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What happened to conservative-ness?

Conservative used to mean people who respected America and wanted smooth sailing. Today they want to force their dictatorship on everybody no matter what.

Conservatives are no longer conservative, they now think they have the right to force their dictatorship on everyone. They are wrong.

36 Answers

  • bwlobo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A conservative government means that the dictator is not the president, nor is it any one senator or representative. It is a true representative government of "We The People". It is the furthest away from being a dictatorship that you could imagine.

    We don't want to "force" anything on anyone, but we would like our elected official to uphold the United States Constitution!

    This is Truth.

    Source(s): bwlobo
  • 1 decade ago

    Conservative voters are taking a Liberal view, and vice versa. It is too bad we have to keep reminding people that, just a scant 10 years ago, our Treasury was full, the deficit was low, and the budgets were balanced...with a surplus! Jobs were available for anyone wanting to work and you could actually buy products made right here in America!

    We have been crucified by politicians who have made bad choices and a radicalized people who just didn't care, as long as their agenda was followed. When it came to War, we were actually given warnings that were not true. Our businesses have fled, our manufacturing base is in China, our dream of living the Good Life has been flushed down the drain. In that short length of time, we have gone from being a very, very rich nation to a Debtor Nation caught in a Recession that rivals the windswept problems of seventy years ago.

    We have elected a man who is trying his best to solve the problems, being harassed by people who want political power more than improvement. Tea Parties, Parades with Offensive Posters, Death Panels, Gun Nuts carrying weapons into political meetings, Sarah and Levi...all of these ridiculous events piling into a huge void that has divided our country. We are beset by television Ads and television pundits that exaggerate and fabricate.

    Conservatism has only one meaning....spending money wisely. We haven't been able to do this for ten years now and when the time comes that we can again be solvent, let's hope we don't again elect the crazies to take it all away!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I see a lot of real ignorance and the media and the American people foster it. First off, I'm so sick of the media and even politicians using terms out of a political science text book, screwing it all up and then smug dumb asses spouting off like they know what they're talking about.

    Get this through your heads, nothing is as it appears. If you had taken and passed Political science-101 you would see right through the whole mess.

    The only dicators in the making are Democrats, just watch as they do their work. They're on a roll right now. If you ever thought you were free, those days will soon be over. look on the bright side, the Democrats will take care of all of us, equally. So get used to squalor and forget about opportunity to get ahead, unless of course, you're a party person.

    The Republican party is the only hope to maintain an original intent to the US Constitution, Liberal Representative Democracy and it is divided and in tatters and the "Conservative" leaders sold out the party, I suspect for cash, some Obama bucks.

    Get this through your head, Democrats are not Liberals, they are Marxists. The Political Science text book has a strict criteria and the Republican party meet the criteria for Liberals, not the Democrats. Democrats are starting to use a true term, "Progressives", Karl Marx used the term too, Progressive towards the Communist Utopia. Liberal has a root word, it's Liberty, and the Democrats are control freaks and not at all concerned with Liberty.

    Most Americans will stay stupid. It won't be long and the Democrats will have us all by the short hairs and even staunch Democrats today will hate their party but will be powerless to regain lost liberties.

    I'd say the time for an open civil war is right now. If the country is to continue as it has since 1775, it will be necessary, otherwise, we will just fall apart with a whimper.

    Conservatives are just ignorant and betrayed. Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, Billy Cunningham, mark levin, they work for Obama bucks now. They can bad mouth Obama all they want, they get their ratings up and still help out the Democrats by dividing the Republican party. Conservatives are the stupid side of the Republican party.

  • Pygar
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Real conservatives can't get elected; the ones who get elected are neocons... Democrats with a thin coat of Republican paint.

    You want genuine conservatives, you have to vote Libertarian, but no one will, since expressing what you really want is "wasting your vote". On the other hand outguessing whether Democrat Party A or B is going to win the election lets you call yourself a winner, even if you never get to express what you want.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Conservatives had a free ride for 8 years under Bush and they used religious scare tactics to gain votes. They had so much power that they can not comprehend not getting everything their way. With irresponsible deregulation they have collapsed our country and driven jobs oversees. They believe in freedom and wave the flag at every chance. They want freedom for all Americans, as long as you vote to banish women's rights, gay rights, union rights, affordable health care rights, equal opportunity rights, freedom of religious rights, and fair trade competition. Other than that, they're patriots.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you. It's happened in Canada, too. Our Federal Progressive Conservative Party used to be very Canadian: traditional but willing to work on issues dealing with social justice and societal fairness.

