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12 Questions for guys to answer. Girls read the answers if ur curious :)?

Well lately i've been curious about what a guy really likes in a girl. So here are the questions guys:

1. Do you prefer a girl that wears:

-no makeup

-barely any makeup

-a regular amount of makeup

-a lot of makeup

2. Do you prefer a girl that:

-is completely made up for the day (hair, makeup, good looking clothes)

-is sorta slack just wears whats comfortable (long sweaters, sometimes sweats etc)

-a mix in between (hair and makeup done, and comfortabe clothes)

3. Do you like to start the conversation? or do you prefer if she does?

4. Are you comfortable with a girl who believes in chastity? Or do you feel that you can't wait?

5. What is your favorite way a girl wears her makeup?

-the long full eyelashes

-the almost nude colored lips

-thin amount of eyeliner, small amount of mascara ( if u know what those are )

-The full out made up face

6.What type of personality do you like?






7.What is your favorite way a girl does her hair?





-and or short

-and or long

8.Even if your a really confident guy do you get nervous around girls? even the shy ones?

9. Do you like a girl that is comfortable with talking about her religion?

10.Do you prefer:



-red heads


-and or are you fine with just their natural color?

12.What certain features do you notice most?











15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. regular amount of makeup.

    2. mix in between.

    3. she starts the convo

    4. fine with a girl that believes in chastity.

    5. don't really care about makeup though it is neccesary.

    6. shy and sometimes flirty.

    7. long and straight.

    8. sometimes I can get nervous around girls.

    9. Sure.

    10. blondes and brunnettes and fine with natural hair color.

    11. is no 11??

    12.. eyes and legs.

    Source(s): deserve a reward for reading this entire thing!!
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Barely any makeup

    2. A mix in between (hair and makeup done, and comfortable clothes)

    3. I am kind of a shy person, so I prefer that she starts the conversation first. But, it depends on the situation. Sometimes it is necessary for me to start the conversation.

    4. I would prefer a girl of that type since my family and culture values that (not trying to be a push over or anything).

    5. Thin amount of eyeliner, small amount of mascara

    6. Outgoing and confident.

    7. Natural. Don't care about length as long as it isn't weird or anything.

    8. Yes.

    9. Depends. If it is on a positive note, then it is ok. I don't like people lecturing me about religion. Including my own.

    10. Generally black.

    11. Eyes, boobs, stomach, lips, eyes.

    Guys opinions may vary though.

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Do you prefer a girl that wears:

    -barely any makeup

    2. Do you prefer a girl that:

    -a mix in between (hair and makeup done, and comfortable clothes)

    3. Do you like to start the conversation? or do you prefer if she does?

    - It depends, but it should be a mixed. I wouldn't want to start every conversation and vice versa.

    4. Are you comfortable with a girl who believes in chastity? Or do you feel that you can't wait?

    - I can't wait, but if she was the one I would try to hold out.

    5. What is your favorite way a girl wears her makeup?

    -the almost nude colored lips

    6.What type of personality do you like?


    7.What is your favorite way a girl does her hair?


    -and or long

    8.Even if your a really confident guy do you get nervous around girls? even the shy ones?

    -I'm shy myself, but I have more confidence around the shy ones.

    9. Do you like a girl that is comfortable with talking about her religion?

    Yes, if I wasn't then I should be with her.

    10.Do you prefer:


    -just fine with their natural color

    12.What certain features do you notice most?



  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Okay... I'll bite...

    1) The less make up the better if you ask me. i'm more for natural beauty but I'm fine with a little make up here or there.

    2) Someone who's comfortable. Being dressed up's all fine and dandy, but I see it impractical to always do it. So dressing comfortably for themselves.

    3) Either way. I find that when I'm with anyone, they tend to start the conversations first. Mostly I never know how to start a conversation though.

    4) Believe in what you want when it comes to chastity. However don't do it because a religion told you to, do it because you want to.

    5) As I stated with the first make-up question, I prefer natural beauty. a little make up is fine, but don't over do it.

    6) I like all those personalities. If I had to choose one, confident, but not to the point of being stuck up or narcissistic.

    7) I honestly don't notice hair. Wear it how you want, with exceptions of doing the punk thing of shaving half your head or anything like that.

    8) I always have been nervous around girls.

    9) I'm fine with a girl talking about her religion, pushing it on me or others, I am not fine with.

    10) I like brunettes or red heads a lot more than other hair colors. And I'm fine with natural or dyed hair so long as if it's dyed, it looks good.

    11) Does not exist?

