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Question to any Jews or Muslims?

A friend of mine and I were discussing this but I have never heard an answer from someone of the Muslim or Jewish faith.

What do you all think of Jesus? My buddy said you consider him a prophet, but I told him that didn't sound right to me. I didn't think the Jews or Muslims recognize the new testament so why would they consider Jesus a holy man. Also, even if they think he was a prophet, wouldn't he have been a "false" prophet since he claimed to be the son of god? I thought they considered him blasphemous when he claimed to be the messiah.

Just wondering?

9 Answers

  • Y
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi Derrick, In Islam the Quran tells us that Jesus is a Messenger of God (or Prophet - as does the bible say this)

    We believe the following

    - Born miraculosly

    - Is the Messiah

    - Could perform miracles by the permission of God (heal the blind and the leper for example)

    - Will return at the end of time

    In fact, a Muslim is not a muslim if he does not believe any of these facts.

    edit....we do not believe that he ever claimed that he was God nor the Son of God (not son in the sense of a father and son) - We can accept he was a son if you mean a pious person. After all, the bible has many sons of God. Adam was a son of God so was many other prophets. It meant pious person. A person in the way of God.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was a Jew who claimed to be the Messiah. Some Jews believed him, but the vast majority did not. This is because none of the things that are supposed to happen when the Messiah comes happened when Jesus came. (All of the nations would except G-d as G-d, everyone would live in peace, the dead would come back to life...) However, before this, Jesus was well-liked for his teachings. He was peaceful and respected. He just took things too far. The Jews were not responsible for his death. It was the Romans. Jews don't believe in crucifying people.

    Nowadays, we don't really think much of him. I don't really have anything against Jesus, I just don't believe that he was the Messiah or the son of G-d. Hopes this helps!

    Source(s): I'm an Orthodox Jew
  • 1 decade ago

    This question gets asked so often I'm surprised you haven't seen any answers on the subject. Do search for it, because there are many good answers out there. Basically, Muslims consider Jesus a prophet and Jews don't consider him anything - he has no more place in our religion than Buddha, so we honestly don't think about him. We have to deal with Christians telling us that he's the messiah and we got it wrong, but all we can say to that is that our concept of messiah is entirely different from theirs and Jesus doesn't remotely fit ours.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    answer: only Muslims consider Jesus as a prophet (and not as part of a trinity)

    Jesus is irrelevant in Judaism and Jews don't think about him much unless Christians ask us to. It is hard to know what he actually taught or thought since nothing was written down for decades and his teachings were obviously corrupted (evidenced by the 'last supper' being a "communion" - NO Jew would institute a symbolic drinking of blood and consuming of flesh).

    Jesus was obviously NOT the Jewish Messiah - none of the prophecies were fulfilled at all and the Jewish Messiah will be human, not divine and will NOT be worshiped (no second coming)

    Source(s): forgive the rabbit - he was bitten by a rabid Nazi and contracted the disease. Nothing he states about Judaism is factual. He's actually repeating intolerant Muslim propaganda against Judaism - we don't consider Jesus the son of any Roman soldier.
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  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus was a good guy, who had radical teachings, and his followers took it too far. He was a good man, who taught peace and equality, and forgiveness. Unfortunately Christians do not seem to listen to what he taught, and are violent, harsh. In the words of Ghandi "I like your Jesus, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are not like their christ". However, he is irrelevant. He is neither a prophet nor the Messiah

    PS: Muslims believe Jesus (Isa) is a prophet, and he is the second most important prophet.

    Forgive the rabbit- He's nothing more then a Anti-Semite. What he states was Muslim propaganda against the Jews, we do not believe Jesus was the son of any Roman Soldier

    Source(s): Orthodox Jew
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    There is no historical person as jesus. Even the name is less than 400 years old in the xian bibles. The early church didn't believe christ was god, nor did they believe that god was a trinity

    It is interesting to note that the oldest of Greek manuscripts do not give a name to the central character of Paul's writings. xrstos was used, meaning anointed.

    christianity is ever changing, xrstos became Latinised to christ, the early church taught it was blasphemy to direct prayers to christ as late as 280.

    325 the Nicean Creed declares christ to be the very god of gods

    381 Council of Constantinople invents "Three persons in 1 god."

    Emperor Theodosius - Describing god as a committee of 3 co-equal persons decreed not believing in the trinity was punishable by death in 388 !

    christianity continued to change in some places the Latin christ was given the name I Zeus in the earliest English versions. This is one of the many reasons the church gave for removing the nt from the hands of the common people. As the church believed the people would link their central character with the Greek father of gods. I Zeus was later changed to the less known name of the Greek Goddess of healing, IESous. In 1630 the name "jesus" -first appears, and more recently yet another change has begun. As of December 31, 2009 the Roman catholic church has begun to use the name "allah" in referring to jesus.

    How can this be ? The author always has the right to edit their own book.

    christianity was formed by Rome for 2 reasons:

    1.) to unite the Roman Empire that was threatening to divide again due to religious wars within its borders

    2.) in an attempt to gain new territory for the Roman Empire using the common people rather than military effort

    Muslim believe him a prophet.

    @ Morgan The so called nt says it was the Romans, you believe your own book to be lies ?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    To Jews, Jesus is absolutely irrelevant. He was not a prophet, he was not the messiah, he failed the messianic prophecies. Indeed -- if the stories told of Jesus in the NT are accurate, then he got what he deserved -- the death of a false prophet.

    In Islam, however, Jesus is perceived as the Messiah, a necessary part of the redemption of sin, though their views of whether the messiah was himself divine or whether the messiah had to die differ from most of Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus (known as Isa) is a huge figure in Islam

    - Was born to the Virgin (Allah is not the father though)

    - Spoke as a new born baby

    - Allah performed miracles through him

    - Was a great prophet

    - Escape crucifixion, was raised to heaven alive

    - Will return to kill the Dajjal (AntiChrist)

    - Will rule the earth as king


    In Judaism Jesus was:

    - The son of a Roman soldier and a promiscuous hairdresser

    - Had sex with his donkey

    - Worshiped a brick

    - Performed magic with his penis

    - Is currently boiling in excrement in hell

    Jews are commanded to burn, publicly the New Testament, which happens often in Israel

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Jews hate Jesus. They killed him. Remember that.

    Muslims respect him.

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