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LDS, Mormons, according to your beliefs? About Polygamy being "OK" from God?

Christians and other faiths, please explain your views too...

To LDS, So if you claim to follow the whole Bible? What about what Jesus said here about one man and one woman?

In KJV Mark 10: 5-11

5And Jesus answered and said unto them, For the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept.

6But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female.

7For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife;

8And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh.

9What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

10And in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter.

11And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her.

12And if a woman shall put away her husband, and be married to another, she committeth adultery.

(So would be taking on more wives be a sin according to Jesus Christ here?)

The belief is, LDS men of today can be sealed (in a temple) to more than one wife if the first wife dies.

Women that have more than one husband are sealed to every husband they had on Earth if they are all deceased. (see LDS handbook of instruction.)

So if you claim that God OK'ed polygamy in the Bible, so must be OK for early LDS and OK today. (I do not see it that way at all) WHAT about Christs words in the new testament?

1. WHO had it right, "your" idea of what God OK'ed or Jesus Christ? Jesus says it is clearly adultery...

2. What is Christ saying here according to your religion?

Please answer 1 and 2. Thank you.


Just Ducky, I do not see it that way.Say a man has a wife and they divorce (perhaps for a good reason) and he remarries, that he is committing adultery? (no) and vice versus. That not what it means. The new testament states many times one man and one wife is the Godly way.

Update 2:

here another verse to look at...

Malachi 2:

"14: Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the LORD hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant. 15: And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth."

There are many versus about one man and one wife only...

"2: A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behaviour, given to hospitality, apt to teach," "6: If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly" (I Tim. 3; Tit. 1).

Update 3:

Phrog, You say.."see - the ordinances of the temple are more between an individual and God than they ever were between spouses."

Yes, as a christian the relationship with God is first. But with the Mormon Religion, you know darn well that a (sealed!) celestial marriage is of utmost importance, and to have "spiritual children," with that partner, remember that PART??

What about your belief of a Heavenly mother? If she has sister wives, that's OK. Which one is your mother? or my mother? see? it matters..

As for your G-ma and HER having a sister wife is OK with you, (and your being together forever with your family and such) but think about "her" for a minute.

*Sorry Phrog, but I think you are sugarcoating and downplaying a real sticky situation, according to this LDS belief. I have seen LDS women cry over this topic of belief. And (the belief of) together forever married to someone that is married to another spouse should matter more. :)

10 Answers

  • phrog
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    these scriptures say more about the nature of marriage itself (between a man and woman, that a wife comes before parental family, etc)....the part about adultery is defining the reasons for which one may initiate divorce.

    divorce has been allowed under some circumstances - mainly because of the hardness of hearts, but as explained by Jesus, “from the beginning it was not so” (Matt. 19: 3-12).

    divorce regulations under the law of Moses is found in Lev. 21: 14; Deut. 22: 19, 29; Deut. 24: 1-4.

    and in the NT. instructions relating to divorce in Matt. 5: 31-32; Matt. 19: 3-12; Luke 16: 18; 1 Cor. 7: 10-17.........AND Mark 10: 2-12 (which just happens to contain your verses). this is not "according to my religion" as you put it --- this is just common sense.

    and God has made it clear in the bible that polygamy was ok with Him @times (like with abraham) and that only those who hold the priesthood 'keys' to perform this function are to do it (as with solomon and david) obviously Christ would not contradict that......

    as far as men being able to be sealed to more than one wife --- yea. currently it works that way. quite frankly, I don't care how my family gets there as a family --- just that we all do. and if that means that my g-mother (who was originally married to an abusive man who was not LDS) married my g-father as his second wife and binds the rest of us together with that loving and amazing man? well, I'm ok with that.

    see - the ordinances of the temple are more between an individual and God than they ever were between spouses. the point of sealings and marriage in the temple is that it is for time (right now) and all eternity (forever).....if one spouse keeps their covenants and one does not - are they both punished as a couple? nope. one is a covenant keeper and is entitled to the blessings and agreements as long as the sealing is in place, because as Jesus said, (Matt 16:19)

    "And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."

    it's all about binding together families.....

    edit: SURPRISE! I disagree with you again......I was "sealed" to a man who is now an atheist, sexually promiscuous, and could not take responsibility for his life or any of his children @threat of death. do you really believe that I will be bound to him for all eternity? nope. he has not kept his covenants with God and as such, all deals are off with him. however, I have kept the promises I have made and if I can continue to do so, I am entitled to every blessing thereof. and no actually, I don't 'remember that part', mainly because 'that part' you are so obsessed with is not as integral a piece as you would love it to be. sorry.