    12) Face, namely the eyes, but overall the face the most.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    1. Minimal to No makeup is best. As long as she doesn't have a cake on her face.

    2. A mix in between.

    3. As long as we can keep an enjoyable conversation going is all I'm worried about

    4. I am absolutely okay with a girl who believes in chastity. I can wait

    5. I'm sorry I don't know a thing about makeup, but as long as she doesn't look like a doll or scary.

    6. Personality, well what I can think of right now is caring, confident....I have trouble putting personality into words

    7. Curly, straight, or in a ponytail

    8. Yes I would

    9. Yes I'm okay with religion

    10. I'd prefer a natural hair color of brunette

    11. Eyes, lips

  • 1 decade ago

    1. Do you prefer a girl that wears:

    -barely any makeup

    2. Do you prefer a girl that:

    --a mix in between (hair and makeup done, and comfortable clothes)

    3. Do you like to start the conversation? or do you prefer if she does? doesn't really matter as long as were talking about something we both want to talk about

    4. Are you comfortable with a girl who believes in chastity? Or do you feel that you can't wait? yes i am

    5. What is your favorite way a girl wears her makeup?

    the way she looks best

    6.What type of personality do you like?




    7.What is your favorite way a girl does her hair?




    --and or long

    8.Even if your a really confident guy do you get nervous around girls? even the shy ones? yes i do

    9. Do you like a girl that is comfortable with talking about her religion? yes

    10.Do you prefer:



    -red heads


    -and or are you fine with just their natural color? yes

    12.What certain features do you notice most?








  • 1 decade ago

    1. Do you prefer a girl that wears:

    I prefer natural beauty but if a girl wears the right amount of make up to where it looks good than thats koo too

    2. Do you prefer a girl that:

    I like a girl that knows how to dress. In a t shirt and jeans she can look good but I dont want a girl thats bumming it

    3. Do you like to start the conversation? or do you prefer if she does? I do most of the times but sometimes I'm approached

    4. Are you comfortable with a girl who believes in chastity? Or do you feel that you can't wait? If she wanted to wait until marriage, I'd have to be super in love with her to stick around, but if I didnt love her like that I wouldn't stay in the relationship. If she wanted to wait until she fell in love I`d stick around. It depends.

    5. What is your favorite way a girl wears her makeup?

    What every other girl does just make it her own style and look good on her

    6.What type of personality do you like?








    7.What is your favorite way a girl does her hair?

    straight or curly with it hanging over the front of her right shoulder. looks bomb.

    8.Even if your a really confident guy do you get nervous around girls? even the shy ones? I do get nervous around some girls I like but I dont let the nervousness get me like that anymore

    9. Do you like a girl that is comfortable with talking about her religion? Whatevers clever

    10.Do you prefer:

    natural color is cool but if I had my choice it'd be a brunette

    12.What certain features do you notice most?


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1)Barely any makeup.

    2)a mix in between. (but can get made up for a nice date)

    3)ill start the conversation but if she wants to talk all day she can. I am happy to listen.

    4)Chastity is fine. Id prefer it.

    5)uhhh, no idea to what this question is talking about...

    6)All of them.

    7)straight or curly.

    8)used to get nervous, now its easy.

    9)whats there to talk about? if you are a wacko though you gots to go... just be normal... civilized.

    10)red heads

    11) Where is 11 btw??? can't see it :O

    12)Just depends. But if you look good you know it. The face is key. Bad face will kill it all.

  • 1 decade ago

    1&2 we want a girl to look beautiful it doesn't matter the makeup we want it to look like its not there.

    3. Just talk or let us no one cares

    4. have self respect and your own choices dont change for a guy that wants to hump

    5. we like to see the girl not the makeup so natural and pretty not globs of power and concealer

    6. we like to have fun you should to be confident flirty sweet

    7. loose curls for me but its all in the girl and there own style and what looks good on them

    8. we all do doesnt matter how confident we are and if we didnt then we prolly dont care about you

    9. why wouldnt you be!!!

    10. highlights/lowlights brunette or blonde

    11. no question?

    12. eyes and girls make attention to them with eyeliners and shadows and so on.....

    Source(s): me
  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago makeup.unless its something small like lip gloss if you consider that makeup, cuz that doesnt make much of a differnce.


    3.her to start. im not talkative unless i have something to go on

    4.i can wait, no hurry

    5.little mascara i guess.

    6.all of them


    8.only if i feel like i love them

    9.doesnt matter

    10.brunnette, but again, doesnt really matter

    11.YOU FORGOT NUMBER 11!!!


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