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Me, Too asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Christian Voters - Shouldn't God Come First?

John McCain and Sarah Palin have a motto - Country First! I presume this means that one should put the needs of the country before anything else. But is this what we are supposed to do? Should we not place God in our hearts first and foremost? Secondly, Jesus has instructed us that, along with the love of God, the most important Commandment is to Love Thy Neighbor. Doesn't this mean that putting our Country first is not as essential as loving and obeying God and loving the human race?

18 Answers

  • razor
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Country should come first.

    The Oath of Office states "to uphold and defend the Constitution." So placing ones hand on the bible on Inauguration Day is the first act of insincerity by the new president.

    And furthermore if the president elect must chose something to bind his sincerity why limit it to a christian

    novel. In our nation of diversified religions, Be all inclusive.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Every time a politician claims country first I ask which country. Figure both of the parties aren't working for the american people. As for putting god first. For a maltheist like me that would be kind of like putting the source of all evil first.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nice try, If loving the human race is so important then why vote for a man that condones partial birth abortions or any abortions for that matter. You should just erase this question, You seem to be drunk.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hands down, both Barack obama and Joe Biden have shown more Christian characteristics, have done more to help the poor and needy, have done more to try to bring about peace than either john mcCain or Sarah Palin.

    Look at McCain's stolen wealth. Look at Palin's lifestyle, her lies, her joy in killing. These folks are Christian in name only.

    Being a real Christian myself, I'm supporting the ones who actually act like Christians.

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  • 1 decade ago

    You are right. God isn't political. I can't understand why someone would vote because they think God would have it that way. Some christians blame God for their own personal opinions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    so much wrong with this....

    i'm sure you understand that Country First is code for "white conservative." so we're not talking "sea to shinning sea" here, not the land, the people, and our history. rather one culture.

    one would think it goes god, family, self, neighborhood, nation, and world. however i am not a neocon, so what do i know?

  • Jessie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    If you Love mankind you should be a Democrat! We believe in feeding and insuring our children, something the Re[ublican's are agains't! We also belienve in having Free Education for our children!

  • 1 decade ago

    Separation of Church and state, remember? They're talking about politics, not religion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe I understand what you are proposing here. My faith arose from the teachings of Christ I learned as a child. Obama best embodies those values. After all, aren't we all really here for each other?

  • 1 decade ago

    McCain's stated views are far too liberal for me. I've voted Republican since I was eighteen but because of his pro abortion views & pro gun control views etc. I see him as just BARELY the lesser of two evils & so I intend to vote for Chuck Baldwin of The Constitution party.

    Source(s): personal opinion
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