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New mom's...what do you do for exercise?

I am so motivated to get this weight off. I was just wondering what you guys do. Any awesome workout DVD's you would recommend? Or any dieting tips that really helped you?

I know time is a precious I'm wondering what yu do to take care of yourself without taking away time from your little one?


10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do the same exercises you did pre-natally, plus walking to get you out of the house! In about 6 months, you can find other new Moms and start walking and running with them. That will solve your weight concerns - or swimming is great too, and most rec centers, and the Ys have child/infant care for those days.

    As far as your dietary intake, stick to your sensible pre-natal diet, if you followed one, or avoid foods that are "prepared," most that come in a "bag, box, bottle or can (Childbirth Today: Prepareed and Positive"), avoid processed meats, fats (except for olive or canola oils), processed cheeses, most foods that are white in color should be avoided, too (sugar, flous, marshmallows, dairy other than 2% of less), etc. Plenty of fresh and/or raw vegetables, and fruits, grains, beans, legumes, natural oils, whole grain breads, etc. Munch on raw veggies. You'll be surprised how you will slim down, and you'll have a great nutitional pattern to pass on to your child.

    Source(s): peri-natal health specialist
  • 1 decade ago

    I've never been a fan of structured exercise regimes or classes even before my daughter was born. I try to incorporate exercise in my everyday routine. For instance, I live at the grocery store, so I make a couple of extra laps around the store while I'm there. I purposely cross one end of the store to the other to pick up items I need. Also, I take the stairs when I get to work in the morning instead of the elevator. Plus, with all of the cleaning and cooking that I do around the house, I know I'm burning off calories. You burn around 78 calories per 30 minutes by washing dishes! Your increasingly busy schedule combined with sensible eating and breast feeding (this is nature's fitness program) should take the extra pounds off at a reasonable and steady rate. I'm already back down to my pre-pregnancy weight after four months. Understanding that everyone is different, if you still need a little something extra, then hop on a Wii or turn up the stereo and dance it away (baby will probably like this too). These are all things that have worked for me and haven't added to the already hectic world of motherhood!

  • 1 decade ago

    quite honestly...I haven't done anything yet. My son is 6 months and I still have about 15 pounds of pregnancy weight to loose. I'm a working mother so I have a hard time finding the time, and because I'm always going, when I have the spare time, I just want to relax. I'm not the person to really go to the gym, and my eating habits are horrendous. I'm typically a once a day eater at night which I know is horrible for the metabolism. I did just get the Wii Fit for Xmas so I will be doing that, because I can do it right in the living room while my son naps, and not have to worry about a sitter or daycare at the gym. I wish you luck! Happy New Year!

  • 1 decade ago

    Walking worked great -- when the weather's bad, we'd head to the mall to walk. Be careful about what you eat -- I kept a diary for two days to see the problem, which was starving then shoving any convenient thing into my mouth. I prepare easy things at night for the next day, few days, or week if I can (aka I make hummos and store 1/2 in the freezer, same with lasagna, chili, pre-cut veggies with fat free dip, etc.) Plan for what you're going to eat, keep granola bars in your diaper bag for emergencies, and learn to love your water bottle :)

    My sons and I did yoga together, but have since joined our local YMCA -- they go to child watch while I work out AND SHOWER (woo hoo!) giving us 1.5-2 hours apart where they can safely play and I can work out. If a gym is too much, read muscle and fitness 'for her' -- it was my favorite magazine, easy at home routines, and for weight... just pop you baby on your knees, at your feet for sit-ups... it's terribly funny for them, so stay focused and resist wanting to just stop and play with your cutie pie! Ok, give in and play, then get serious when they're napping :)

    I am so proud of you for making your health and well being a priority! Do you know how much your back alone is going to endure over the years lifting, lugging, carrying, cleaning, etc.? It's almost insurmountable! Take good care, momma!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I used to (and still do) go walking in the morning. Our mall opens early for people to just walk, and i would go and walk around for about an hour, kinda speed walking with the stroller. It was part of our daily routine. Now i don't go as much since i work part-time, but whenever i have a morning off i go. In the summer i would go walk around by the lake for about an hour instead of the mall.

    I've tried pilates and look like an idiot trying to do it lol!! Thought it was just me so i had my friends try with me, and they were just as bad. Sadly i gave up on pilates!! LOL

  • 1 decade ago

    It depends on whether or not you're breastfeeding. Vigorous exercise can make your milk taste bad to the baby and can also affect your supply.

    Honestly, if you're not bf then cutting back on calories and working out 3-4 times a week (yoga booty ballet is good) and if that doesn't work for you... well, try phentermine. I got a prescription for that as a last ditch effort and I've lost 26 pounds in a little over 8 weeks.

    Source(s): Mom of 2, had a baby 8 months ago
  • 1 decade ago

    I work out after her early feeding and before I get ready for work.

    I use the elliptical and Tae-bo videos. The most important is TIME and moderation. Just do the best you can everyday and you will start to feel and look better.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do hip hop abs...its really fun and they are 20 min workouts so I can do it while my son is taking a nap and take a shower before he even gets up :)

  • 1 decade ago

    i always pefer walk but its very cold here and i cant take my newborn outside... so now i am prefering diet as i am a breastfeed mom so not following tough diet just avoiding fat and oily foods.. eating little but healthy so it dont affect my milk supply...

  • 1 decade ago

    I always took walks with the baby. It was good for exercise and fresh air.

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