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Since registered democrats outnumber registered republicans by 11%?

What will the republicans do now to try and get new voters or to sway independents? It's obvious they don't need to bring in another Sarah Palin....that will turn even more people against the GOP. Are we seeing the end of this party for many, many years to come?

I know most republican answers are going to be "no" we will win next time. But I seriously want to know what the GOP can do....they are definitely the minority now and they need NEW blood in order to have a chance of winning in the future.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They need to realize that we are in the year 2008 and the US has changed and continues to change. They still want to act like this is the US of their great grandparents. Other countries are ahead of us in many aspects because they choose to embrace the future and make history not become history. Until the republican party can realize times have changed, the population has changed, our interest have changed and so have our challenges, THEY ARE SCREWED!

  • 1 decade ago

    The GOP will now have to reinvent itself to become attractive to all but the hard right-wingers that are left in their support camp. And, they'll probably now realize that their base of conservative Christians is not strong enough to carry the party any more. So, they're going to have to move away from the far right and take on a more centrist approach to governing.

    I think there's going to be some anti-right momentum in this country at least until the next presidential election. And, the only way we'll see a shift back to the right then is if Obama and the democratic congress really screw things up (worse than Bush did, which I doubt they could). Otherwise, it will be at least 8 years - and probably more - before the Republican party regains the national trust, and takes back the presidency or congress.

  • 5 years ago

    Today's news is that a registered Democrat blew up a car in New York. News from years and years ago was that a registered Republican blew up a building in Oklahoma City. Both are perfect examples of murderous nitwits with the capability of setting bombs, but without the capability of thinking through their actions. Are you seriously trying to protect your political party by bringing up past history from the opposite party or something? Because it's not working.

  • 1. They have to go back to fiscal conservatism. That's an issue that resonates with the right, middle and even some on the left.

    2. It's okay to be pro-life, against gay marriage but they have to put social issues lower on the ladder of priorities.

    3. DO NOT filibuster. Vote no and shut up. If you believe the Democratic agenda is not what America wants, allow it to pass so you have something to run against.

    4. Instead of the motto less government, try the motto: making government work more efficiently.

    Source(s): independent
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  • 1 decade ago

    it depends what kind of a job obama does when carter was president he was like the democrat version of bush and people by a land slide voted in reagan as president the same this happened in this case except to a republican and a democrat dominating reagan and obama are simular in the fact that they were voted in cause the opposite parties policies were failing in the last term only difference is 2/3 majority of the reps are democrats back then it was only 55%/45% both senate and reps

    and for those of you who mention clinton going in because of bush Sr. screwing up thats not true clinton won off genius,bush breaking his promise on a tax increase,and ross perot duel running as a known republican and he funded his own campaign Bush Sr. had a 91% approval rating thats the 2nd best any republican in office has ever done with 1st being teddy roosevelt

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    We wait until the democratic congress and president screw up. It's the presidential chain. Carter screws up elect Reagan. Bush replaced by Clinton. Clinton screws up, Bush Jr. gets in. It switched back and forth. We'll be back in 4 years, don't worry.

    Kevin i disagree. Jimmy Carter is like JFK and Barack Obama, they got in with VERY little experience because they're charismatic and we had a lost cause before them (Bush being the lost cause.)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give Obama a few months in office and that 11% will suddenly turn into 30% and it will be for the republicans, when Obama fails to deliver what he promised to get elected.

    If you question that rational, its very simple to prove, look at the Democrat led Congress rating, LOWER than Bush

  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans were not as conservative as they should have been this year. People WILL get sick of the far left government, I assure you. People do not like to fix what is not broken.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Democrats almost have complete power.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All they really need to do is be more moderate. If they weren't accusing people of being "pro abortion" or pandering to creationists they wouldn't scare all the moderates away.

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