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arguement ( about money) with my I wrong?

Ok...I am a SAHM and have been for the last 4.5 years. Almost 5 years ago hubby found a van for me with a bad transmission, I bought it with MY money, and he replaced the tranny. I drove it for 4.5 years, and he did the maintenace on it. Since I stay at home with our 2 special needs kids ( 1 autism/possible bi-polar, 1 speech delay) he of course has paid for all the parts, etc out of his paycheck. Just days before Thanksgiving I was in a minor fender bender that totaled my van. The insurance company paid me $1500 for the van. No sooner had I agreed to that and my husband tells me that I should buy him a non-functional vehicle for $500 and he will put a transmission in a vehicle he owns ( that I cannot even drive b/c it is a manual transmission, and I have never learned to drive one) for me to drive. To make a long story short, I found an acceptable vehicle that he said he could fix the problems on. It is the only functional vehicle we have that fits all 3 kids in. It has required some repairs in the time I have owned it ( about a month), and he has done or paid for all of them.

Last night he finally found a buyer for my wrecked vehicle. He did not let me be a part of setting a price or anything--he basically told me he would take care of the details and that was that. So finally after 2 hours of work, he has the money in hand and comes into the I ask for MY money...and he tells me " dont get any...I did all the work and put parts on cars, etc" I tell him I am NOT playing with him and I want my he makes a big show of pulling the money out of his pocket and peeling off $100 for himself and handing me the rest. I told him I wanted ALL of it and he went nuts. Called me all kinds of names and throwing a fit.

The issues are :

1. it was only $500 we got for it

2. I rarely get any money to call my own

3. every time I buy something, even something small, with family funds, I feel like I have to justify buying it. He has in the past had the nerve to ask me "did you buy that with MY money?"

4. He didnt even give me a chance to do something nice for him/us with the money...he just told me that I was lucky if I got ANY of the money since he "earned" it.

was I wrong to feel hurt that he was keeping something that is technically mine? To argue that I should at least get to hold the money before he decided what to do with it...


Deg...I do remind him regularly that his paycheck is mine too since I have made the sacrifice to stay home with the kids and take care of the house.

Tricia...I got $1500 from the insurance, and I spent $1500 on the replacement vehicle--that he drives as much as I do, if not more. And NO...I currently have the entire $500 from the sale last night.

Update 2:

jnjmommy....if you had to justify every bit of money you spent on yourself, you might feel differently. If you were told it wasnt YOUR money to spend because the paycheck didnt have YOUR name on it, you might be singing a different tune.

Update 3:

toxic panda...I dont feel it is hypocrisy when he feels that it is the mom's job to do all the things I do, but I dont even get paid a token amount. For the last 14 years I have been re-arranging my life to make his easier. When I retire, I will have a lower social security payment because I have been home with his children. try googling "the value of a homemaker" and see what you find. My contribution is worth roughly 2x his annual salary if he had to hire someone to do my job.

Update 4:

citygurl...the point is--he did not give me a chance. There are several things I *could* do with the money for the good of the family. I was just asking for the chance to make the choice since I am a grown woman. I probably *would* have given him some money, but I dont like to be ordered to do things.

Update 5:

generally as long as my basic needs are met, I have no issue with not having a regular income. However, when I have to justify the essentials ( like new clothing--cheap stuff even) to him because I take care of the house and kids and do not have an income...then I feel like I should occasionally have some money to spend as I please. When my 14 year old has more money to spend than I do, I have an issue.

Update 6:


The issue is pretty much resolved. He had his time to be mad, and I have the money. He now realizes that all I needed was to be allowed to be responsible and make choices on my own. Yesterday I went out and bought a part needed for the van ( that he will install), some much needed clothing for me, then paid for pizza for dinner last night. Today he has a seminar he is attending, and I gave him enough money for a really nice lunch. This morning we were discussing buying something he wants and going out to a nice dinner ( kid free)

Update 7:

what people are not seeing here is that me getting a job is not an option. I literally have 8 hours a week where I do not have children I am responsible for. Nights and weekends are not possible due to the nature of my husbands job--he has to be on call/work late often. Work expenses and daycare would literally eat up my entire paycheck. Do you know how much it costs *just* for a companion for an autistic child? I can tell you ---it is about $15 an hour. And then there are the days off and the late start days for school for the older 2 kids ( 2 days off AND a late start next week)...and the fact that my 4 year old has half day classes for the next 18 months ( on the bus at 1pm and home at 4pm). Hubby has always wanted me to be home like his mother was for him, but then resents that I am not bringing in money!

14 Answers

  • gatita
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have mulled over your question all day not knowing what to say or how to say it. I seriously believe that the two of you need to seek counseling from a Christian counselor. Marriage is a two way street and must be based upon mutual respect and love. What you have described is a far cry from the type of relationship the Lord intended for his chilldren.

