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Jamielovee asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Did anyone just notice this with Randy Orton?

Before I go to deep into this question, I'm fully aware that wrestling is scripted, but I strongly believe the following incident was NOT scripted.

During the match, after Dibiase interferes, Orton becomes extremely pissed. He turned bright red and started yelling "Stupid" at Kofi. Kofi messed up a few times, but I don't know that was the reason Orton was so upset. After the match, Orton is still noticably upset. He mouths a few curse words and spits everywhere. You can even see Cody ask him if he's alright.

I don't have a clue what happened, although I do think it was due to his collarbone. He's very sensitive about it. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this?

WQ: Do you prefer MVP as a heel or a face?

WQ2: Who did you prefer to win? Cena, Orton, or Kofi?

13 Answers

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    Very good observation, I noticed that as well, but I didn't think it was shoot thing though at first.

    When I saw it, it seemed really odd. I mean, Orton connected with the RKO, but then didn't go directly for the pin. Why would he do that? Standing there and admiring his finisher is just showing Kofi up, and while I'm not Orton's biggest fan, I've never seen him do that before. Delaying the pinfall is a pretty egotistical thing to do, but from what I've seen Orton hasn't ever done it before Monday, so why would he suddenly do that now?

    Plus, he did seem VERY angry when he was shouting "stupid". You could hear exactly what he was saying and he did seem legitimately pissed off. Also, I've seen Orton pissed off, and he is a bit of a hot head. When WWE ran a house show in Vancouver (where I live), Orton was in the main event with John Cena and Chris Jericho, and at the end of the match when he was walking back to the dressing room some idiot threw a bag of popcorn all over his head, and Orton freaking lost it. He tried to scale the security barrier and had to be restrained by security (which seemed to make the jerk throwing the popcorn a lot tougher). Unfortunetely that only made the crowd rile Orton up even more. Plus, I don't think anyone has forgotten the incident when he first broke his collerbone taking that flying bump out of the ring from Triple H. He snapped at that fan on a live PPV and had to be held back.

    I noticed as well that Kofi slipped up several times, but (and to be fair I don't really know what constitutes a dangerous slip up) from what I could tell it wasn't anything serious or major, he just slipped off the turnbuckle once or twice. If Orton is sensitive about his collerbone, it could have been Kofi's SOS move, which seems to land significant pressure on the recipiant's collerbone.

    WQ: I think that MVP's character is better suited to be a heel, but I like him better as a face. Call me a mark if you must, but I've always just really enjoyed cheering on the faces, and even when he was a heel I always liked MVP's work, so I liked it even more when he made his face turn (and I will say this: Unlike a lot of guys, at the very least MVP's face turn was well built and founded on something, whereas when the bulk of wrestlers make a turn, it just happens with little or no explanation.

    WQ2: I wanted Kofi Kingston to win. I know you really like Orton, but I don't want to see him as WWE Champion again. He pretty much owned the belt for all of 2009, and to tell you the truth I'm enjoying Sheamus as the WWE Champion. He certainly makes for a terrific heel (and unlike just about every heel in the company, who get cheers from the smark crowd solely for being a heel), Sheamus has so far garnered some real heat, which is rare these days.

    My reasonging for Kofi was that usually the Royal Rumble championship matches don't mean very much, and it would have been a good evaluation of how Kofi could handle a WWE Championship match on such a large stage. Plus, I was hoping that Orton would work on a Legacy breakup through the Rumble (although I have a theory that Legacy will cost him his match with Sheamus at the Rumble and then Orton will proceed to do a run in and toss them out of the Rumble match).

  • 1 decade ago

    Orton is one of those guys who is tough to figure out whether he's playing his character or actually throwing a tantrum. I agree totally that Kingston seemed especially flat in this match and screwed-up quite a bit, but most of the screw-ups were with Cena, and he didn't really botch any move that would have hurt Orton's collarbone. Kingston just ended up doing a bunch of punches, looking almost like he forgot his scripted move set or something. Either way, Orton shouldn't be pissy with him, so hard to tell whether real or not. Also, DiBiase screwed up his own move with the interference too. You couldn't really tell he hit Kingston.

