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Did national health care crash and burn again?

It appears the Dems are running from National Health care.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    YEP..and rightly so. PROGRESSIVES will try to push it through and say..we will work with it...let's pass anything right now...

    NOPE..DO NOT TRUST THEM. It is time to let it die and take care of problems we really have. IN A YEAR we can try it...but not this one. This one has to be TRASHED and it has to be on TV and OPEN and no deals etc.....

    IT IS TOO SOON to push through ANY PART OF is not trusted and the dems are not trustworthy! DO NOT LET THEM HAVE THEIR FOOT IN THE DOOR....WE ALMOST LOST AMERICA...don't let down your guard..they are counting on that!

    UNKA DANKO.....

    DEMS CBO says only 21 million are uninsured. THey also said this health care bill will LEAVE 54 MILLION UNINSURED while covering illegals and abortions!

    YOUR 40 million is ridiculously FLAWED...and WRONG. IT has been proven are counting illegals in your number.

    IT will also cost 13,000 dollars a PERSON by 2017....that is NOT AFFORDABLE..

    It wasn't the citizens of Mass...but the AMERICAN PEOPLE that spoke. The INDEPENDENTS (democrats) of Mass that said they voted for BOZO...but do not want secrecy, deceit, bribes, partisanship, and LIES! DOES ANYONE LISTEN to the voters after they vote? They TELL you why they vote as they do. IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW WHY..not just that it happened.

    3/4ths of the DEMOCRATS that voted for OBAMA said last night.... ..the country is too far left and it isn't ONLY about health care...but the POLITICS that got it where it is.

    THEY ARE SAYING NO TO PROGRESSIVES....not the democratic party. Do you NOT understand what was REALLY AT STAKE HERE? Are you so BLIND to think only TWO PARTIES were at war here?

    MOST of AMERICA wants smaller government, smaller taxes, better jobs and better responsiblity and defense for our country. They are TIRED of being a laughing stock and taken down a road where there is no return. We had a chance to TURN BACK and take a step back and Independents and AMERICANS in Mass had courage and strength to say.....IT STOPS HERE!

    UNDERSTAND...this is not a war between two parties. THIS IS A WAR FOR AMERICA....and as dramatic as it can live in denial all you want....but most of AMERICA gets it.

    This health care bill has NOTHING IN IT for good health care. TOO MANY PROBLEMS and why you cannot see this is NOT ABOUT HEALTH CARE ...but THE TAKING OVER OF AMERICA is beyond me.

    This health care bill is about control and leaves MORE AMERICANS without care...and will provide illegals with care when 54 MILLION AMERICANS WILL NOT HAVE IT. Do you NOT UNDERSTAND THIS?

    This is NOT about parties....this is not about republicans and democrats....this is not about health care. This is about PROGRESSIVES TAKING OVER AMERICA!

    Want some information to read about what he is really doing? THIS IS FACT AND BACKED UP BY VIDEO OF ACTUALLY HEARINGS.....

    Obama Depopulation Policy Exposed

    Panelists warn of the revival of eugenics under Obama’s modern healthcare through the denial of care to millions who would be judged ‘not fit to live’, just as in Nazi Germany.

    Historian Anton Chaitkin also alleges that Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, in working with Obama, has also called for the Hippocratic oath to be ‘junked.’


    this tells you what we have lost...

    You should watch this by Judge Napolitano! It is how we have allowed power to get our government by the neck and how we have lost rights and freedoms and how our constitution is at risk now.

    We are losing so much even today. The right to be heard, the right to be represented, the right to speak, the right to choose.......and most of that is from THIS ADMINISTRATION! We are losing more in this last year than in a decade!

    Watch this....and understand...where we were...where we are and how we got here. VERY INTERESTING! or democrat progressives....BEWARE! YOU ARE OUT!

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama has promised that there will be change on the issue. The first attempt has failed, the second might, or it might pass. The third attempt or revision will make things better. And it will continue like this for the duration of Obama's presidency.

    Don't you get it? This is Obama's issue. He will work on it for his entire presidency.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    nancy changes her mind as often as she changes her shoes...who knows.

    a few days ago she was touting and spouting that the health care bill will go on and pass.

    now her tune has changed again.

    personally, i think she and others behind the closed door knew it was a bad proposal, said nothing for months and made it seem as if it was the republicans' fault all along.

    i just don't trust her to tell the truth on anything.

    hey, it's JMO

  • 1 decade ago

    The Irony of Massachusetts (of all places!) saving America from a Commie takeover is profound.

    Answer: yes.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't count out an irrational move. Pelosi and Reid know they are finished becasuse of this.

    The Obama bus is heading for them at full speed. Reid is out anyways. Pelosi will get a few months and then we will see moves to get her to step down.

    She knows that. What will she do?

  • Mike S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, its merely in hiatus until the dictators in the house and senate figure out how to resurrect it with some semblance of at least appearing to be bi partisan. Good luck to you

  • Bub
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Yes, I believe the Gop has been successful once again in keeping any meaningful healthcare reform from happening.

    The Gop, the party of NO, has accomplished a wonderful thing, NO?


  • 1 decade ago

    Reform isn't a bad thing. No one disagrees that some reform is needed, just not this huge tax increasing, not covering everyone, sweetheart deals, closed door meetings, union pandering healthcare bill.

    Oh, I forgot Medicare slashing

  • Americans don't want government health care

    Hopefully liberals will get the message this time

  • 1 decade ago

    Yup. Peace

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