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How will the GOP get back those critical 9 states?

The GOP MUST take OH, IN, IA, VA, NC, FL, NM, CO, NV and then win all the states they won in the 08 election. They have NO CHANCE of winning in 2012 unless they win ALL the states listed above, not MOST of them but ALL of them.

Since Obama won by strong margins in most of the above states, it seems impossible for the Republicans to win.

Now I know some of you die hard conservatives will say...."just wait and see....we will win in 2012"....but try and be realistic. Obamas win was a landslide last year.

So the question.....what can the GOP do to try and get ALL 9 states?

New spokesman? Separate from Rush? Alienate the Jesus freaks? Stop gay bashing? Honoring freedom on choice?

It's obvious there must be a new direction, what do you think?

Any common sense answers out there?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Seems Liberals are the only ones worried about the GOP.

    To answer your question...the Republicans need to quit acting like Democrats and start acting like Conservatives, and continue to give Obama all the rope he needs.

    The Left seems to be concerned with the number of votes the Republicans received instead of the number of votes the Democrats didn't receive which will come back to bite them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Virginia and North Carolina will be the first states to fall back into GOP hands because they will be the first states to get over the worship of Obama. I know Obama is an intelligent candidate but those states were lost by small percentages, a good candidate can win those states back (Romney for example).

    Ohio will likely fall to the Republicans as well due to the fact that Obama won the swing votes in that state and chances of that happening again are near zero percent. State WILL go Republican next election.

    Unlike the three states I named, Iowa is a swing state and it is not that crucial, Republicans except for Bush lose that state nearly all the time. I doubt this state goes red in 2012.

    Indiana was close to going Red but then it fell to Obama, it really depends a lot on the voters there and if influence from Illinois will go to Indiana this time. This state is a toss up and it can roll either way, I as a Democrat see it rolling in favor of Obama due to the rising Black population and the declining White population in the state.

    Florida will go blue most likely because of 1 reason. Retired Yanks (I am a New Yorker btw) move down there in large numbers and they give their votes to Democrats. Northern Florida (Republican Stronghold) has an extremely low population compared to South Florida (Democrat leaning). Cubans typically vote Republican so Republicans have a chance at this state, perhaps a 20 percent chance.

    In order to win New Mexico, Colorado and Nevada, the Republicans must appeal to Hispanic voters. They have failed to do this in the past and despite the fact that Hispanics are Catholic in those states, Republicans have still failed to win their votes. The White voters in these states are largely liberal due to the fact that they are brainwashed by a lot of stuff and a lot of the voters are college students who go Democrat. These states are toss ups.

    IF the economy gets fixed, then none of what I said will be relevant but if we are in this state in 2012 still, Obama will squeeze out a close victory in 2012. Republicans need to find a way to appeal to the voters in New England and appeal to the Hispanic voters. Forget the White vote, you are guaranteed 50 percent of it and Whites are slowly becoming the minority, earn the Hispanic votes and don't even try to earn the Black votes at all. Most grown Black voters may go Republican but the young will still lean Democrat no matter what. Earn the Hispanic votes, this is a group which will be in the majority in probably another 20 years or LESS, earn their vote and you can go into the White house. If Republicans nominate a Hispanic candidate, they can win California maybe.

    WHEW! Honestly, I believe that the chances of the GOP winning in 2012 are slim to none. 2016? Maybe.

    Edit: Republicans are on the pace to lose Georgia and Montana. Ouch!

    Source(s): Impartial Democrat.
  • jim c
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ok, here is your answer, It does not matter because the same agenda is moved forward with either party in control.

    Bush started torture, Obama protects it and the ones who done it. Bush started illegal wiretapping and Obama expanded it. Bush started Bailouts and Obama expands it. Do you really see change? I think not if you have eyes and ears.

    The American people are so shallow and dumbed down that they are missing the bigger picture, and that is losing their freedom.

    Who really cares if Gays can marry when we will all end up in the same boat anyway with no freedom?

    Same with abortion. All of the things you mentioned are just small fries in the scheme of things.

    A country divided can not stand, it is one of the oldest stratagies in the world, divide and ...?

    There was no landslide, and they do not want a land slide, they want the population divided so that they have reasons to write more laws. This makes all of the population criminals in time, and makes it easy for them to control the population, just like Hitler did..

    2 years ago the libs were upset because the GOP put out reports that vegans, and other "liberal" type groups were potential terrorist and threats, now, over the last few weeks they have had the miac report out that targets the GOP under Obamas admin, and the libs think they are off of the hook, but this is not the case, both sides are still considered threats. So now the left and the right are criminals as far as the gov is concerned.

    Please people, put aside your petty differences and get together and stop letting corrupt politicians control and fade our freedoms and country away.

    Source(s): History.
  • dlk
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I personally hope the voters seriously start looking at the "other parties" available to run since both the Democrats AND Repubicans are moving this country too far left. Do you realize we are "almost" to the far wall of the leftist spectrum? Both the Democrats and Republicans HAVE PUT US THERE. The ONLY President in the last 30 years that headed this Country to the right was Reagan. It HAS been downhill ever since.

    Until we get this Country on the right track, EVERYTHING WILL STAY THE SAME, or worse.

    Wake Up People before we all loose everything, our Country included!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think the repubs could very well take back the states they lost, my state of IN barely went to obama and with his lack of follow through on lots of his empty promises, anything could happen. obamas win was FAR from a landslide and with alot of the things he is coming out with he is turning off supporters every day.People wanted change which is what he was preaching but what he's coming through with is not real change.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that the GOP has no idea how they will pull that off. Their only realistic chance is to hope that the economy is still tanking and that they can pin it on Obama.

    Source(s): The Force!
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Gee, maybe we should do what we did when Jimmy Carter won after Nixon and his Watergate cronies trashed the Republican party. It was gloom and doom and the Dems were so happy. Alas, what a difference dumb policies make. People change when the pain becomes great enough. We shall see.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As long as they continue to act the way they do, they won't. The Republicans as they are now are a dying political party. The sooner the better.

  • lrd00a
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Actually, there WAS NO landslide in the popular vote (just in the electoral vote, probably paid off by ACORN), and Obama's popularity seems to be sinking pretty dam fast.

    People aren't stupid enough to re-elect this guy once unemployment reaches 11%, no one has a job, and sees he's just getting us in deeper.

    Jake: 47% vs 52% is NOT a landslide. 10 million is only 3% of the country, again, NOT a landslide.

  • 1 decade ago

    IMO if they have a chance, its to get back to true conservative values, ie Limited federal government with most governing done at local levels, emphasis on individual rights which are the same for EVERY CITIZEN (including the right to do things that we as conservatives don't agree with), and low taxes.

    Those are the real conservative values. Most conservatives are sick of the GOP trying to be a moderate liberal party.

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