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Will my ex come back for me?

Alright, so I fell in love.

With this amazing boy.

Everything was perfect, or near it.

We were so happy together and his parents loved me.

He never got mad at me, although (me being a girl) I got upset a few times.

We never got into a big fight.

I could tell he loved me just the way he looks at me.

Then, one day, we got into a little argument, and I broke up with him.

I apologized and we started to go back out again.

Then the next day he told me he doesn't feel like he used to about me.

Is this just temporarily or do you think he'll come back to me?

People with experience of this kind of story will be good (:


He's told me he loves me, and he wants to marry me, and have kids with me.

He also said he'd never leave me or hurt me.

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    People say one thing and do another. I got upset with an ex once b/c I was told he was seeing someone else. Guess what happened when I confronted him? Never heard from him again. All of my contacts went ignored, so I had to figure out that it was over. I even tried to get him back. Heard he is still with this "other chic", and that was more than a year ago. So, you win lose some. I stopped holding my breath for him to come back. I would have been kieled over and passed out by now had I continue to wait for him. If someone doesn't want to work on a relationship, and they would rather move on....then so be it! You can't control someone else's actions and choices. Look at it like their loss and know that they will repeat their patterns with someone new.

  • 1 decade ago

    It seems At this stage, that you've gone past a stage which will be difficult to revert. It's highly unlikely that You two will get back together, but with a couple of techniques used by successful relationships, such as mine, you can increase the chances of getting back together.

    Try a 'Couch Talk' It's Quite literally what it says on the box. sit down with him, in preferably an empty room, and talk. try not talk too much about what went wrong, but more of what's to come. Try Regain His Trust. Guys Are Very Protective of their emotions. if they get hurt, even a little, they will Lock it Up. you need to gain his trust Again. If You Know How To Do This, You'll know him deeply enough to know what to say. IF It's Meant To Be, You'll Know What to Do.

    The Very best of luck for you.

    And MOST importantly of all; NEVER GIVE UP!

    Source(s): Personal Experience.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Although it may be hard to hear, I think for now he just needs some space, he obviously wasn't expecting the break up.

    I think the best thing you can do if you really like this guy, especially looking at how much he seems to like you too is to let him go. Concentrate on yourself a bit. Go out with your friends, whatever makes you feel good because you'll probably be missing him a lot. If he loves you enough, and it's meant to be he'll miss you too and come back.

    Good Luck :)

  • 1 decade ago

    I have been on this earth for 50 years, and I can tell you with all of my experiences with boyfriends is never to say anything you don't mean it. Sometimes we break up because we want something from them or for them to say something specifically to make you feel better. To me my dear is manipulation. Men are pretty much straight up and us females are more driven by emotions. Overtime, in a relationship, it changes because we know them better say like their habits that might irk you but that is just being in a relationship. Being in a relationship doesn't mean everything is going to be glorious all the time. The differences will cause conflict and once it is worked out then you move on. Now whether this guy will come back who knows. He probably is getting tired of the drama meaning manipulation. Let him know how you feel and then give him some space to let him think it out.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, but you ruined it. The argument may not have been over something important, but when you broke up with him over it, you showed an aspect of yourself that he finds intolerable. You proved to him that you weren't the person he thought you were. So that's that.

    Learn from this and don't make the same mistake with the next guy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you want him to come back to need to let him go first. Just live your life and make it the best possible. Travel and do some unique things. If you focus on yourself and improve on your life- it will attract him back. Trust me- I've been in similar situations. You have to have something to offer him that he can't do for himself. And this should be the same for you. Don't try to chase him- just step back and watch him come to you.

    Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    if your young, which you are, you should probably just move on. to some extent, you broke his heart, and its hard to ever feel that way again. dont expect him to come back, but if you really love him, dont give up either. give him some breathing room, tell him how you feel, and then let him decide what is best for him, and just accept his decision.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A guy said the whole marrying thing ect to me and he never came back.. no matter what they never feel the same.. "/ xx

  • 1 decade ago

    If it ended over a little argument it wasn't that strong to begin with. He is done with you.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    he wont come back he wants space

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