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8 wk old eating to much?

my son on average eats about 4 oz every hr or 2. or 8 oz every 2 or 2 1/2 hrs. to me this seems alot. but considering he was 8 lbs 14 oz when he was born he is alot bigger than other babies. is this normal?? someone told me to put a TINYYYY bit of rice before bed and it will help keep him fuller threw the night. he still wakes up ever 2 1/2 to 3 hrs at night. whihc is fine .. i also heard if u tlk to ur doc and ur baby eats more than normal u can start feeding them 1st gerber foods?? anyone else done this or know anyhting about it?? he pretty much holds his hed up by himself btw. cuz some say supported sitters he is alsmot there... he is a little advanced i think??? help???

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    why would you give rice cereal before bed, that will not help in any way for a

    baby to sleep longer as iv been told by alot of qualified practitioners,

    not only that, babys has a hard time to digest the rice,

    as there digestion system needs to get stronger

    seriously stop feeding the cereal and he wont be eating to much,

    your most probably fill his tummy up, and im pretty sure he would have tummy aches,

    im sure youve over ate before and felt so full you couldnt even move,

    well your doing that to your 2 month old everyday.

    my baby girl was 8lbs 13oz and i feed her milk every 2 hours,

    when she was 2 months old and

    she has always been on the last line on the growth charts.

    but she gained weighed steady there was no jumps in the weight or height.

    i started feeding her rice cereal at 5 months and solids at 6 months

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    8 weeks is much too young to start giving solid foods. The current recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Worl Health Organization is to wait on introducing any solid foods until at least 6 months. Before that just formula or breastmilk."

    "If your baby isn't eating any solids (if he's younger than 4 to 6 months, he shouldn't be), the rule of thumb is to offer him 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of body weight each day.

    So if your baby weighs 6 pounds, you'll give him about 15 ounces of formula in a 24-hour period. If he weighs 10 pounds, he should drink about 25 ounces in a 24-hour period."

    "It's possible to give your baby too much formula, and he'll let you know this, too. If after a feeding he vomits (spitting up is normal, vomiting isn't — see how to tell the difference), you may have overfed him.

    Another sign of overfeeding is if he seems to have tummy pain — he might draw his legs up and his tummy may be tense.

    If you're worried that your baby isn't eating enough or is eating too much, take a look at his weight gain and talk with his doctor. She can tell you whether your baby's intake is appropriate for his size and age, and she can advise you about any adjustments you may need to make. "

    These are both from the link in the source area below.

    As for the rice cereal in the bottle, DON'T DO IT. Please, please read this article.

    Hope I helped!

  • 1 decade ago

    ok, my baby was born nov 10 @ 9.2 lb and the most he gets is 4oz in a bottle and sometimes he spits that up. you might be mistaking his cries for hunger. maybe he is gassy or uncomfortable. you shouldn't give him cereal or food because his digestive system can't handle that yet, he's still a newborn. my baby holds his head up and babbles too, but that doesn't mean his tummy is ready for solids...just tell your doctor about this at next appt. in the meantime, if he is on formula, try to stretch the feedings out to 3 or 4 hrs, starting w/ 15 minute increments.

    Source(s): mom to 3--6y,5y,1mo
  • 1 decade ago

    he is too young to start any solids...

    it sounds like he is eating too frequently... you need to try and get him to be eating only about every 3-4 hours and he should have a bigger drink then... there are recommendations on the containers for amounts to feed and they are there for a reason...

    i breastfed so i dont know the amounts but i only allowed my daughter to feed 3 hourly during the day and the same at night... it sounds a bit harsh but if you feed them all the time they will expect it forever...

    i think you should try a feeding schedule, like 3 hourly, 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm to settle, then 3-4 hourly at night depending on when he wakes...

    it is easy to offer a feed each time your baby wakes or is unsettled but it may not be why he is unsettled... i think you will benefit alot from a feeding schedule because he will not be getting more or less than he needs and he will learn when he will be fed and you will learn his other signs of tiredness, wind etc...

    good luck! Please dont start any solids at this age unless you have a really good paediatrician who has recommended it.

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