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Luke H asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Global warming, what global warming?

Global warming if true is one of the biggest challenges facing society today, much of my A Level Geography and General Studies time is taken up on the topic.

I live in the UK close to London, and 2009 saw the most snow since the 1960s, 2010 is barely a week old and I've never had so much snow at once and it could continue for at least a couple more weeks. All nights of 2010 have been well below freezing with last night reaching -7° C, the highlands of Scotland have seen some of the lowest temperatures ever recorded, -18° C, I still can't believe I'm typing that.

Global warming, a myth or reality?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This global warming.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you wish to receive grant money for climate research, do you think that you'll get a cheque if you say," I need the grant, as I think that I can prove that the figures that the current paradigm is based upon are wrong" ? The great environmentalist, David Bellamy, has been silenced, and refused airtime. There is still no proven causative link between the amount of Co2 in the atmosphere, and an increase in global temperatures. The WWWF photographs of the polar bears swimming were taken in the Arctic summer; when the ice cap partially melts, as they couldn't get up to photograph in the winter. The ice was too thick! The East-Anglian uni research figures. "Oh! The figures don't match our expectations. Oh well. Keep quiet. Because we know that we are right." When the belief, and the faith is more important than squarely facing the legitimate doubts of a lot of non grant-supported scientists, science has been superceded by religious zealots. As Oliver Cromwell colourfully said." I pray thee, in the bowels of Christ, consider that thou mayest be wrong."

    Source(s): If most politicians agree that an idea is good, history proves that it's probably wrong.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The globe warmed slightly from 1700 through 3 years ago because the sun was in a moderately high output or sunspot mode which was averaging about 110 to 120 on a daily basis. Then 3 years ago when the political left were predicting enhanced warming from human industry the sun shut down into the most severe minimum ever documented in over 2 thousand years. Since then the world has cooled rapidly reaching low temperatures not seen for more than 100 years. If the sun remains quiescent as it is we could see little ice age conditions in 6 to 8 years and full ice age conditions in 10 or so years. So it is an extremely quiescent sun with the lowest output level ever recorded that is allowing the planet to cool off now and until or if it fires back up again. Solar scientists i have known for years are tentatively saying 30 to 60 years for sure before they will even have a hint if the sun is going to return to activity or not. But some of the best solar people I have had conversations with off the record say from the way the sun is currently acting they feel we are heading into one of the 80k year long full ice ages.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Global Warming is a crock of S**t. Al Gore took loose facts and combined that with a load of personal opnion and made up the whole thing. Yes, there are "greenhouse gasses" but no, our earth's poles are not going to melt in 5-7 years. He recently came out and stated that he is retracting his statements made previously about the polar ice caps melting that quick. The world's weather is constantly cycling and will change year to year. It isn't something you can forecast (obviously, just look at how crappy the forecasts for a week are....).

    The whole "Global Warming" scheme was devised as a way to further drive a wedge between the 2 major political parties in the US and also to get people to be greener and at least start to think about conservation. The principles of prevention are all good, the immediate consequences were all bogus. We all know that the earths resources are not going to last forever but they will last a hell of a lot longer than you or I will be alive.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I believe there is some truth in global warming because the ice caps are shrinking. But I don't think our recent heavy snowing is because of global warming. As the BBC weatherman explained; it is mainly because the north easterly wind from Russia and the North Pole that give us such heavy snow falls and bitter cold temperature.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Ok mate, listen up. This is cold, hard FACT ok. Humans emit 3% of the worlds CO2. People see the solar system etc. as a delicate thing in perfect harmony and it's not. It could be something to do with the earth going slightly out of orbit toward the sun, the sun getting hotter. Do you see what I mean? I am not a global warming denier, but there are plenty of reasons the environment could be warming up a tad. I am sure it will blow over and life will go on. As you said, it's been effing boiling this winter hasn't it.

    All it needs is a little bit of thought. We will run out of Oil (*weeps*) before the bloody environment packs up for gods sakes.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure where the concern is. Put some of that A Level Geography to work and examine for yourself some of the other temperatures occurring in the northern hemisphere. You will find that there is nothing out of the ordinary going on.

    Yes, global warming is reality.

  • ...
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The media seems to have forgotten this, but it was reported on for months early last year. Global warming will cause more weather extremes; cold spells, heat waves, hurricanes, it is not just everywhere getting hotter. If anything ironically this cold snap seems to support the global warming theory.

  • 1 decade ago

    You need to distinguish between "climate", which is long term, and "weather", which is short term. Global warming, is a climatic expression and reflects a continuing increase in world-wide temperatures, on an annual basis.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    What a load of old CRAP how come they can see whats going to happen in 30 to 40 years times

    and not in 3 to 4 Weeks .But if you ask any MP if its been snowing they will say no.

    Wasn't this a headline a couple of weeks ago 24 HOURS TO SAVE THE WORLD BY

    GORDON BROWN IN A SMALL MEETING IN DENMARK ,and that turned out to be a waste of money.


  • 1 decade ago

    Global warming... I vote myth. Follow the money... Cap and trade, additional taxes, redistribution of wealth all based on junk science (see hackers at University of East Anglia). Britain isn't the only place really cold right now. You might enjoy these headlines from today's drudgereport:

    Midwest bracing for heavy snow -- wind chills of 50 below!

    Next Arctic Blast blows even colder...

    Persistent cold tightens grip on nation...

    CHILL MAP...

    Britain's big snow shuts cities...

    Death toll rises to 22 in UK's biggest freeze for 30 years......

    Arctic blast freezes Texas...

    Weekend Freeze Looms for Gulf Coast...

    Florida races to save crops...


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