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  • Does Anyone Know About Planes?

    Like most people, I have watched the airplane go down in the Hudson River. It is said that the engines were wrecked by a flock of geese. It is also explained that birds of all sizes have been a danger to airplanes since the birth of aviation.

    My question is, why isn't it possible to place some kind of a guard, a screen, to protect the engines from sucking up birds? Would it be possible to have a recording device that made some high pitched noise that would scare away every bird within miles? Why has this problem been left for so long without some kind of a solution? Since I know nothing about airplanes, I am depending upon the brains on this forum to give me some answers to my questions.

    6 AnswersAircraft1 decade ago
  • Should We Do Away With the Taser?

    The Taser is touted as a "non-lethal" weapon, but there is a growing concern that it is definitely a dangerous weapon. According to an AP article, it has killed more than 400 people in the past five years, many of them innocent citizens. Among those tasered is a man who didn't understand a word of English; a mentally disturbed man threatening to jump off a building who fell off the building when tasered; a deaf man who didn't hear an officer's command, and many more. The officer who ordered the tasering of the man threatening to jump off a building later committed suicide from remorse.

    The victims of tasering often have heart conditions or other medical problems that cannot withstand the shock rendered by this weapon. Also, there are officers who use the taser without considering the dangers.

    My question is: should the use of tasers be forbidden until some adjustments are made in the dangers they have been proven to have? Should they be reclassified as a lethal weapon, rather than as a nonlethal means of control ?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Will Bill Clinton run for Hillary's Vacant Senate Seat?

    The rumors are abounding on the News Channels, that when Hillary Clinton takes over her new role as Secretary of State and her Senate seat in vacated, her husband will run in a Special Election to fill the vacancy.

    Some believe that Clinton will jump at the chance and his election is just about assured, since Hillary herself was well-liked by her constituents and Bill Clinton has the advantage of the memories of economic prosperity during his Presidency.

    Do you think Bill Clinton should try to run for the Senate, which will soon be vacated by his wife? It would not be the first time a vacant seat has been taken over by a spouse. When Sonny Bono died in a skiing accident, his Senate seat was filled by his wife, Mary.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago

    It has been known for some time that an industrial chemical called melamine has been found in baby's formula. Yet nothing has been done to recall this formula and find domestic suppliers for this product. Shipments arrive daily from China, and the damage to our infants...including possible death...continues.

    Despite the fact that this formula is still found on store shelves, action on the problem has been a long time coming. If I were the mother of an infant, I would either breast feed, or if this is impossible, use whole milk with a spoonful of Karo Syrup, as mothers used to do before the advent of packaged formula.

    My question is: Why is the FDA so lax in correcting the problem of chemicals in formula? Our dogs have already paid the price of this mistake, so why shouldn't its presence in human babies have raised alarm bells? Do you think the Bush Administration is protecting Industry instead of the babies that are ingesting this chemical?

    3 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is It Possible for President Bush to Pardon Himself?

    I didn't think this up. I received an e-mail from a group favoring Impeachment and urging folks to take action before Bush left office, lest he pardon himself. I know he hasn't been charged with any indiscretions, but could he in some way pardon himself for offenses not yet charged? Is it possible for a President to pardon himself and his vice president? President Ford pardoned Nixon and I don't think Nixon had been charged with any crimes. So, could this conceivably happen and President Bush announce preemptive pardons?

    5 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Yahoo Answers Were An Island..?

    If Yahoo Answers were an island in the Pacific, populated by all of the people who post here, what kind of civilization would we build? Would the island be half red-half blue, divided folks who argued ferociously over every issue. Or would everyone get together to elect a leader, form a government, and dole out food and supplies to the people?

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Is President Bush an Sensible Choice to Head the Global Economic Summit?

