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Melissa asked in Home & GardenCleaning & Laundry · 1 decade ago

I need help cleaning furnature!?

My mom passed away 7 years ago. The furniture is beautiful but pledge and hot soapy water don't work. It has dust and wont come off how do I bring the shine back? Its that newer pressed wood with veneer style wood. I'd like to get it clean. There's still shinny spots where things were setting!

I dont want to ruin it much more! My dad didnt want to clean or move things and he is ok now and now its too dusty and sank into the wood!


Thanks! I miss her and feel bad I let her furnature ruin this badly!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Blot the excess stain, do not soak it. This is true for all stain types.

    Step 2

    Determine what kind of stain it is.

    Step 3

    For grease stains, butter, gravy and salad dressing, blot on a small amount of rubbing alcohol or dry-cleaning fluid. Repeat until there is no more transfer of stain to white cloth or plain white paper towel. Then blot with a solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water, blotting from the outside of the stain in.

    Step 4

    For makeup, rub a small amount of rubbing alcohol or dry-cleaning fluid on the stain and blot dry immediately. If the stain is particularly stubborn, then blot it with a solution of vinegar and warm water, and blot dry it immediately.

    Step 5

    For ink, blot the fabric with rubbing alcohol and blot dry immediately. Repeat until the stain disappears. Then, rinse with a solution of white vinegar and warm water and blot dry again.

    Step 6

    For juices, wines and tomato-based sauces, wet the fabric slightly with warm water and let soak for one minute. Then blot dry with a paper towel. Repeat until no stain substance is visible on the paper towel. Then, rub in a detergent solution of dishwashing liquid and warm water and repeat until no stain transfers to the paper towel. Finally, blot with club soda or tonic water.

    Step 7

    Blot in with warm water and pat dry with a paper towel. This is a universal step to be performed after the specific removal process, regardless the type of stain.

    Step 8

    Brush dry with a clean, dry wash towel or soft-bristle brush.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try a solution of vinegar and water. About 1 part vinegar to 3 water, warm. Use cotton cloths if you can. The soil is holding onto the surface really well so it may take going over several times. Pledge leaves a waxy film that attracts more dust and dirt. It wil probably take some elbow grease but you'll get there. Dry it after it's clean. The vinegar odor will disappear in a short while or burn insense to over ride it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Hot soapy water is not a good thing for furniture. Get Murphy's Oil Soap. Follow the bottle directions and use a rag to clean with..Do not over saturate the furnishings. Let it dry completely and follow with Lemon oil. It may take a coat every day for a week or 2 until it reconditions. Then you can use it once every 2 weeks.

    Sorry about your mom ...tuff when things that are supposed to be go all wrong. The 2 of you will get through it and better times will come, promise.

  • 1 decade ago

    Call up a local furniture store and give them a description of the furniture.

    They can suggest the best product for your wood type.

    Wood can be tricky, its best to get some professional advice.

    Never apply water directly to wood - always use a damp, soft cloth.

    Source(s): professional housekeeper
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  • MikeG
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Throw that crap out. Pressed wood with a fake veneer? Tell dad it's time to buy some decent furniture.

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