    Edit: Brandon, Kofi didn't get up at all after the RKO. Orton shouted 'stupid stupid' even before he covered Kofi.

    And I don't care, I like MVP as a heel, but his face status is ok. I agree he needs to move up to main event status, the US title matches are from two years ago.

    I wanted Kingston as I'm sick of both Cena and Orton in the title matches.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not sure what was wrong with Orton. I prefer MVP as a heel but he really needs to get back on the main scene he was a main eventer waiting to happen for the first half of 2009 and then he just got off track and hopefully hes back now. Im glad Orton won, sick of seeing Cena as champ and it would of killed Kofi had he lost at the rumble. Orton wont go down a peg if he looses, so he has nothing to lose baisically

  • 1 decade ago

    Someone from another site i go to saw it as well, they said the reason why Orton got so upset was because Kofi got up to soon from that RKO that he gave Kofi, so it clearly upset Orton.

    WQ : MVP as a cocky heel was better. But hes still good as a face either way.

    WQ 2 : Orton obviously won, but i would've prefered Cena. Now that means Kofi or Cena could possibly win the Rumble, going to Wrestlemania.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Well I heard Orton gets pissed like that. Remember when Mr Kennedy botched that suplex on Orton. Thats what got Kennedy Fired.

    WQ:Heel I really miss the old cock swagger MVP not some kiss up to the fans and other superstars.

    WQ2:I'm a fan of Orton just like you are but I wanted Kofi to win because I finally wanted young talent to get a shot at the title.

  • D4L™
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    YEAH I noticed that and I was actually pretty shocked. I had no idea whether he was acting it out or whether he was really pissed. When I saw him yelling "Stupid" I was confused since it seemed random and out of nowhere but then after he got the win he began spitting and cursing and that's when I thought he was really angry and not just acting. But damn, that shocked me.

    WQ1: As a heel, I believe he got more accomplished. He had his cocky, "I'm better than you" attitude that basically allowed him to do what he wanted, without fearing what others thought. This got him noticed, this allowed him to succeed, this made him interesting. As a face, he comes off pretty stale and doesn't really have a character to develop.

    WQ2: I had a feeling that Orton would challenge for the WWE Title ever since Sheamus won it, so I wasn't that surprised that he won. I would have preferred Kingston to win, but I understand why he might not have been picked to win (he needs time to develop and [if we judged Orton's reaction correctly] he might need to work on not injuring others/being careful).

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Excellent question. I agree with you that the "STUPID!" wasn't scripted. I didn't notice the color change but he was visibly pissed. The Viper gimmick is more of the sneaky stuff...this was one pissed off Randy Orton and I also missed Cody asking if he was ok but am taking your word for it. I'd like to see the match again just to look for these things.

    I would say if it wasn't his collarbone it might've been his hypermobile shoulder, if I was going to take a wild guess.

    Source(s): Edit to add: They just did a replay and they left him yelling "Stupid!" twice in it. Maybe it was kayfabe. Maybe he was trying to say that Kofi was "stupid" to think he could beat RKO....but I honestly don't think so. I think it was legit, I think that was anger and I'm glad I'm not the target. lol
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Randy Orton does have the same move than Diamond Dallas Page. The difference of them two, besides the obvious (the name of it), is that Randy Orton normally waits until the opponent is almost unconscious, stands and then he does "The RKO". DDP, "The Diamond Cutter", just comes out of nowhere. The same thing goes for Booker T with "The Bookend" and The Rock with "The Rock Bottom". More of the moves names are modified to the nam of the wrestler so they will have an originality on their finisher.

  • 1 decade ago

    I never noticed it but I think this could be a signal of the turning of Ted DiBiase to face.

    WQ: Either way. As a heel, he's cocky. As a face, he's easy to like.

    WQ2: Orton.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes! You could see he was mad when Kofi got up too soon for the rko. I re ran it and he shook his head a little when Kofi got up and went for the rko.

    WQ: Heel

    WQ2: Kofi

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