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With the majority of the nation being center to center left. What can the GOP do?

to gain new supporters. Newly registered democrats outnumbered republicans almost 2 to 1. I think the GOP needs to get new "young" blood in the party who are more center than far right.

I think we have seen the last of the far right, brain washing, hate filled politicians. Americans are more educated than ever before and understand that bigotry is NOT godly like the far right would have us believe.


Yo it's me......your numbers are wrong. It's about 8-9 million.

Update 2:

Are ANY of you aware that most center, center left democrats are against gay marriage, but not against civil unions?

28 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The GOP needs to quit catering to the extreme right. They need to get religion out of politics. They made a big mistake this election with their calling Obama a "baby killer" and a "terrorist". It turned off most people and just confused the rest.

    All of that showed me that they weren't concerned about uniting people. Wedge issues like abortion divide people. They also need to come up with a candidate that actually has the sense to lead. Their championing of Sarah Palin as a possible leader of the party is nonsense. She's dumber than Bush, and everybody knows it.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I personally predict your smug neo-leftist viewpoint will change just as much as the viewpoint of the formerly smug pompous Republicans will also change. First, many Democrats are waking up to the fact an enormous amount of Scopolamine brainwashing was just done on them and more than half of the entire public in recent months. Second, we all know that whichever party is in power for more than 4 years, gets pompous, sanctimonious, overbearing, and interlaced with calcified racketeering. Among the GOP, we saw the kind of creepy and insulting handling of Sarah Palin, the same style as the bombing of Holy City Fallujah screwed up the war, and let Wall St go to pieces. Among Democrats, the Socialist Mafia entrenches itself given that much time to do so. Third, the excesses already seen among Blacks around town, are already shifting many former Obama supporters into thinking the country as a whole may have been ready for "Black inclusion at all levels", but the Blacks themselves might never be. The left-of-center types you refer to are getting a dose of "uppityism" nobody dreamed would have happened a mere month ago, and things are only getting started. Fourth, it's a good thing that Obama is better qualified than Reagan was, as his campaign rhetoric of telling everyone what they wanted to hear, only gets one more day to do it in. And the fact Obama has no valid USA birth certificate, well, many Federal Judges have suddenly murmured inanities and dismissed the challenges to Obama's lack of USA Citizenship. How long can this obvious Scopolamine hijacking of the Federal Courts go on? Surely this will exacerbate everything above mentioned! One thing is certain, these are the interesting times the proverb warned us about. Regards, Larry.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would not have anything to do with RUSH he makes the whole party look nuts. As a dead center who is not Dem or Repub but votes both parties I have been disgusted with all the HATE the Republicans were teaching and doing. My room mate in college years ago said the Demarcates don't do all that crap, I said why would the Republicans take on or do such things. It drove me away from them. The Republicans need to stop teaching hate and that all Blacks are on welfare and the middle class is not important to the US rich only.

  • justme
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree with an answer from above - Republicans need to become much more progressive than they are. With so many young, educated people in this country who are much more open-minded than the rich business suits that represent them, politics as usual just won't fly. And such a shame that people support civil unions but not gay marriage - that's like saying we agree with them being together but they're not worthy of making it official. Everyone needs to accept everyone else or we might as well not be called The United States of America.

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  • Your question is merely a pipe-dream. There is nothing that can be done for the GOP. History speaks for itself. After 8 years of nearly dissolving our country in its entirety, the American electorate won't be fooled again.

    The Republican base is non-existent. Done deal.

    Best wishes to you and yours!

  • 1 decade ago

    They could start focusing on issues rather than name calling, character assassinations, and guilt by association. Then again, as a Democrat, I hope they learn nothing from this election.

    Dig- If that million conservatives had voted for McCain he would have only lost by 7 million.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope, the majority if the country is not center/center left.

    Obama barely won, 63 million to 55 million. The GOP ran an old man in a wheel chair and they still got 55 million votes!

    1/5 of America is left wingers, 1/3 die hard republicans, after that, who knows.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The GOP is made up of stodgy old fogies who live in the past. My neighborhood is filled with them. They're set in their ways so don't rock the boat. They're also too far to the right. They let the neo-cons highjack the party in the name of family values, when most Americans don't want to be that radical with their lives. Remember folks, majority rules here !

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Go back to our roots of smaller government, more liberty. Something that has been sorely lacking these last 8 years.

    2. Get the message out more effectively about how doing #1 above will help this country far more then bigger gov't, more gov't programs, and higher taxation.

    Brainwashing huh? Bigotry and hate have no place in the GOP, and you saw that this campaign.

    OK, so tell me, what does the Democrat party stand for. Not what you don't like about the GOP, but what about the Dems that you like?

    Do you want a new gov't program for every problem our society faces. Do you want cradle to grave care for us by our gov't? Constantly pitting the poor against the rich? Endless calls for more spending and more taxation?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    at the same time as unclear accuse the guy of being race unsleeping. truly than face their personal mess ups - its the fault of the liberal media, the blacks,- it isn't in any respect that they are in basic terms unappealing to those who convinced, will vote their personal pastimes, the picture of employer or oil adult men, or police officials or women. all of us vote our personal ideal pastimes. no longer some thing to sense embarrassment about both. In Powells case he has different causes too. yet when that were his only one it will be comprehensible.

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