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Me, Too asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Does This Explain the Obama-Ayers Connection?

Today, in various key states, Robo Calls are being sent out to thousands of households, telling voters that Barack Obama consorted with a known terrorist, William Ayers, leader of the Weathermen, a group protesting the Viet Nam War and bombing various key establishment buildings. This is a letter from a prosecutor who handled the case against Ayers....

My question is, how can Obama be linked to an episode that took place when he was eight years old, questioning his association with a man who has been absolved by both the courts and by Chicago Society, who awarded him with the Citizen of the Year honor not long ago? Is John McCain's continued emphasis on this brief association

just a political ploy, when all evidence points toward the fact that these allegations are false?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'd like to thank you for bringing this important information to a boarder audience.

    I guess no one read it but me. this is about the federal prosecutor who charge with prosecuting Ayers. He's saying he's shocked and amazed that some how Ayers is being linked to Obama. He said that the corruption of the Mitchell Administrations was way over the line. they were breaking into the defense attorneys offices. Mitchell went to jail, I believe as part of Watergate. this letter by a Mr. Iberhoff is making the charge against Obama by the mcSame people even harder to sell.

  • Moi
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    RE Is John McCain's continued emphasis on this brief association

    just a political ploy, when all evidence points toward the fact that these allegations are false?

    Surely you gest, or you're not being paid enough for your efforts. The only other alternative is not very pleasant to write herein. There is no evidence, so before you believe anyone, check the facts first and think for yourself. .

    McBlame's been bought and sold, so he's grasping at straws having bit off far more than he can chew. It's very sad, really, he had the country fooled for a long time - at least until his fellow prisoner spilled the beans in the UK paper about his time as a POW.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sen. Obama simply sat on a board with Ayers - as did several Republicans and a Ronald Reagan appointed ambassador.

    McCain called Ayers "washed-up", so this should tell you what he really thinks of this so-called association. Clearly, McCain does not believe Ayers is dangerous, only that the implication of a relationship with him could be damaging to Sen. Obama.

    McCain is PATHETIC!

    Source(s): The American Life Review -
  • 1 decade ago

    Because this is an election year and his relationship with Ayers wasn't casual.

    Ayers raised money for him, he had Barrack appointed the the failed Annenburg school improvement effort in Chicago that they co- chaired together.

    They spoke together on the issue of minors being prosecuted as adults.

    BHO was trained in the Saul Alinsky method as was Ayers. Its' possible he knew Ayers in NYC when he attended Columbia.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No one is linking Obama to the act of setting bombs WITH Ayers, they are pointing out that Ayers and Obama worked together extensively, by choice, for a long time. Ayers *selected* Obama to be the first chairman of the CAC.

    Furthermore, the CAC was not effective at it's stated purpose of improving education in Chicagoland. It was, however, quite good at funneling the organization's funds to friends of their political causes.


    The full report:

    from "National Review"

    When Obama made his first run for political office, articles in both the Chicago Defender and the Hyde Park Herald featured among his qualifications his position as chairman of the board of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, a foundation where Ayers was a founder and guiding force. Obama assumed the Annenberg board chairmanship only months before his first run for office, and almost certainly received the job at the behest of Bill Ayers. During Obama’s time as Annenberg board chairman, Ayers’s own education projects received substantial funding. Indeed, during its first year, the Chicago Annenberg Challenge struggled with significant concerns about possible conflicts of interest. With a writ to aid Chicago’s public schools, the Annenberg challenge played a deeply political role in Chicago’s education wars, and as Annenberg board chairman, Obama clearly aligned himself with Ayers’s radical views on education issues. With Obama heading up the board and Ayers heading up the other key operating body of the Annenberg Challenge, the two would necessarily have had a close working relationship for years (therefore “exchanging ideas on a regular basis”). So when Ayers and Dorhn hosted that kickoff for the first Obama campaign, it was not a random happenstance, but merely further evidence of a close and ongoing political partnership. Of course, all of this clearly contradicts Obama’s dismissal of the significance of his relationship with Ayers.

  • 1 decade ago

    He was NOT 8 years old when he sat in Ayers living room at a fund raiser announcing his candidacy. He was NOT 8 years old when he joined Ayers on the Annenburg Foundation to continue education with black children regarding their non-white African roots. Non-White being key to the education. Ayers by the way is a domestic terrorist and has mentioned many times that he would have done more if he could. Now, in knowing all of that consider that Ayers if anything is extremely radical in his way of thinking and Obama is only showing us either his serious lack of judgment in the friends he chooses or he has a very radical agenda that will hurt all Americans.

    Source(s): Awesome point Duff regarding Osama bin Ladin, mind if I borrow that analogy?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that Obama served on several boards with Ayers, is his neighbor and claimed his kids played with Ayers kids, what more evidence do you need?

    McCain will win in November

    PS: I don't know about you, but I would NEVER be associated with someone who did what Ayers did, by the way, the "intelligent' Obama didn't know what Ayers did?

  • 1 decade ago

    They aren't linking Obama to the bombing they are questioning his judgement in associating with someone who could commit terroist acts that killed people in the US.

    If you were to become friends with Osama bin Laden 20 or 30 years after 9/11 do you think people would be cool with that or would they question your judgement?

  • 1 decade ago

    He wasnt associated with him when he was 8 years old. He was however associated with him when he started his pollitical career. He was associated with him when Ayers said that he didnt regret throwing bombs and wish that he had done more. He was associated with him when Ayers said he may feel compelled to do it again. He was associated with him when Ayers did a photospread of himself stomping on the American flag. You do know that Ayers got off on a technicality and then admitted to doing it later right?

    Get the connection??

  • 1 decade ago

    It looks like Ayers rewrote/ghost wrote Obama's book "Dreams from My Father" to give Obama a "pedigree." Ayers, despite being an unrepentant terrorist, is a damn good writer.

    That's why it is important. Obama is a "stealth Socialist" candidate groomed by my many extreme leftists from the beginning.

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