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Lv 4
VC asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Why does Obama think he can fix capitalism with socialism?

I know that our capitalist system has been hi jacked by big business, banks, politicians, and most importantly the Federal Reserve Bank. These entities have made capitalism into Crony Capitalism! Capitalism is the best system in the world regardless of what anyone says, just look at what people in this country can accomplish compared to those in socialist country's?

We do not need to reinvent the wheel, we just need to clean house and get rid of the corruption in Washington. If we audit the Fed and let the people speak we can once again have true Free Markets!

Why does Obama want to bring everyone down to the same level?

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There is no socialism.

    Obama is one of the sellouts for big business. He's the one with the bailouts and the bonus's

    Socialism is a return of power to the people- Obama is NOT FOR THAT

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Capitalism does not would desire to be fastened, it is not broken. In a loose industry, industry forces will perfect suited themselves. there will be winners and losers. Governments efforts to step in and to objective to guard the losers distorts the markets and provides the effect of failure. inspect GM as an occasion. the government rescue is a distortion of the industry. If the business business enterprise became allowed to fail there could have been others to step in and purchase and make investments interior the sources and build the automobiles making use of a different and doubtless extra effective attitude. undesirable recommendations and operations fail, stable ones prevail. the government, with the aid of rescuing the business business enterprise, rewarded a undesirable business business enterprise and for this reason has given the business business enterprise no genuine incentive to alter. only inspect the main modern disaster. the government involvement interior the housing industry created distortions that the industry tried to react to. The distortions became so super that the entire industry collapsed, no longer as a results of capitalism, yet as a results of government impact.

  • 1 decade ago

    In Canada there is a mixture of both socialism and capitalism and every year the United Nations place it in the first three countries among 179 for their quality of life and low crime rate.


  • BruceN
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Capitalism and Socialism are obsolete 19th century concepts that kids learn about in school. They are only theories, and no nation ever practiced either in its pure form for very long.

    Obama is a Harvard educated Constitutional Law professor who earned $2,656,902 last year. He doesn't think in simplistic terms. He looks at the specific problems we actually have in our complex hybrid global free-market economy, and proposes specific practical legislative solutions he thinks will work.

    Then the political pundits (who aren't idiots, but only play them on TV) try to put these initiatives into simple terms and support their particular viewpoint by using words they think you will have a favorable or negative opinion about.

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  • 1 decade ago

    He is a Marxist. Marxists believe that capitalism is evil and only Socialism or Communism is the answer. Read "The Communist Manifesto" and see if it doesn't parallel Obama's ideas of government takeover of banks and businesses.

  • Socialism is just another big business program. The government is basically saying that they don't want anyone more powerful than them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you are right, but wait a minute, what is the name of that socialist country that is eating us alive economicaly? Oh, yeah Communist China.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    A mixed economy is the perfect balance.

    We don't want pure capitalism nor do we want pure socialism...

    but a balance between the two.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He's a Fascist dicatator wanna-be

    Socialism is a stepping stone for Fascism and Communism.

    It will always end badly

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Capitalism is the road to socialism." George Bernard Shaw

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