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What can the Republican party do?

Even though Obama won the popular vote by 10 million, that is not what determines the election, it's the electoral vote as we all know.

Obama won that vote by a landslide....period.

I have some older family who are concerned about the Republican party. It appears that the GOP has to do something to draw young people back.

The GOP has NO CHANCE of winning the white house again in 2012 without winning back VA, NC, OH, IN, CO and NV. They MUST win every one of these states in order to have at least a chance of a win. It was amazing that ALL of those states went blue. This is a chance for the GOP to see that the young people of America don't care about stupid things such as gay marriage. The GOP has to find a way to pull middle of the road people to their side, and they have now found out that the old so called "moral" issues they hark on will not do it.

Republican MUST win ALL of the states I mentioned, not one, but ALL.

Otherwise they will waist their money even running a campaign.

Also, if the democrats keep up the current job they are doing trying to clean up a huge mess left by Bush and is cabinet, there will not be a need to vote again in 2012.

What will the GOP do to get a majority? They have a huge job ahead of them.

6 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    As I have said before on here, until the Republicans can stop attacking those they NEED to win they will have NO CHANCE of even reclaiming seats much less taking back the presidency. But they are too stubborn to try actually appealing to anyone, they would rather attack the very people they need.

    Former Republican Independent

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Republican Party is FINALLY acknowledged by most to be the party of the Rich and Big Business..Who want to pay no Taxes,,let Big Business do whatever they wish,,and abolish any and all social programs for the elderly and the working middle class !! they care not for America,,and our aging infrastructure,,nor do they wish to repair it!! Instead they want to continue with tax breaks for the rich and big business,,without regard to the consequences to the economy !! They have FINALLY,,for all intent and purposes,,doomed themselves and their followers,,to a party of the ''out of touch'' and hypocritical stances on religious and morality issues which they ONLY run on to get elected !! With each day that passes,,their vitriol dialogue about the Obama Administration of a negative fashion,,dooms them further,,as his actions begin to reinforce a direction which is beginning to show POSITIVE results.. ALL of which the Republicans STILL continue to condemn.. Although during the eight years of Bush,,they NEVER failed to endorse or propose actions against his spending!! The very reason America finds itself where we are.. The Republicans HAVE NO FUTURE !!! SCARBORO

  • whiz
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    San Jose is correct.

    The ball is in the Democrats' court now. They have a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress. If they don't do SOMETHING about the economy other than spending trillions of dollars, with plans to spend trillions MORE. THE DEMOCRATS have NO CHANCE of winning anything if they don't deliver.

    The GOP won't have to "do" anything if the Democrats blow it...2012 is a LONGGGGG time from now...Let's live in the present...worry about the here and now.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only thing "Taxpayers" can do is REVOLT!

    "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves money (generous gifts) from the public treasury. From that moment on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most money from the public treasury, with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no chance? Sorry but the GOP WILL gain seats back in 2010. People are really pissed at the job Congress is doing. Barry is CAUSING a mess with the massive spending. If they "keep up the current job they are doing" the mess will be so huge I hope we can dig our way out of it. We are looking at a deficit that is so huge we will never pay it off and that is 100% Barry's doing!

    Source(s): Barry is worse than Carter!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Basically, what they need to do is figure out how economics works and make up some workable plans to help our economy prosper. That's what really killed them this election.

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