    Perhaps he should point out all of the things a country should NOT do to keep the economy strong. Perhaps he should suggest a little regulation to keep the lenders in line. Instead, the speech he is making sounds as if he is really an economic expert, when we all know he is an exponent of overspending, careless borrowing, expensive preemptive wars and trickle down theories that has sent out economy into a tailspin.

    My question is: How can anyone take this man seriously enough to listen to him speak on Economics, not only for nations, but for the entire world? Do you think a real expert should be host of this Summit, with some clearcut answers for our problems? Paul Krugman, recent winner of the Economics Nobel Prize might be an example.

    5 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Did Sarah Palin's Remarks Cause Problems?

    Sarah Palin accused Barack Obama of "palling with terrorists" because of his association with William Ayers, a member of the Weathermen, a group that objected to the Vietnam War and, provoked by governmental lies and distortions, blew up Federal buildings. Ayers, now a college professor and outstanding citizen of Chicago, denies the closeness of the relationship. However, Palin's remarks inflamed her supporters and soon cries of rage swept the room, some of them suggesting violence. My question is: Do you think Sarah Palin contributed to the spate of new threats and conspiracies against Obama's life, as the Secret Service members have said.

    FOCUS | Palin Blamed for Death Threats Against Obama

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Are You As Proud of America as I Am?

    I stood at Grant Park amid thousands of people, well-behaved, diverse, rich, poor, black, yellow, white, waiting...waiting for the news! When it came, the announcement that Obama had won the election, people started dancing, singing and leaping with joy! Then, when Obama spoke, a silence fell over the crowd as he repeated his message of hope! At that time, I felt a great pride in my country. We did it! Yes, we can...and did! We have proven that Americans are not all racist bigots or aggressive bullies. We have proven that any young boy or girl can grow up to attain great heights, even the Presidency! Do you share my feelings? Are you proud of our country? Is your heart filled with enthusiasm right now?

    43 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does This Election Prove That Negative Campaigns Are Losers?

    Many people have said they voted for Obama because they were disgusted by the racist slurs encouraged by McCain and Palin at rallies. Past elections have successfully used negative campaigning. An example of this is the 2004 Campaign of George W. Bush, when John Kerry was said to be undeserving of his medals in the Swift Boat Ads. Most of these Ads were created by Karl Rove, thought to be a genius at dreaming up derogatory phrases. These methods were successful for Bush. But, despite McCain's negativity and the fact that he hired some of Rove's staff, voters did not respond to these types of rallies and Ads. Does this mean we will have cleaner, more intelligent, more sensible elections? Does this mean that issues will matter more than name-calling and mud-slinging?

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why Are Republicans Buying and Hoarding Guns?

    Do they plan a Revolution? Why are guns selling twice to three times as much as they sold before the Election? President Elect Obama has said that he supports the right to own guns, so what are they worried about? Some of them have purchased an entire arsenal of guns and ammunition, so possibly they expect retaliation from the liberals. Or has Rush Limbaugh whipped them into a frenzy of fear? Why are Republicans buying up guns?

    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do You Think McCain/Palin Will Carry Alaska?

    The Anchorage Daily News, Alaska's largest newspaper, has just endorsed Barack Obama. Obama also won the Caucus of the Alaskan State. The Daily News went on to state that Palin is not ready to be President and it would be too risky to vote for McCain, because of his age, going on to say that McCain's Campaign has been faulty. Since Sarah Palin is said to be a very popular Governor in Alaska, do you think the McCain/Palin ticket has a chance of winning there? Do you think her presence on the ticket will discourage Conservative votes in Alaska?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Will This Country Ever Be Unified?

    At the moment we are divided into two major camps, the Liberal and the Conservatives. The Conservatives feel that Liberals want to hand out money to people who do not deserve it. Liberals feel that Conservatives want a wealthier class while the working families suffer. All politicians talk about "reaching across the aisle," but few of them really do. Our government is currently at a stalemate because of political concerns, with no progress being made at all. Do you think real Change can come about and the two factions learn to compromise and agree? Or do you think these two differing political ideologies will lead to even greater problems in the future?

