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How do you say, 'I told you so" without saying, 'I told youi so'?

This is just one of those social graces things I need help with, as my friends call me MR BLUNT!

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well I am pretty blunt myself! However there is a nicer way to tell you "I told you so!" Although to be honest its not like me to sugar coat things and I simply choose not to change my way of communicating to suit anyone else unless there is a child involved or major feelings can be hurt. Then I will try harder to tone it down.

    I would suggest that your friends like you for the person who you choose to be. If you need to say I told you so then do it. Other wise pose a question to them like, " do you see what I am trying to say?" or "remember when we were talking and I told you that was going to happen? well it did and I tried to warn you but you didn't want to hear it. I am here for you buddy/honey/insert their name but if I tell you my thoughts or point of view and I am right on in the end don't expect me not to say, I told you it would happen this way!" See by putting it a little differently but with the same idea its helpful to the other person to know that you are aware of what is happening and maybe see a different prospective that they do. A neutral prospective if you will.

    Social graces is a nice sugar coated way to say suck up, drive on and let me take the sting out of the words I told you so!

    As an American I guess I take full advantage of my liberties and try to make my voice heard. Sometimes it is too much and sometimes I am wrong. If I am then I try to go to the people and apologize for my misunderstanding or communication.

    Good luck! Don't change to suit someone else unless its a change you want to make for yourself. If you have to bite your tongue then just do it. There might be a better time to speak your mind rather than at that exact point.

    My friends know me as being blunt. I have over the years gotten myself a reputation of being rude but then humorous and its hard for me to know when to add some humor versus when its too much. I have found that by laughing at myself and pointing out some of my historical oops moments it tends to make me not look stuck up or be too rude.

    Just enjoy life and use common sense! In your mind (I tell my children this too) ask yourself is anyone going to be hurt by what I am about to say. If yes the keep it to yourself. Otherwise without being nasty rude, vulgar or disgusting say your peace and leave it alone! hope that helps?

    Warm Regards,


    Source(s): My life!
  • 1 decade ago

    Happens me all the time... I say somthing, people ignore it and then find out I'm right!

    Just look at them nod and smile. Chances are they already know!

    God bless


  • 1 decade ago

    Well if you really need them to know that you were right,just say "i knew i'm right" or "see?" or something like that.Or yeah,nod and smile.And maybe "next time you should listen to me cause I was right again but you never pay attention".

    hope it helped :P

  • 1 decade ago

    then just don't say anything.

    it's bad enough that it happened to them, and if you're their friend you should totally support as they would do too.

    They'll know to thank you SOMEday.

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  • 1 decade ago

    how about, if you'd just listen to what i said,you would not be ect.ect., they call me miss blunt!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just say 'voila' and gesture at whatever you're talking about

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