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What are these little flies we have in the house?

This fall I brought geraniums in to keep them over the winter and we have a poinsettia and a few other house plants; jade, airplane plant, Christmas cactus, violets. Are these the source of the pesky flies? Can they be eradicated?


Probably not fruit flies, I know what a drosophila looks like. (Former lab rat)

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If the pests are flying around the plants, they are gnats.

    They lay eggs in the soil.

    1 part alcohol and 5 parts water to make a spray and spraying the top soil will kill the eggs and larvue.

    Or a layer of sand on top of the soil will cut the gnats.

    A dish of vinegar and a drop of dish soap can catch gnats.

    They like fruit flies lay eggs in the drains.

    A drain cleaner will get rid of the eggs.

    A long neck bottle with a piece of fruit in the bottom and an inch of water can catch fruit flies and gnats.

    If they are another kind of fly, sticky fly strips can catch them.

    Source(s): Good luck.
  • 1 decade ago

    Possibly a Whitefly. They appear as small white 'moths,' and are known to breed in greenhouses and can be shipped over on your plant.

    If you bought the plant at a chain store, which are notorious for lack of pest control, then I suspect you got yourself some unwanted visitors courtesy of Home Depot or whatever.

    Spray with insecticidal soap (Or you can just use handsoap and water in a spray bottle.) Or you could hand eradicate.

    A drastic solution with a severe infestation is to get rid of the plant(s.) And buy from a more reputable source.

    Its impossible to identify the insect w/o a description.

    As stated above, they could just be fruit flies. However, if they are hanging out on your plants, then they are most likely whiteflies or some other common greenhouse pest.

    As I said, spray your plants w/ safer's soap, or ditch the plants all together.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    i have the same probelem in my house, now i know it sounds disgusting but the problem is that flies are laying eggs around your house , where depends on their colour, bluebottles lay eggs in meat ,so unless you leave meat lying around your house i dont think it is that problem. brownish flies are fruit flies, the name says where they lay eggs so try covering your fruit up in a layer of clingfily or put it in a plastic container. lastly the least common problem is domestic flies. these little buggers are quite small so they lay their eggs in peoples clothing like moths exept they dont east it they eat pet hair and skin. they can also lay eggs in the fur of dogs cats and other domestic animals . these are the hardest to find they are a sort of green shiny colour and are very small, try combing pets with a flea comb that should get rid off the eggs or try a little flour on the pets back, they wont feel it or dislike it but it will kill the flies and their eggs. However it could just be a small fly called a gnat or sometimes caled a midge , these fly around the garden in swarms or seperatly from the group they are small and brown and very thin. there is not much you can do with these exept either squash them, ignore them or im afraid you may have to use a chemical agent.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are most likely flies known as 'Fruit Flies'

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They're called cold flies. It's winter so they've come inside.

    You can get rid of them by waiting fo summer.

  • 1 decade ago

    They are probably fruit flies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no thier called fruit flies or cold flies

    Source(s): Vote for me
  • Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    fruit flies. You can get some spray.

  • 1 decade ago

    check your potting couldve gotten bugs from the plants being outside..if this is the case then you should change the soil..

  • 1 decade ago

    re-pot your plants the fly might be populating in the dirt

    that's what happened to us.

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