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Me, Too asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Why Are Republicans Buying and Hoarding Guns?

Do they plan a Revolution? Why are guns selling twice to three times as much as they sold before the Election? President Elect Obama has said that he supports the right to own guns, so what are they worried about? Some of them have purchased an entire arsenal of guns and ammunition, so possibly they expect retaliation from the liberals. Or has Rush Limbaugh whipped them into a frenzy of fear? Why are Republicans buying up guns?

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    They think either that Mr. Obama will make it more difficult to buy guns, or that since a Black is in the White House, everything will go to hell.

    Yes, it's stupid.

    As if...

  • 1 decade ago

    The answer is pretty simple actually. People don't trust him. Obama said many things during his campaign run. The odds are pretty good that most of them were not true as well. Want examples? Here goes:

    1. 95% of all Americans are going to get a tax cut. Since 40% of Americans don't even pay taxes, we know this ones false. Bill Clinton said the same thing when he ran for President...only to turn around and give everyone a tax increase 2 weeks into office. If you really believe 95% of Americans are REALLY gonna get a tax cut, you should think about getting your Prozac dosage reduced!

    2. Obama is a Socialist, pure and simple. And Socialists don't like guns. That's because they recognize it is much too difficult to impose their off-the-wall ideals on the masses if the masses have the power to overthrow them. So, the first thing they do out the gate, is get rid of private gun ownership.

    3. No one REALLY knows him. On election night, Tom Brokaw and a few others had a little round table discussion going on, and they readily admitted that no one really knew what Obama was all about, and they had no real idea how he felt on many things. Hmmmm....seems like those might have been pertinent questions to ask BEFORE the election, but since they were much too busy licking his shoes to do any real investigative reporting...I guess they were just trying to give themselves an out for later when the crap hit the fan.

    Oh...and by the way....I have many Democrat friends who have bought guns themselves. You see, when it comes to self-preservation...political affiliation doesn't really matter. As for retaliation from Liberals? The left-wing zealots are just chomping at the bit to curb everyones personal liberties. In six months, you won't recognize this country.

    I guarantee it!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not that republicans are hoarding them, do you actually know anyone who stocked up on a lot of guns and thousands of dollars in ammunition? It sounds like you went on the internet for about 10 minutes and found some article or blog written by some anti gun/republican that wants to make us look bad. Obama said that he supports the right to OWN guns, but he and a lot of other liberals are trying to place serious control measures on them. These measures would make guns much more expensive and harder to get. Ammunition prices could be taxed up to 500% which is a lot.

  • 5 years ago

    I have hundreds of guns, swords, knives and even cannons. I am sorry you spend your money on drugs and have nothing to show but a "jones" Why are you anti gun tards not educated about the history and beauty of guns. I have a pair of dueling pistols from the 1600's that cost more than you will make in welfare this year. Accept you are a loser and fear inanimate objects. Don't be scared to much, but I am getting a M-60 full auto delivered in about 3 hours. Look out anti-gun tards, scary things. HA HA HA

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Come on, now - there's plenty of us democrats who buy and "hoard" guns too. If we keep them in our houses, I guess you can say we "hoard" them.

    I've always carried a gun - I've always voted democratic. Is anybody buying more guns right now, or is this some hysterical "fact"????

    Trouble is lots of the gun nuts are pretty paranoid people, and I suppose they might be buying what they think might be the last guns for sale. They'll settle down after a while when Obama doesn't show up at their house with a truckload of guys to take away their guns.

    Also you got to figure that it's hunting season right now. Lots of people buy and trade guns this time of year.

  • 1 decade ago

    "To disarm the people is the best and most effective way to enslave them" - George Mason.

    Barry fears the divide between the two opinions might be too big too cross. With 55 million people being unhappy with the outcome of the election, this situation might just prove to be the proverbial spark in the gunpowder barrel. So to avert the remotest possibility of the outbreak of a civil war he will have to take the necessary steps.

    Barry is planning to outlaw privately owned guns to bring these stubborn 55 million people to heel.

  • 1 decade ago

    There is concern about Obama and the Democrats infringing on the 2nd Amendment, which may be warranted since the Dems have a history of it.

    So, there is a lack of trust between some Reps and Obama's words.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is no use to hoard guns if you don't have a way to make your own ammo. Those marxist type democrats will find a way to stop ammo manufacture which will only render a gun to a little more than a club even if you can keep them. I'm ready to sell mine before January so the commies can't make me had them over for nothing!

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama's history and what he says now about gun control don't add up.The primary reason why the second amendment is so important has nothing to do with hunting. It's more about citizen's being able to stand up and fight against the government if the need arises.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Are you drunk? Where in the hell have you gotten your information? Do you personally know someone who has "purchased and entire arsenal of guns and ammunition"?

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