a few years in my also wasn't even that big of a deal then... a small fine probably.

    His son? Yeah, he chaffeured him around for his escapades and apparently lied about it. Sorry, don't care, his six 50 goal seasons in a row are what should be considered fot the HOCKEY Hall of Fame.

    Ethics and etiquette required? Meh.

    You could have probably added Glenn Anderson's name prior to last year (although I am not so sure his stats warranted induction)......some say he was snubbed for so long for just being an overall jerk. Others say because he was gay. Others say not media friendly.

    Then there is the debate on Paul Henderson. Some say he should be inducted because it is the Hall of FAME....and he scored the most famous goal in Canadian history. a Pete Rose supporter, I am probably not the right person to ask. Even O.J Simpson deserves to stay in the Football HOF.....I should say even if he was guilty (LOL).

    Source(s): Edit- Tom- It wasn't a Q......just a statement. I don't think Henderson's career warrants it and LITY gives another great example with Craig....I am just saying that some people think he should.
  • 1 decade ago

    The entire listing of builders is an old boys club. Yes Hal singlehandedly destroyed the Leafs but when you read about his hockey achievements before gaining control of the Leafs he should be rewarded for those alone.

    Hal was two different people. His public demeanor was famous. He followed no rules and broke all the others. His private life was different. The Leaf players under Ballard were required to visit the Hospitals in Toronto. They had to take part in Variety Village activities and the gardens was open for many charity functions for free. All the school championship hockey games were played at MLG. There was no charge for the ice or the facility. Just think how many twelve year old kids had their chance to play on the same ice as Conacher, Apps, Kennedy, and Keon. Ballard Did that. Busher Jackson was blackballed from the HHOF Ballard fought the Old Boys to get him inducted.

    Should he be removed? My answer is no. But then I'm biased. Ballard was a friend. He had Loblaw's buddy Stuckless fired from the Garden staff when to explain why would have caused a black mark over the club. He did all he could to help the victims. Quietly and without fanfare. He was a great owner but a lousy business man.

    Stein had himself inducted. That was changed and now the HHOF has no link to the NHL.

    If non hockey considerations are removed from the reasons for non inclusion of players. Then Dino should be included but how many players are inducted because of their non hockey activities.

    Answering Bob's question on Henderson. Paul Henderson should not be in the Hall because it is based on a lifetime of achievement not a single game of excellence. If we are to reward single achievements Ian Turnbull should be in but not bloody likely.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I was very happy with Alomar and Blyleven getting inducted. I enjoyed how Alomar now holds the record for voting percentage for anyone NOT elected on the the first ballot (the previous record was 88.8% by Joe DiMaggio). I am glad that Barry Larkin (+10%) and Tim Raines (+7%) vote totals went up by so much; Larkin has a pretty good shot at election next year (when Bernie Williams is the sole new candidate worth mentioning). Palmeiro's 11% was incredibly noteworthy, as was the fact that Edgar Martinez, Fred McGriff, Mark McGwire and Harold Baines all lost votes (all are about the same- sluggers without much value outside of the bat). I thought it interesting how Juan Gonzalez got enough votes to come back next year. Finally, I was afraid John Franco would get only one or two votes- he almost got 5%.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Great question. I guess I am in favor of weighing exactly what the off ice issues are before deciding on in or out and what affect they had on the game of hockey in general. Guys should represent hockey in the best way possible but to deny guys or punish them by making them wait and basically calling them out in the form of the voting process bothers me in some ways.

    Guys like Eagleson deserved to have his membership revoked.....I wholeheartedly agree with your feeling on Ballard (good ole boys club is the only explaination I can come up with....cronyism). I think when we look at Ciccarelli I wonder if in part he doesnt get the votes because of the indecent exposure conviction in his case along with some of the assault charges (some pretty serious issues with media types, surely the Hall voters know they will be called to task if and when Dino gets in by some of those guys). It is hard to overlook 600+ goals and 1200 points though.

    We could go on and on about the character of some Honoured members (Terry Sawchuk was no saint among many others). Lafleur is another that rubs the "honoured" idea the wrong way but sometimes we have to look past the warts to recognize what some of these guys did on the ice. The more I think this through the more I am torn...guys need to represent the product the right way but on the other hand how does one justify removing a Guy Lafleur over some personal demons (lets face has always allowed for a certain culture that allows for drinking to be a part of the history of the game). Case by case, the guys who vote have been overall pretty sensible so I favor them continuing in pretty much the same manor....keeping the integrity of the game at mind while respecting that guys arent always angels.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    oh boy.. Thanks for screwing w/my brain..lmao

    On the one hand, you have idiots like Tiger Woods ( I know not hockey but he is a great example) screwing around w/1/4 of the strippers of the world, and he's the greatest golfer ever! He def. should be a HOF inductee.. People like Oj? Did he off the wench and her bf/waiter? hmmm I bet he did, but he still goes into the HOF. Pete Rose? oh get over it..let him in! Wilt Chamberlain would have a big

    I think unless the person committed and is convicted a major rape or murder he/she should get in. People like Mike Vick would not be allowed in if I had my say.

    Personal problems like substance abuse should not be be a factor unless they went on drunken rages raping, pillaging, and getting DUIs and killing people.

    What's next? hey he watches too much porn!

    I don't think anyone should be romoved from the HoF. They can always put a little * by the name. Barroid Bonds and Jose Casuck-O should both have their names w/a little * for their steroid abuse.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Like Joshhy said, Hockey numbers and numbers only is what should get you into the Hall! That goes for all sports! The Halls are for greatness in their respected sport, not being a great person!!

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