    Since the 1980s this has changed -- for us in Canada it started changing with Brian Mulroney, one of the most self-serving, greedy politicians this country has ever known.

    And it's just got worse. We now have an extreme right wing that took over the Progressive Conservative party and moved it so far to the right that it's not recognizable any more.

    I find this increasing partisanship and polarization extremely disturbing because it means that nothing is getting done.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't know of any time that being conservative meant smooth sailing or going along to get along.

    As far as dictatorships go, conservativism is the opposite of tyranny since it espouses smaller government. Progressive liberalism is much closer to being a dictatorship since both want larger goverment.

  • 1 decade ago

    And liberalism seems to be doing what??? Really look at what this current administration is doing..exactly what you wrote above....the problem is that people are lazy and there are more and more of them and to get them to vote both conservatives and (as usual) liberals have to pretend that they can fix everything simply and quickly with no ill effects to the general population, unless its some one who makes lots of money, then they can be taxed extra so the sorry slobs that are to stupid to do anything can have their money.......

    Honestly don't judge too quickly, this isn't a problem entirely created by the politicians, though I don't trust a single one. This is a cultural problem and one that sooner or later is going to be the end of this country. As one of my professors said we are now in the post knowledgeable age as a society. We all want to have fun and be nice but we don't think.

    Try thinking, quit being lazy, and start calling your politicians.

  • 1 decade ago

    like you, i long for a return to the days of william f. buckley versus studs terkel. it was an on-going, intellectual debate with civility and manners.

    then the liberal anti-war protesters during viet nam discovered they could recruit more moderates to their side with demonizing rhetoric directed against "the establishment". eventually we pulled out of 'nam and that movement died, but the genie was out of the bottle. conservatives saw how effective the technique of demonization was, and decided to employ it to their benefit. the religious right jumped on board at the invitation of reagan and provided an air of legitimacy (god is on OUR side!) to their movement.

    what we see here on yahoo answers is the result. the deep thinkers like buckley and goldwater have been replaced with reactionary LIARS like limbaugh and robertson. certain americans, being basically too lazy to think for themselves, started accepting every pronouncement from these loons as gospel. logical conservativism has been replaced with inflammatory rhetoric. the gentle chiding of ronald reagan toward liberals has been replaced with wild-eyed, extremist insanity and hateful invectives hurled at anyone to the political left of genghis khan. what works has been replaced by what is ideologically pure, regardless of the facts or results. hypocrisy has replaced integrity. billy graham, one of the few evangelists i respect, has been replaced with ted haggard, who preaches against drugs and gay rights on sunday after spending saturday night enjoying a methamphetamine-fueled homosexual orgy. fanaticism has replaced faith.

    and the most dangerous part of all is a basic fact of human nature described by the philosopher george santayana:

    "the definition of a fanatic is someone who redoubles their efforts AFTER their initial objective has been achieved."

    i thought of that quote on election day 2004. i was at work when the election was called for bush. i was listening to the newscasters on the radio station my coworkers prefer (we took a vote over which station is played in the shop - 94.5 FM, "the voice of christian radio", won) gloat over the victory. they said, and i quote, "now that roe v wade is as good as overturned, it's time for our listeners to focus their attention on the next great crusade: the repeal of the 19th amendment to reclaim america for Jesus! GLORY!"

    if THAT sort of fundamentalism doesn't scare you, you're a fool. if you think that is an isolated example of the extremism of today's conservatives, check out my link. gary naler is a rising star in today's conservative movement.


  • 1 decade ago

    By your statement you must think conservatives are in Power.

    HELLO you need a wake up call. Democrats are in power and they want their dictatorship. Democrats will deny this, however that is what is happening. Most democrats don't realize their party is being run by progressives.

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