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GH Maxie: Something's Wrong With This Picture!?

Does she know Lulu well enough to know that she wouldn't just take off in the middle of her shift at Crimson? Anyone else feel like it was odd that she wasn't suspicious that something had happened to Lulu? I know they haven't known each other for that long, but aren't they best friends? Or pretty close to being best friends?


I mean doesn't she know Lulu well enough, not does know.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Maxie and Lulu pop in and out of the office all day long. Maxie could initally just think something came up with her family and she would be back. Being that they live together as well as work together .. Maxie would notice that Lulu hadnt returned at some point.

    They used to be enemies .. but I think they are more friends now and really care about each other. I am sure she will be frantic when she realizes that .. 'harmless' Franco kidnapped Lulu.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, I didn't find it odd at all that Maxie didn't think anything was wrong with Lulu not being at Crimson.

    Firstly, Maxie is a bit flaky. She is overly distracted with Crimson and Franco and I don't think she even thought of it. Her first concern was that Kate was gonna have a fit and that it would mean more work for her and her having to cover for Lulu yet again.

    Secondly, it's not out of character for Lulu to have just walked away. If you've been watching, you would know the history between these two and their behavior. They hated each other and then they became friends. Lulu only took a job there to irritate Maxie and didn't take it seriously at all. In the past, Lulu HAS disappeared from the job without notice several times leaving Maxie holding the bag and doing the work. So, Lulu not being there wasn't something that was out of the ordinary--Maxie had even said that she did it again. In a normal working world where people always showed up, then yes, you would worry. However, with Lulu having a history of just disappearing and leaving the job, then her not being there is the norm.

  • Jewels
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I remember Lulu doing something like that to Maxie several times in the past, back when they didn't like each other. Remember? Maxie was the first one to get the job at Crimson, and just because Lulu couldn't stand Maxie and wanted to get under her skin, Carly helped Lulu snake her way into the Crimson job. Maxie was (rightfully) upset and felt that she should be the one to get the job; instead of hiring one person, though, Kate decided to stoke their competitiveness by making them both jump through all kinds of hoops with the promise of one of them being her "Girl Friday".

    Lulu didn't really care about the job, since she only saw it as a way to agitate Maxie. So every chance she got, she would bail on Maxie as soon as Kate's back was turned, and leave Maxie with all the work. A couple of times when Maxie left Lulu to take care of some business, Lulu just got up and walked out ... pretty sure she figured that Maxie would be the one to get into trouble with Kate. Somewhere along the way, Kate decided to hold the job over both their heads. If one of them messed up, they both would be fired. All of a sudden, Lulu decided that she needed the job enough to play ball.

    But even then, she still arbitrarily got up and left a couple of more times afterwards.

    There's no way that Maxie's forgotten all the stunts that Lulu has pulled, and all the times that she's "flaked out" on her. And in real life, your co-workers never really forget it no matter how much you've appeared to have become more reliable; the first time you "go missing", the first thought that pops into that person's head is that you've done it to them again. And THEN if you don't show up for a day, they might start to think of something else.

    Maxie is too distracted about keeping her job right now for her mind to even wrap around the possibility that Franco is responsible. After all, I don't think it even crosses her mind that Franco might consider Lulu to be that close to Jason. They don't really associate with each other. In her mind, if Franco wanted to kidnap anyone, it would be her since she hangs around Jason a lot more than Lulu.

  • 1 decade ago

    Maxie is only thinking of one thing at this point (( herself ))

    I'm so glad that Dante put two &two together and came uP with the possibility that maybe LuLu was taken by that freak !

    Maxie needs to chill out about the pictures floating around out there and think of her so called best-friend who could care less about another one of Maxie's stupid moves

    I love Maxie.... but she is a me-me-me person at times......... besides>>>> Spinelli has already seen the pictures and Kate could care less >>> anything for a story for Crimson <>

    PS....... I wish Franco would have taken the little thug wantA-Be Michael >>> Let's see how Rough & Tough that little punk is then ! He would be peeing his little designer pantys.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I think she was distracted by her duties as Junior Editor to be too worried about Lulu. She did let Dominic know that she'd disappeared during her shift.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i thought the same thing because if u think about it in order the people in jason's life franco is only goin after the women. which in order is sam(love of his life),carly(best female friend),maxie(i guess close friend/spineilli girl), liz(former girl/mother of his kid/but he wouldnt go after her since she isnt present in his life at the moment).

    and she should have known she would probably b next on his list after carly and he KNEW were she worked and she KNOWS hes a pyscho so she should have at least got protection for lulu till she got back. plus if u no a pyscho is on da loose and he knows u r cool wit someone he admires and knows were u live and work if ur friend is missing i would get worry. and they are best friends but different then her friendship with sam

    but it maxie sometimes i think he dizzyness is crazy but i love her character and to me she has gotten better than the whole maxie/lucky/pregnancy montage in a way

    now in my mind if it was franco going after all people in jasons life it would b micheal,sam,carly, spinelli,maxie i would say sonny (but like jason said he is to hard to get to)

    since i thought about it carly should have a bodyguard anyways hello mobster ex-wife/mother of his kids/best friend of mobster/neice of a con artist yet she doesnt have a bodyguard unless a killer is on the loose to get one

    Source(s): love maxie/lulu, maxie/sam, spinelli/jason, jason/sonny, sam/spinelli, carly/jason friendships
  • 1 decade ago

    well maxie and lulu use to like HATE each other

    shes pretty stupid so it probably didnt even cross her mind something bad could of happened

    Source(s): GH fan Maxie hater
  • 1 decade ago

    They have become close friends and you'd think that she would've noticed, but Maxie doesn't always think. And right now she's distracted by Franco and everything that's going on, so she's thinking even less clearly.

  • 1 decade ago

    I found it odd 2 ! However she is a bit of a airhead -drama queen and 2day her head wasnt in the right place

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