    and yes, I do believe we have a 'heavenly mother' because I believe God to have substance and not that He is just some anomalous mist forever and ever. does she have sister wives? I don't know that. you don't know that. but you will use something you have no proof (nor even indication) of to prove some point you don't even believe in the first place? honestly, I think that is THE definition of 'what a waste of time'. If God has a wife, then their arrangement is between them and not me. as for my mother, she is with my father, where she has chosen to be and is best happy. and my grandmother as well is part of a family. I don't even know that she will still be a "wife" in the sense of the word as we use it, but that too will be her she has because of her second husband and being sealed. free agency does not just dissolve @death....and thank goodness, neither does family. your view of heaven is limited by what others have told you. I'm sorry for that - but I do not put limits on God, and I KNOW that my g-mother is happy and making her own choices.....whatever they are.

    anyone crying over this is only crying because they have fallen prey to those who believe that we lose ground upon returning to The Father. we do not. we gain. we do not lose our free agency, or the knowledge we have gained here. we will be able to choose our way.....and for some of us, that MAY include polygamy. it certainly will not for all of us. I bring you once again to my own situation - I will not be bound to my ex forever, but the sealing ordinance still holds. I have already made my choice and done it here on this earth.....all I have to do now is live with it/up to it.

  • rkd6
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I don't think the verses you quote are teaching against polygamy. They are teaching against adultery, but no where does Jesus say that taking a second wife automatically equals adultery. If Jesus did say that, then he'd basically be saying that Abraham had committed adultery.

    However, I completely agree that some times in the Bible, polygamy would have been considered to be wrong. Yet, there was also a time when polygamy was approved (e.g., with Abraham, Jacob, Moses, etc.). So even looking just at the Bible, one can see that there were times when God authorized the practice, and times when He did not. LDS don't believe any different. That's exactly what the Book of Mormons says: Polygamy is wrong UNLESS God authorizes it.

  • 1 decade ago

    What makes you think that we lose our free agency in the next life? What makes you think that a second wife doesn't know that there was a first? Why do you act like there are no informed choices being made here?

    Fact: At different times in scripture God has ok'd polygamy, if it is done by His 'rules'.

    Fact: One man, one woman is the standard. The LDS know that and say that over and over

    Fact: God is the ONLY judge.

    Fact: You do not get to sit in judgement on God.

  • 1 decade ago

    11And he saith unto them, Whosoever shall put away his wife, and marry another, committeth adultery against her

    1. WHO had it right, "your" idea of what God OK'ed or Jesus Christ? Jesus says it is clearly adultery...

    No, you worded that wrong. It should read "Who had it right, "your" idea of what God OK'ed, or MY idea of what Jesus said? Because I do not believe those verses are in reference to plural marriage. If a man and woman are sealed in the temple, and then the man leaves her for no good reason, and marries someone else, I do believe he is guilty of adultery.

    2. What is Christ saying here according to your religion?

    Since the question was about divorce, then the answer must be about divorce. Jesus said that the only acceptable reason for divorce was adulterey.

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  • 1 decade ago

    "Sorry Phrog, but I think you are sugarcoating and downplaying a real sticky situation..."

    How is giving you an answer straight out of scripture andbacking that up with the words of Christ Himself downplaying a belief? Don't you think Christ knows what's what?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He obviously wasn't talking about polygamy. A man should be "one" or united with his wife. If he has more than one, then he should be "one" with each of his wives. Jesus grew up in a society that condoned polygamy. He himself never uttered one word against it. He was once asked about the Jewish law of a widow marrying her husbands' brother. We are not talking about a senior unmarried brother - it is expected that all older brothers would already have a wife. If Jesus was going to say anything against polygamy, then he would have said it then.

    Don't forget that Moses was the lawgiver, and his choice of taking on a second wife was condoned by God himself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The first time polygamy is stated in the bible was when Sarah a female suggested Abraham suggested Abraham marry her servant, a female started this crap!!!! and all the men in the bible agreed with it!!!! I mean why not!!!! Sarah did nto understand that a man cannot become one with three women. The two become one, not three women and one man!!!! By the way Paul was always single and this is known to be a gift that God gives certain people, I think your church changed the scripture in Cor. 7 wherePaul says he was meant to be single!!! because Joseph did nto want it that way!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    And if a man doesn't "put away his wife" when he marries another, is it still adultery? If he keeps the first wife, it doesn't seem to go against what Jesus said.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think He was talking about divorce, not polygamy. If someone "put away" their spouse, that means they divorce them and go after someone else. At least, that is my interpretation.

    Lots of people in Bible times practiced polygamy.

    Source(s): LDS
  • Eliza
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is talking about not committing to the first wife, not that you couldn't marry more than once.

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