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Me, Too asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Have We Had Enough of Sam, the Non-Plumber?

First, Joe, the Plumber isn't Joe, nor is he a licensed plumber. His name is Sam. He's working illegally for a little company that doesn't make $250,000 a year. He would benefit by Obama's tax plan, and might even be able to pay off the lien that the government has against him for unpaid taxes.

He is not the Poster Child for America's working class that John McCain has pictured him to be. Each day, McCain and Palin constantly mention Joe, the Plumber, as though he is an authentic worker of that name. Sam has appeared on television shows, etc., to a point where it has approached sheer tedium. Sam rails against paying taxes, paying for Social Security, paying for Health Care for Children, or any other basic convenience. I don't know how Sam plans on paying for those trillions of dollars in National Debt or the National deficit his Republican Party has racked up.

I vote that Sam, the Non Plumber go back to his life, save up enough for a Plumber's license, and slowly pay off that lien, unless McCain has paid it for him! Sam should be thanking his lucky stars that Obama will look after the economic status of Americans like himself and try to get America back to its former days of economic glory.

12 Answers

  • TJTB
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're soooo cool!

    That was a beautifully written question and I had no idea that this guy was in fact THIS other guy! How funny is that!

    Thanks and yes, this guy is a few decades ahead of himself. There's dreaming high and then there is delusions of grandeur. He'll be in the top 3% income bracket when pigs fly. Until then, he needs to vote for who's good for him and the rest of the country.

  • 1 decade ago

    What does Joe or Sam have to do with anything anyway. It is a shameful thing that Obama supporters are more interested in the background of this guy, more so than the man they want to put in office as President.

    Do some checking on your candidate while keeping your eyes open for a change.

    Attacking a citizen REGARDLESS of who he is when he is nothing more than a citizen, is shameful!

  • 1 decade ago

    Joe the Plumber is a joke. He said Obama's tax plan sounded like socialism but he forgets that our tax dollars were just taken from us with out our say to bail out the Wall Street crooks, a form of socialism on a astronomical scale. I think it is funny how so many people hate the thought of helping out families in need of keeping a roof over their heads and food on the table when all along we are bailing them out then paying for high dollar spas, trips to England to hunt birds, only to come back and ask for more of our tax dollars. Obama has John McSame and the rich running scared. You can clearly see it when he keeps repeating the phrase Obama wants to spread the wealth. As far as Joe the Plumber goes My husband is a contractor in Toledo, and in Toledo by law your business has to be backed by a contractor. The facts are that in Toledo and the state of Ohio contractors are required to have continuous eduction, carry at least a one million dollar insurance policy, follow city and state codes, have proper permits, and pay city, state, and federal taxes to operate.

  • 1 decade ago

    You seem to have swallowed the whole bucket of Obama campaign drivel and misdirection.

    Joe the Plumber asked the candidate a question, and in his unscripted answer, Obama disclosed his intent to "spread the wealth around" with a socialist tax policy.

    Obama has been trying to obfuscate this encounter ever since.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    nice rant.

    Joe just asked a question, and your rant shows the typical nonsense of the hate filled taxocrats socialism. He's not running for office, but he does reflect the voice of a few million hard working Americans that DO work under a small business and would lose their jobs because Obama is going to tax their employer into oblivion and they'll have to cut jobs, wages and healthcare to afford Obamas socialistic welfare to the 40% that don't work or deserve their small business employers money that they haven't worked for.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Why are you attacking the guy he in basic terms requested Obama an straight forward question. the genuine element about the change replaced into that Obama ultimately reported his intentions with the word "do not you imagine it truly is more advantageous for each body once you spread the wealth round" Joe the Plummer did not make Obama say it! in reality Obama IS a socialist I say his Tax coverage is Socialist: you in reality don't realize do you? Obama is proposing a device of "refundable tax credit". those are unlike deduction contained in the experience that any refundable tax credit left once you've decreased your taxes to 0, Obama pays you for. Up before once you've deductions last once you decrease your taxes to 0 you may want to not receives a fee for unused deductions. not in reality will 33% of tax payers proceed to pay not something in federal tax the tax device will honestly pay them! he takes tax money from one individual and handing out on to somebody else. that's an totally new variety of welfare Up before taxes were raised to pay for the expenditures of authorities. Now for the first time Obama will take your tax funds and substances them on to somebody else to even out your earnings. If which could not socialist i do not recognize what's.

  • 1 decade ago

    He doesn't have to be a liscensed plumber if he works for someone who is liscensed. He is a wildcard poster child.

    Typical response, Attack the messenger.. He represents You and I and any typical working class American..

    Why don't you yourself stand up to Obama, I'm sure we could read all the dirt about your life. Oh, I forgot..Your not dirty.

  • 1 decade ago

    Keep watching CNN till your brain rots. Like many children you just don't get it.

    "la messenger es no importante "

    Source(s): You do realize (I hope) that killing the messenger doesnt kill the message right?
  • 1 decade ago

    15 minutes was up 15 minutes ago

  • 1 decade ago

    wow every thing you said was untrue, read the facts, dont listen to the media

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