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Starry Eyes asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

Weight Loss Help Please?

I am a 22 year old female. I weigh 180 lbs and want to get down to 120-130. I have been working out hard for 3 weeks. 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of weigh training. I can't seem to lose any weight though! I am eating tons of vegetables and lots of fruit and high fiber foods. I'm taking a multi vitamin for women and I am just so frustrated and I need to know what I'm doing wrong! I sweat, my heart rate is around 179 when I am working out on the treadmill or elliptical and my resting heart rate is 121. So frustrated! How should I change?

44 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    to lose weight is not just about eating healthy, yeah it is good for you but you need to cut down on your calorie intake. eat at least 500 cals less a day, or at the minimum 1500 a day. u can substitute junk food for fruit,but that only makes you healthier not slimmer, for example a banana has around 170 cals and so does an (average) choc bar.

    thats my advice, been there done that

    good luck :)

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As I just told someone else:

    It really depends on your diet. Exercise is great and needed but it's only 2 of the 3 things in our aresenal to drop body fat effectively. The 2 being lifting weights AND cardio. The third most important thing is our diet. It's 4x more important than both weights and cardio combined.

    If I were your trainer the first place I'd look is your diet. How many calories do you eat each day? How many grams of protein? Grams of fat? Grams of carbs?

    If YOU do not know the answers to those questions, then the reason for your situation is your diet.

    When I design a program, I put them on a HIGH protein MODERATE fats LOW carb diet. For YOU I'd recommend 1500 calories. 650 from protein/650 from fats/200 from carbs.

    Then have them do LOW intensity cardio which is no higher than 130 beats per min. Done after their 45 minute weight lifting session, not before.

    But yes mam, I would bet its your diet.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Well, exercise is a great way to burn off those extra calories. But any exercise has to be combined with eating the all the right foods.

    So first of all to need to make sure you are eating a balanced, low fat diet with:-

    Lean meats (no fat on), poultry (no skin on), fish with scales on (not in batter or breadcrumbs), eggs, low fat dairy products, skimmed milk, sugar free beverages, tea, coffee, eggs, plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, beans & pulses, and non sugary cereals.

    Try to also include as many whole foods as you can into your diet. Such as brown rice, brown pasta, brown bread, beans & pulses. These are high in fiber and will keep you feeling fuller for longer.

    DO KEEP AWAY from ALL JUNK FOODS, ready made meals, (especially the ones you buy from the supermarket), alcohol, sugary fizzy drinks and takeaway meals. These are high in refined sugar and full of saturated fat. The two main ingredients which are responsible for that extra weight gain.

    REMEMBER: JUNK FOOD is just what it says - JUNK. With one added ingredient in - FAT.

    Eat three meals a day. At regular times. Always starting with breakfast. This way you are less likely to indulge in snacks. Try to snack on fresh fruit in between meals, followed by a large glass of water. This is a really good way to make you feel full.

    Sit down to eat your meals. Take time over them. Paying particular attention to what you are eating.

    Make a food journal. I know that this seems rather extreme but it really works. By writing everything down in the journal. It is there to remind you what you have eaten. It is very easy to forget how much food you have eaten in a day.

    As you are doing. Try to MOVE as much as you can. Any EXERCISE will really help to accelerate your weigh loss. As a member at the gym about interval training or Google it. This will really help in your efforts towards your weight loss.

    I know that this works. As I too struggled with my weight for many, many years. But managed to lose 52lbs. This was nearly 4 years ago and I have managed to maintain my weight since then.

    You have a life to live and enjoy. So hang on to the satisfaction of being a comfortable, healthy weight you can maintain.

    But one thing you have to remember is. If, once you do reach your realistic target weight. You can't go back to your old eating habits and activity levels. Otherwise, you WILL put all the weight back on again.

    It is as simple as that.

    I wish you lots of good luck in your quest to lose weight. Hope you have as much success as I have.

  • 5 years ago

    carry a cooler stocked with three bottles of water a six pack four pb js two oranges a bag of tortilla chips and 12 servings of cool cucumber salsa go to womenshealthmag allrecipes com for the recipe for 22 minutes

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    swap out eggs for egg whites when you re craving an omelette

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    if you re cooking food in the microwave chances are you re eating unhealthy packaged foods if you must microwave consider soy chicken patties veggie burgers or steamer vegetables and brown rice

  • ?
    Lv 5
    5 years ago

    Replace chips with salad to cut carbs

  • 5 years ago

    jog on the treadmill at 4 mph for 25 minutes or at 7 mph for 9 minutes

  • 5 years ago

    degrease by scrubbing in the shower for 15 minutes then spend 7 minutes shaving 3 minutes toweling off 4 minutes moisturizing and 20 minutes blow drying and styling your hair

  • 5 years ago

    use the freezer to add some extra oomph to summer foods freeze grapes for some bite sized delights or get a popsicle mold and freeze some greek yogurt with berries

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