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Lv 31,610 points

Derrick E

Favorite Answers4%
  • Question to any Jews or Muslims?

    A friend of mine and I were discussing this but I have never heard an answer from someone of the Muslim or Jewish faith.

    What do you all think of Jesus? My buddy said you consider him a prophet, but I told him that didn't sound right to me. I didn't think the Jews or Muslims recognize the new testament so why would they consider Jesus a holy man. Also, even if they think he was a prophet, wouldn't he have been a "false" prophet since he claimed to be the son of god? I thought they considered him blasphemous when he claimed to be the messiah.

    Just wondering?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is it like to be so sad?

    and living in denial?

    I haven't been in this room for months and it cracks me up when I come back and find all the anti-Obama people still crying like babies.

    I do love the comedy so please keep up the hilarious questions....maybe someday you all will realize Obama is your president and will be for the next 8 years regardless of your funny weeping.

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How will the GOP get back those critical 9 states?

    The GOP MUST take OH, IN, IA, VA, NC, FL, NM, CO, NV and then win all the states they won in the 08 election. They have NO CHANCE of winning in 2012 unless they win ALL the states listed above, not MOST of them but ALL of them.

    Since Obama won by strong margins in most of the above states, it seems impossible for the Republicans to win.

    Now I know some of you die hard conservatives will say...."just wait and see....we will win in 2012"....but try and be realistic. Obamas win was a landslide last year.

    So the question.....what can the GOP do to try and get ALL 9 states?

    New spokesman? Separate from Rush? Alienate the Jesus freaks? Stop gay bashing? Honoring freedom on choice?

    It's obvious there must be a new direction, what do you think?

    Any common sense answers out there?

    21 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What can the Republican party do?

    Even though Obama won the popular vote by 10 million, that is not what determines the election, it's the electoral vote as we all know.

    Obama won that vote by a landslide....period.

    I have some older family who are concerned about the Republican party. It appears that the GOP has to do something to draw young people back.

    The GOP has NO CHANCE of winning the white house again in 2012 without winning back VA, NC, OH, IN, CO and NV. They MUST win every one of these states in order to have at least a chance of a win. It was amazing that ALL of those states went blue. This is a chance for the GOP to see that the young people of America don't care about stupid things such as gay marriage. The GOP has to find a way to pull middle of the road people to their side, and they have now found out that the old so called "moral" issues they hark on will not do it.

    Republican MUST win ALL of the states I mentioned, not one, but ALL.

    Otherwise they will waist their money even running a campaign.

    Also, if the democrats keep up the current job they are doing trying to clean up a huge mess left by Bush and is cabinet, there will not be a need to vote again in 2012.

    What will the GOP do to get a majority? They have a huge job ahead of them.

    6 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who believes that our founding fathers built a christian nation?

    Some quotes from OUR founding fathers.....

    "Lighthouses are more useful than churches"....Benjamin Franklin

    "This would be the best of all possible worlds if there were no religion in it"....John Adams

    "Christianity is the most perverted system that ever shone on man"....Thomas Jefferson.

    I guess this wasn't such a christian nation after all.......oh yeah.....and our founders killing millions of innocent American Indians and stealing their land doesn't sound all "Jesus saves" either.

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Where are all the people who declared?

    that McCain would beat Obama? That people would go into a voting booth and NOT vote for Obama?

    And then after Obama won by a landslide, where are the people who said he would never be sworn in? Who said he would be rejected because of his birth certificate? Who said he would be killed prior to Jan 20th?

    Where are those people?

    Are they to much of a coward to admit they was terribly wrong?

    Are they crying, sad and bitter today?

    20 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • With the majority of the nation being center to center left. What can the GOP do?

    to gain new supporters. Newly registered democrats outnumbered republicans almost 2 to 1. I think the GOP needs to get new "young" blood in the party who are more center than far right.

    I think we have seen the last of the far right, brain washing, hate filled politicians. Americans are more educated than ever before and understand that bigotry is NOT godly like the far right would have us believe.

    28 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Does anyone know if Bristol Palin and her boyfriend/baby's daddy are still together?

    It seems that has been slid under the rug in the last few weeks, I was wondering if he was still around?

    15 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What's the best hotel on the canada side with a great falls view?

    I am thinking Fallsview Plaza? Anyone stayed there? Any comments?

    Are the casino's fun?

    4 AnswersNiagara Falls1 decade ago
  • Do the far right convervatives seem "slow" or "brainwashed" to anyone else?

    Are we seeing the end of this cult acting version of the GOP?

    29 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I don't understand why the McCain supporters are still in this room?

    Didn't you all promise to leave the USA when Obama won? Why are you still here? Do you need help packing?

    13 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Since registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by 11%?

    What will the republicans do now to try and get new voters or to sway independents? It's obvious they don't need to bring in another Sarah Palin....that will turn even more people against the GOP. Are we seeing the end of this party for many, many years to come?

    I know most republican answers are going to be "no" we will win next time. But I seriously want to know what the GOP can do....they are definitely the minority now and they need NEW blood in order to have a chance of winning in the future.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why are McCain's supporters so bitter?

    are you really that bad of a sore loser?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • Since all of McCain supporters on Y!A will benefit with Obama's middle class tax cut?

    Wouldn't it be great if they were not allowed to take advantage of the tax cut and make them keep paying higher taxes like under the Bush plan. If you don't vote for Obama, you don't get the tax cuts that come with him.

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How fast do you think Palin's 17 year old future son in law?

    will dump the girl now that Palin is back to being a nobody?

    I think it would be a low blow on his part....but I can tell he has no plans of being a "family man" right now....he's a child.

    30 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Who predicted an Obama win by a landslide?

    I did, I did!!!!


    A new better America is on the way!

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is it true Joe the tax evader....I mean....plumber is in jail?

    for unpaid back taxes and getting paid cash while plumbing without a license?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What room in Y!A will McCain supporters go?

    on Nov. 5th?

    I hope they come back so we can have some fun with them.

    4 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should McCain change his song now?

    from bomb, bomb, bomb bomb bomb, bye, Mr. republican pie?

    1 AnswerElections1 decade ago
  • How much money is McCain paying Joe the plumber?

    And will he use his McCain money to get a real license to practice plumbing and then pay his back taxes that he owes the state of Ohio?

    5 AnswersElections1 decade ago