    It is not a case of MY van or MY labor and funds to keep it going. If your husband had to pay you for being a mother to the children that have brought into this world, then would your sacrifice be worth it? If he has maintained the van through the sweat of his brow and the funds for the parts is it worth it? Think about it, marriage is a partnership. It is not always equal, it is not 50-50 sometimes it is unequally balanced. The two of you need to sit down and evaluate where this relationship is going.

    Try to establish the value of your services and then the value of the time and parts that he has supplied to keep the vehicle going. Could you have paid for the parts and labor to a mechanic out of your own pocket. A workman is worthy of his hire. 1 Timothy 5:18, "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer is worthy of his reward."

    Luke 10:7, "And in the same house remain, eating and drinking such things as they give: for the labourer is worthy of his hire. Go not from house to house."

    This applies to men and women alike. Money, like work, must be equally shared. It is NOT MY money or HIS money, but OUR money and the decision about spending must be an equal responsibility. More importantly, is it really our money since it is the Lord is our provider of talent, strength and blessing. He is our Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider. Did both of your actions in any way glorify Him and what affect did this have on your children? Please, for the sake of your family seek Christian counseling and restore the home to the way God intended it to be.

    Blessing in Christ,


    Apostolic Believer In One God, Jesus

    Source(s): KJV Bible 1611
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is a certain hypocrisy when you get pissed at him for saying the money he earns is HIS (and not the families) and than you say you are feeling hurt because he was keeping something that was technically "yours". If HIS income should be the families income than shouldn't the sale of the van ALSO be the families income (and not necessarily just yours?)

    Don't get me wrong, I understand why you are thinking that way. Your husband is obviously selfish & I think deep down he doesn't respect your contributions to the family (which is why he isn't ready to consider his income to be the families income and to be shared upon the needs of ALL family members). He is only viewing things from a financial stand point & thinking to himself that you provide nothing and are basically an expense (and he resents it). He doesn't recognize the work you do with taking care of HIS children nor the other work you may do around the house (and I find that sad).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is rather complicated. Technically he is right but you have your needs. Maybe you should go to a marriage counselor. They really help a lot many times. If your husband was loving you like Christ loves the church perhaps he would just forgive the crash you had which totaled the car but then that's a lot of discouragement to him I can see after all the work he did. Was the accident your fault or the other driver's fault? Try to be loving and respectful to your husband and keep things peaceful. This is not worth a breakup for you and you would be worse off if you two broke up over this minor thing. It is minor compared to the problems you would have without him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you both are acting pretty immature about it. He did do some work on it. So he is entitled to some of it.But he has no right calling you names like a 3 year old. Instead of coming here asking if you were right you two need to make up and have a CALM discussion about money. Also make it clear you will not take the name calling. Money is definitely not the only issue here.....

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  • 1 decade ago

    It should be BOTH your money, not mine or his. Its very disrespectful on both ends to hoard money from each other when you are supposed to be a team and managing your household for everyone. You do work. You work very hard taking care of those kids. If you weren't home with them and out in the work force, you both would be paying a ton in child care. He should be providing for his family...not dangling dollars over your nose like a carrot. Instead of fighting, why dont you two take the money and do something together with it. Either put it in savings, take a weekend vacation with the kids, or just something maybe needed for the house.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you can always suggest that you get a job and he share the parenting of the children. This way, you will have some money to call your own. Its obvious that there isn't enough money in your household, so nothing will change unless you make changes. He wont become more generous, and you will continue to live in poverty, unless you make changes.

  • Trisha
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You sound like a child. It is both of your money, and the van stuff sounds like it should be equally shared. He did put alot of time, money and effort into it for you. What did you do with the other $1000 from the insurance, you don't say. Did you keep that as your money too. Seriously, all the money is his money too and he is right in taking his share.

  • hance
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    you're incorrect. Your mom have been given right into a jam and and you will desire to help out. the undeniable fact which you're sound asleep until eventually a million:00 pm, tells met you haven't any longer have been given any widely used jobs. once you have young infants, you will comprehend which you will no longer invite your infants pal over and then merely enable them to take the bus abode. You have been being slightly egocentric and not expertise that issues ensue and now and back you will desire to paintings late.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Im with yr hubby on this 1 - seems to me hes given you a good taste of yr own medicine & it hasnt gone down too well - sounds to me like yr MY this & My that - yr married for gawd sakes - yr not single anymore & havnt been for sometime considering yv got 3 kids - grow up!! - yr kids probably behave better than that ????

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You both need help. It is not "My" in a marriage. It is ours. He has control issues about money. I can see it has driven you to the point that if you sell something that was "yours", you feel it is your money. Next time he asks if you bought something with "my" money, tell him no, i used "our: money. Without help, i see you living in a miserable marriage,

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