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Anonymous asked in Pregnancy & ParentingTrying to Conceive · 1 decade ago


How Can I Stop Being So Jealous Of People Who Are Getting Their BFPs Or Having Their Babies?

I Am Genuinely Happy For Them But At The Same Time Wish Sooooo Badly That It Was My Turn (Acting Like A Spoilt Brat! Lol)

Does This Feeling Ever Go Away? Or Will It Only Go When I Get My BFP Again?

Oh, Also If I Got A Positive OPK Two Days Ago And Again Yesterday When Should I Expect My Period?


Lol about the caps. It's an application that I have on my PC that lets me do I thought I would try it out.

Turns out that I hate it's so hard to read!

Update 2:

I was trying for 17months and had a miscarriage a few weeks ago. So now back TTC...Month 18! What a bloody journey! xxx

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Awww hun, I am so sorry that you are going through a tough time at the moment. I know how much you want a baby and I am so happy that you are not giving up.

    Truth is, as long as you desperatly want to be a mummy I don't think that you will stop being jealous. And if I am honest I think you have every right to be jealous and wish that it was you.

    You know what it is like to get a BFP and it is so normal that you want that again.

    Don't beat yourself for feeling like you feel.

    As you know, I was desperate for a baby and i thank God every day that it happened and that i have nevr suffered a miscarriage. But when i was trying every time one of my contacts got a BFP or when my friend got pregnant i would break down in tears and feel so jealous of them, to the point where i would look at thier scan pics on facebook and wonder what i had done to deserve the pain i was in.

    I can't speak for a miscarriage as I do not know how that feels but for TTC the good news is that the pain does go away. You never forget it, and I am sure you will never forget the baby you lost. Nor should you. But you will be happy again. Promise. Maybe you have to get that BFP before you feel happy again but look forward to it.

    If you got a positive OPK yesterday you are probably ovulating today or tommorow. So I would expect your period within 14 days. To be honest I would be testing within 12 days!

    I wish I could give you a hug because you sound like you need one. Grab little Aimee and give her the biggest squeeze. Above all try and believe that your pain is temoporary and that you will have your new baby in your arms so soon. You just have to wait to find out when!

  • 1 decade ago

    I now what you are saying.. That does suck so badly, but you also have to think (EVEN though I am sure you don't want to hear this, but I kept thinking this when I was trying to get pregnant.. At least you do have a little girl.. there are SO many people that haven't even had one kid yet and trying! That is how I thought anyways...)

    But I DO completely understand that you want to build up your family. We tried for EXACTLY 12 months ( A YEAR!!) to get pregnant and nothing happened. It put stress on our relationship and he just started fighting with me for no reason at all.. But after a year it did happen and now I sit here 8 months pregnant with another boy! (I have an eight year old son already...)

    It will happen, it just takes time.. But the time can take forever!

    I had that little jealous feeling the whole time.. I was always thinking in my head, why can't it be me, too! But I was ALWAYS happy for them, I just wanted it to be me, too and some people gets pregnant so easy, like I did with my first one.. Then you see all of these teenagers and druggies getting knocked up right after giving birth.. That is what makes me sick!

    How long have you been trying? If it isn't long, then you might get pregnant soon or have a little ways to go.. What is crazy, I bet if we didn't want another kid so badly, we could have got pregnant so easily! We quit trying after about six or seven months hard and quit thinking about it and it happened a few months later.. So, just don't give up! :)


    Oh, I have to ask you.. Is it harder typing like that with all capital letters at the beginning? I never understood that.. I can type 85 words a minute, but that would take me forever! lol..

    Source(s): Why in the hell is someone thumbs downing good answers for? That is stupid... I am going to go and thumbs up you guys, because people are stupid on here.. lol.
  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry for your loss. It's only natural to feel jealous or resentful to those who are pregnant or having babies. The hardest thing for me to take was when men or women (trying to make me feel better) would tell me my time would come. When it happens it will happen. Even more aggravating is most of these people only took a year maybe two years tops to have children. It took us 6-7 years of faithful trying and only had my baby two years ago. We lost a child in early month in 2000 and were not able to have another until 2007. We lost so much hope along the way. Now I have another child who is six months tomorrow. A boy and a girl who we are so blessed to have. That what you call jealousy isn't exactly jealousy that they have children. It's more hurt and anger that you know you would love to hold a child in your arms. That you know you could nurture that child, but all you have is emptiness. Not that you don't love those around you, but you always find something missing. Making things even worse for you is the fact that you know you had one that was coming. I hope you have your time soon. I also hope you are able to heal from your loss. Good luck to you. Know that you are not alone in this. Many women who have had difficulties or losses understand how you feel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Awww hunny **HUGS** (",)

    The only thing that will make it go away is another BFP. i felt the exact same as you until i got mine. I think when you have been trying for as long as you have then it really does get to you and everywhere you look there is a pregnant woman in front of you lol.

    So what if your acting like a spoilt brat - i think your entitled too right now sweetie (",)

    Hmm... if you got a positive OPK two days ago and yesterday i would wait about 14days to test i know that sounds ages n ages away but hopefully it will be another BFP cos remeber we were to do this together (",)

    Good luck chicken, my fingers toes and eyes and crossed for you this month.

    xxxxx D

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  • 1 decade ago

    I know exactly how you feel, i get jealous when other people get a BFP but more jealous of those who get's a BFP but didn't want a baby in the first place. I can see it's harder for you as you've not long had a miscarriage. You will get pregnant soon.

    Loads of baby dust to you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey hun!!

    It's mother nature for you, I've only just given birth yet I'm jealous of those TTC or pregnant :S

    Even though i could not cope with another.

    That feeling will go when you get your BFP but it will be back after birth - I think, either that or I am just an idiot lol

    Hope you are wel xxx

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was feeling jealous on Sunday when I found out that my husbands brother and his fiance were 5 weeks pregnant with their first baby.

    I got married 6 months ago and we have been trying since then for our first. I just got really irrational and was so annoyed that they weren't even married yet they were having a baby.

    Now I look back on it and only 1 day on from then I already see how silly I was being.

    I am sure that our time will come and if it takes a while I will have a lovely neice or nephew to spoil and get some practise with :)

    Baby dust to all ttc xxx

  • 1 decade ago

    I wish i could say it gets easier, but after 3 years it wasn't until i actually got a BFP that i let go of them demons.

    I remember thinking 'they don't deserve it' but sometimes i would be genuinely happy when i heard about couples going through IVF who finally got their baby.

    Im thankful i never had to go through miscarriage that would have finished me off, so i think your very brave and strong to survive that.

    Just remember your time is just around the corner!

    Have you been to see your GP yet?

    Don't let your age put you off.

    If your OPK's are still showing positive then make sure you BD at least until they show negative again and for 48 hours after.

    You should expect your period is no less then 12 days after your OPK's show negative.

    Baby dust to you!!!!! xxxxxxx

    Source(s): 41+2 weeks with no2
  • 1 decade ago

    it's common and wont go away until you get yours or stop trying, at least that's how it was for me, your time will come again, this is the hard part, the waiting, 1 year from now I am positive, you'll either being holding a baby or be close to delivering and giving advice to others in your position, best luck

  • 1 decade ago

    I know how you feel;; I really hate being jealous

    My boyfriend & I have been ttc for a year & three months & nothing

    a couple months back we found out his sister is pregnant, she didn't even want a baby, which really makes me mad. I will always be jealous about that & probably even more jealous when the baby is born in March

    You just gotta try not to be jealous, I try every day not to be & I am improving on not being so jealous that much

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