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What is it like to be so sad?

and living in denial?

I haven't been in this room for months and it cracks me up when I come back and find all the anti-Obama people still crying like babies.

I do love the comedy so please keep up the hilarious questions....maybe someday you all will realize Obama is your president and will be for the next 8 years regardless of your funny weeping.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have often wondered the same thing........

    I see these sad little people, ,with the Obama avatars, dressed up like clowns or the Joker, or whatnot........and I think to myself.......

    How lonely and sad must these people BE????????

    and the breaks my heart, to think their lives are THAT empty.

    I want to send them a puppy or something.........

    but then, they'd probably just torture it and put it in the microwave for sick laughs or something.........

    there's just something seriously WRONG with those people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I've never seen such negativity against a democratically elected president in all the years I've been involved in politics (since Eisenhauer days), especially not during wartime! I'm glad you have addressed this phenomenon in your question so that people can at least discuss what might be behind the unwarranted viciousness shown to this rather incredible man we've elected to lead this nation away from the Bush/Cheney cliff-edge and back to strength and prosperity. Even though many of us did not like Richard Nixon, our dissent stopped at the water's edge during the Vietnam War and we were united as a nation. Some white supremacy groups are behind a few of the vitriolic words I know, but this does not account for the hate-spew that began even before President Obama was sworn in. I'm inclined to think that this may be the young people cited in Michelle Goldberg's excellently researched book "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism" who belong to an extremely fundamentalist cult headed by (founded by) Michael Farris, who pushed to have homeschooling in all fifty states in order to teach from infancy on through teen years (brainwash is more likely) a literalist interpretation of scripture as the only valid education and that all who do not accept a literal interpretation are "nonbelievers" (that's most Americans) over whom these "Generation Joshua" evangelicals must claim dominion, just as they must claim dominion over every level of government, from local school boards or city councils all the way to Washington. Farris accepts only homeschooled teens into the Patrick Henry College he founded in rural Virginia, where the brainwashing and take-over strategies are honed to perfection, and then these young extremists are released with a goal of "dominionism". They took over the Republican party in the 1990s, with the rise of Newt Gingrich (helped by media mogul/FOX News owner Rupert Murdoch, the ultraconservative Heritage Foundation, and other prominent right-wing Republican extremists), and have been busy taking over our government from within. Bush had eight of these cultists employed in the White House, some in charge of dispensing millions upon millions of taxpayer dollars to right-wing "Christian" charities from the illegal "Office of Faith-Based Initiatives" in the White House, so perhaps this youth movement that Farris named "Generation Joshua" is behind the weeping and whining to which you refer. The book is a must-read for patriotic Americans who want to prevent a government takeover that already has a strong foothold in the political arenas but no longer has a contact in the White House. We need to make sure none of these people get elected (they're the ones responsible for the anti-evolution movement and the "abstinence only" policies in our schools because they got elected to school boards).

    Source(s): Goldberg, Michelle (2006), "Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism." NY: W.W. Norton. "The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy" by ex-conservative rightwing insider David Brock.
  • Fred K
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    that's Because there too use to a do nothing President like Bush nice touch on the 8 years

  • Ryan F
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Im not crying... not yet, I probably will when he jacks up my taxes to pay for his health care bill... I will likely shed tears when his cap-and-trade programs double the cost of living and further squeeze my paycheck... and hopefully I will cry tears of joy when he's gone in FOUR years...

    Ok Bush was not a "do nothing president".... agree or disagree with him but can't say he sat around and did nothing at all...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sad is what you will be after the Congressional Elections in 2010 results are known.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    glad you like it you are the first democrat i have heard of that can laugh. but looks like the fun is not going to last 8 years.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What's sad is people like you who love to be manipulated by liberals. Wake up and get the proverbial government tit out of your mouth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not me. I think it's a pisser his numbers are tanking.

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