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Since all of McCain supporters on Y!A will benefit with Obama's middle class tax cut?

Wouldn't it be great if they were not allowed to take advantage of the tax cut and make them keep paying higher taxes like under the Bush plan. If you don't vote for Obama, you don't get the tax cuts that come with him.




27 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you crazy mother ******! You honestly believe that obama is giving a tax cut! btw stealing money from wealthy people is WRONGE! They worked hard for that money and they shouldn't have to pay poor people who won't get off there *** and do works way!

  • 1 decade ago

    Hahaha, the Bush tax cuts gave across the board tax cuts. Obama has promised to bring back the Clinton tax rates. Under Clinton 23% of lower income families didn't' pay taxes the Bush tax cuts expanded the number to 33%. Ten percent of lower income families will now be paying taxes. I don't want to participate in Obama's tax plan since I would end up paying more.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama will come home from Oz eventually. His take from $250,000 has already come down to $120,000 according to a couple of his fellow demoncrats. When Obama realizes that his original amount can't cut it, he'll start taking from people earning less money to give o others. Small business owners will have to fire people, possibly even you, just so they can keep their business going. This will then become another depression. Besides McCain has a tax cut plan, not just for the rich, my guess is that you were n Oz with Obama. Come home soon.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I got a little secret to share with you, Democrats do not cut taxes, they increase them, neither you or I will be getting one, This new generation of youngsters has no idea what Democrats are all about.

    1st it was taxes on $42000

    2nd it was taxes on $150,000

    3rd it was all changed to $200,000

    4th it supposedly is now $250,000

    Obama doesnt even know, the figures keep changing, and so do the lies, in 4 years after being wiped out you will be desperate for a new CHANGE where you get to keep some of your money.

    Wait and see

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  • 1 decade ago

    not true....because of obama's tax plan my full time and part time jobs will probably end. I work for a CPA firm during the day and they said now they are going to have to start cutting the few benefits we have an most likely will not be able to afford to run the business that long under this new tax plan. Now my night job my boss is also a CPA (but for another company) she said pretty much for us to expect her to afford it with the new tax plan. Taking from one place and giving it to another place really doesn't mean benefits in the long run. If you give us tax cuts but up the taxes on our work places, businesses are going to fail and/or jobs will be lost.

  • 1 decade ago

    That isn't true.

    Middle class all the way here. I am a LPN and my husband works in manufacturing as in blue collar and with 8 people left in his shop he is the next round of layoffs. No rich people here. We got more back from Bush than Clinton. Obama may mean less than both for us. Try again. I don't know anyone who is paying high taxes with Bush's plan rich, middle class or poor. Not one.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't believe for one minute that there will even be a tax cut. Bill Clinton made the same promise in the '92 campaign, but taxes actually went UP!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You have no idea what you are talking about. Who is getting a tax cut? UNder $250,000? Under $200,000? Oh wait, it was $150,000? No, $120,000.

    Duh, Obama cant fulfill his promises to give all these trillions of dollars of entitlements unless he seriously raises taxes on a serious number of people. Pay attention.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    So will the so called rich people whom Obama will tax more not be taxed more if they didn't vote for him? That would kinda mess up his whole game plan now wouldnt it hahaha

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Obama is mendacity. He plans to "end the Bush tax cuts" which decrease taxes for the middle type in 0.5. it fairly is an useful 50% tax decrease via fact of this what a center type family contributors will pay in taxes immediately could DOUBLE whilst the Obama we could them expire. SNEAKY, huh? Technically, he won't "strengthen" your taxes, he will in basic terms enable them to "bypass returned" to the place they have been. Is that any convenience? he is going to enable the valuables tax exemptions expire which will very much escalate the form of middle type people who're unlikely to have the means to bypass issues directly to their toddlers which incorporates family contributors companies which will ought to be bought to pay the demise taxes. the hot tax expenses that Obama and Congress propose will kill small corporation. maximum small companies report their income taxes on the indoors maximum income tax varieties of the vendors as Subchapter-S or LLCs. This will develop them above the $seventy 5,000 shrink that Obama has proposed in spite of the incontrovertible fact that it is not "very own income." they won't have funds to escalate their companies, purchase new kit, grant scientific coverage, or create new jobs. the biggest blow to the poor, working and middle training from Obama and the Democratic Congress is the HIDDEN TAX. by using elevating the corporate Tax, Capital features Tax, providence income Tax and different proposed taxes, ALL expenses will upward push and INFLATION will skyrocket. surely everyone will pay extra for each little thing. those on the decrease end of the financial scale would be harmed the main via fact they should spend the biggest share of their income on needs and shopper products. The Democrats by no potential learn this lesson. in spite of what he claims, you will pay extra in taxes and extra for each little thing you purchase in case you vote for Obama. era. in case you lived interior the path of the Carter administration, you recognize precisely what I propose.

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