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Should We Have Sent Aid to Cuba?

    After being besieged by hurricanes, Cubans are suffering a lack of food and the basic necessities of living. All of the European countries sent aid to Cuba, but the United States did not.

    Do you think, that despite sanctions, the United States should have sent Disaster Relief to this troubled country? Does it help our image in the world to ignore the needs of a neighboring people when they have been ravaged by a hurricane?

    2 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Christian Voters - Shouldn't God Come First?

    John McCain and Sarah Palin have a motto - Country First! I presume this means that one should put the needs of the country before anything else. But is this what we are supposed to do? Should we not place God in our hearts first and foremost? Secondly, Jesus has instructed us that, along with the love of God, the most important Commandment is to Love Thy Neighbor. Doesn't this mean that putting our Country first is not as essential as loving and obeying God and loving the human race?

    18 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do You Think the Palin Family Should Be Dressed Well on $150,000?

    The Palins were provided with $150,000 for clothing and accessories. Obviously not K-Mart shoppers, they went to stores like Saks Fifth Avenue. This amount does not include money for top-rated hotel rooms, restaurants, airline fares, and other perks the Palin family has enjoyed. Nothing but the best for the Mavericks.

    Do you think $150,000 was sufficient for dressing this family? After all, hunting garb and moosehair hats just won't do for campaign rallies However, does this ring true with Palin's claim that she is a fiscal reformer who will change the ways of the wicked in Washington, D.C. especially when so many American women have cut new clothing from their budgets because of economic strife?.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Have We Had Enough of Sam, the Non-Plumber?

    First, Joe, the Plumber isn't Joe, nor is he a licensed plumber. His name is Sam. He's working illegally for a little company that doesn't make $250,000 a year. He would benefit by Obama's tax plan, and might even be able to pay off the lien that the government has against him for unpaid taxes.

    He is not the Poster Child for America's working class that John McCain has pictured him to be. Each day, McCain and Palin constantly mention Joe, the Plumber, as though he is an authentic worker of that name. Sam has appeared on television shows, etc., to a point where it has approached sheer tedium. Sam rails against paying taxes, paying for Social Security, paying for Health Care for Children, or any other basic convenience. I don't know how Sam plans on paying for those trillions of dollars in National Debt or the National deficit his Republican Party has racked up.

    I vote that Sam, the Non Plumber go back to his life, save up enough for a Plumber's license, and slowly pay off that lien, unless McCain has paid it for him! Sam should be thanking his lucky stars that Obama will look after the economic status of Americans like himself and try to get America back to its former days of economic glory.

    12 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do You Live in a Pro America area?

    Today, at a rally, Sarah Palin said, speaking of her patriotism, that she "just loved visiting in the Pro America parts of this country!" She and McCain have been campaigning in the swing states, which are so crucial to the upcoming election.

    My question is...Where are the Pro America parts of our country? Where are the areas that are not Pro America? Do you live in a Pro America area, or would you consider your area to be Anti-America?

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Does This Explain the Obama-Ayers Connection?

    Today, in various key states, Robo Calls are being sent out to thousands of households, telling voters that Barack Obama consorted with a known terrorist, William Ayers, leader of the Weathermen, a group protesting the Viet Nam War and bombing various key establishment buildings. This is a letter from a prosecutor who handled the case against Ayers....

    My question is, how can Obama be linked to an episode that took place when he was eight years old, questioning his association with a man who has been absolved by both the courts and by Chicago Society, who awarded him with the Citizen of the Year honor not long ago? Is John McCain's continued emphasis on this brief association

    just a political ploy, when all evidence points toward the fact that these allegations are false?

    17 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Has Sarah Palin Supported Alaskan Independence?

    This is a reprint of an article by Sen. Robert Kennedy, jr., with some interesting details concerning Sarah Palin and her husband, Todd.

    9 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago